• 评估神经细胞变化指标检测:采用显微荧光分光光度计测定细胞老化指标褐素水平相对荧光反映细胞老化程度

    The evaluation of nerve cell aging index: The level of lipofuscin (relative fluorescent value) index of cells aging was detected by micro-spectrofluorometer to reflect the degree of cell aging;


  • 广钢进入炉龄晚期高炉炉体破损设备老化技术经济指标恶化安全生产受到威胁,对高炉大修刻不容缓

    It is urgently needed to overhaul two blast furnaces in GIS for their terminal campaign, damaged furnace-body, aged equipment, worse technical and economic index and low safety guarantee.


  • 质量变化指标表征沥青短期老化性能时尚存在不足

    There are some deficiencies about the mass change index in characterizing the short term anti-aging performance.


  • 根据引黄涵闸工程的特点提出老化概念建立评价指标体系

    According to the characteristics of culverts and sluice gates in the Yellow River, the paper puts forward concept of ageing and sets up a system of evaluation indexes.


  • 压缩永久变形压缩应力松弛性能指标进行经验直线化外推估算,得出特定温度下性能老化时间变化的动力学经验估算方程。

    With calculating property index of compression set and stress relaxation, it obtains a calculation formulation that property changes along with aging time at the special temperature.


  • 压缩应力松弛系数作为老化性能变化指标,得出性能老化时间温度变化动力学曲线

    The kinetic curves properties response aging time and temperature were obtained with the coefficient of compression stress relaxation as index of aging property change.


  • 较短端粒认为较快老化指标

    Shorter telomeres are thought to be an indicator of faster ageing.


  • 目的开展背部皮肤老化形态学定量评价指标研究客观评价皮肤老化提供手段。

    Objective To develop a morphology research on the quantitative evaluation indexes for skin aging of the dorsal hand.


  • 湿热老化建筑结构重要性能指标,正在受到越来越关注

    Wet and heat ageing resistance is one of the most important properties of the building structural adhesives to which has been paid more attention recently.


  • 采用沥青薄膜加热试验紫外线老化试验,对沥青的入度、软化延度和粘度性能指标进行了试验研究。

    By thin film oven test and ultraviolet photooxidation test, asphalt performance indices were studied, including penetration, softening point, ductility and viscosity.


  • 本文介绍了交联聚乙烯电力电缆老化机理含水树电缆的绝缘特性分析了交联聚乙烯电缆连接温度指标重要性及其水树的关系

    This paper introduces water tree aging theory of XLPE cables and insulated characteristic of water tree aged XLPE cables. Temperature of XLPE cable joint and relation with water tree are analyzed.


  • 对经过不同程度老化沥青进行常规的三大指标试验粘度试验,探讨老化沥青胶结料常规指标影响,建立了耦合老化效应的沥青胶结料粘温方程。

    It was studied that the effects of aging on conventional index of asphalt binder by testing the penetration, softening point, ductility and viscosity on the PAV residue.


  • 现行规范只有评价沥青短期老化指标,而在使用期间老化没有相应评价方法

    In the current specifications, there are indexes used to assess asphalt aging-resistant performance in short term only and there is no corresponding method to evaluate the aging in operation period.


  • 不同面包制作面包同种面包粉制作老化面包的感官评定指标仪器测定指标进行相关性研究。

    The correlation of sensory evaluation and instrumental test for the bread made in different flours and the aging bread were studied in this paper.


  • 本文介绍种以“52基材,以防老化聚乙烯复合新型急救包包装材料——防老化聚乙烯复合布的研究情况及其主要性能指标

    A new packing material for the first aid dressing is reported. This material is compo sed of "52" cloth and aging-inhibiting polyethylene film. The characteristics of this composite cloth are given.


  • 针对即食方便米饭贮存过程中易老化问题,以糊化度为实验指标研究水分含量、贮存时间、淀粉外支链链长分布老化影响

    This paper reported the producing technology of blending cereal by twin_screw extruder and studied the effects of moisture content, extrusion temperature and screw speed on the gelatinization.


  • 针对即食方便米饭贮存过程中易老化问题,以糊化度为实验指标研究水分含量、贮存时间、淀粉外支链链长分布老化影响

    This paper reported the producing technology of blending cereal by twin_screw extruder and studied the effects of moisture content, extrusion temperature and screw speed on the gelatinization.


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