• 目的评价横断颈前甲状腺大部切除术在临床应用中的优缺点

    Objective: to evaluate the clinical outcome of subtotal thyroidectomy by an approach without transection of anterior cervical muscle group.


  • 方法回顾性分析192采用横断颈前与168例采用横断颈前肌甲状腺大部切除术病人作对比分析

    Methods: 192 patients who underwent subtotal thyroidectomy by an approach without transection of anterior cervical muscle group were retrospectively analyzed.


  • 得意失意,你兴奋、你压抑,你成功、你失败,你、你,你选择还是勉为其难,都这本书里找到答案。

    You may find your way out in this book no matter whether you are disappointed or pleased, excited or depressed, successful or failed, in a group or alone, able to manage or contriving with difficulty.


  • 将之称赞高效”“简化委婉之辞,更不必还有点令人毛骨悚然群行私刑的暴民就能进高效的决策没人希望推广这种模式)。

    Praising this asefficient” or “streamlinedis a euphemism, not to mention slightly creepy (a lynch-mob makes streamlined decisions, but nobody wants to copy that).


  • 糟糕是,创造足够多佣金满足这样募集规模紧张,而价格会被拉低

    Worse still, to generate the amount of commissions needed to satisfy such a large pool of Banks, the offering size may be stretched and the price diminished.


  • 据说郊外个会神迹哈吉故此成了一个朝觐的中心聚集了一有病

    The Haji who lived at the outskirts of the town was said to perform miracles, so his home was a center of pilgrimage for large crowds of sick people.


  • 自从发现法国“不二价”(Monoprix)超市现金保管系统一个缺陷后,这创造力的窃贼就开始大肆窃。

    The innovative group of bandits found a weakness in French supermarket Monoprix's system of storing cash, and have been exploiting it ever since.


  • EngineYard第二很快塞满了第三正在建设中客户需要在等待列表中等上周才

    Engine Yard's second cluster filled up fast, and a third is under construction, with new customers currently being placed on a multi-week waiting list.


  • 劫匪Mare Street街上闯进一间Boots眼镜捣毁墙上的展示架,抓了一大把眼镜仓皇而逃。

    A group of looters smashed their way into a Boots optician in Mare Street, wrenched shelves off the wall and made away with fistfuls of spectacles.


  • 有一动物(包括了人类其他现存世界灵长类祖先变成了昼性动物,散布到森林里头,果实纳为重要的食物。

    One group—among which were the progenitors of humans and the other Old World primates living today—took up a diurnal life, spread out into the trees, and made fruit an important part of their diet.


  • 胚胎干细胞注射的退变椎间盘出现了新生脊索细胞

    New notochordal cell populations were seen in degenerated discs injected with ESCs.


  • 苏育会长、郑雅宁秘书长会见来访台北进出口商业同业公会秘书长黄俊国一

    Su Yuqun, Chairman of CCPIT Xiamen and Zheng Yaning, Secretary-General of CCPIT Xiamen met with Huang Junguo, Secretary-General of Importers and Exporters Association of Taipei.


  • 偏移图像套用其中同一中的每个每一偏移图像用相同极性显示

    The offset pattern is applied on the frames, wherein the offset pattern is displayed at the same polarity in the same column of each frame in the same group.


  • 现在大家知道冥王星及其卫星只是被称作伊伯天体较大例子,和太阳系其他不同,不是所在区域唯一星。

    Instead of being the only planet in its region, like the rest of the Solar System, Pluto and its moons are now known to be just a large example of a collection of objects called the Kuiper Belt.


  • 来自吸血鬼猎人D创作者地秀的最新电影作品,讲述了一小学生神秘失踪,但却在35年后雨天再次出现!

    From the mind of "Vampire Hunter D" creator Hideyuki Kikuchi comes a new film about a group of children that dissappears, only to return one rainy day 35 years later!


  • 然而特定患者中对评分方式进验证,如手术切除患者,此类人代表少数HCC患者。

    However, the score has only been validated in a specific population of patients, i. e. candidates for surgical resection, which represents a minority of HCC patients.


  • 八6听见了,又看见腓利神迹,就同心合意注意所说的话。

    Acts 8:6 and the crowds gave heed with one accord to the things said by Philip as they heard and saw the signs which he did.


  • 出租车司机——在一伙伴唯一的女性。

    A woman taxi driver - the only woman, for that matter, among a large crowd of her male counterparts.


  • 不死之身傀儡人一陷入苦战。

    Puppet of a group of immortal soldiers, to Naruto, a pedestrian into a bitter struggle.


  • 最后一与前面数拙劣诗句相比,显得鹤立鸡老师似曾相识

    In this last line so incongruously good on the heels of its outrageous precursor the teacher sensed a familiar ring.


  • 第一说明了辅音情况,第二词尾辅音省略的情况,第三给出的是词尾辅音需要表示的情况。

    The first line illustrates consonant clusters, the second line shows ending consonants that are omitted, and the third line gives examples of ending consonants that are written.


  • 都市侠盗类似现代罗宾汉十一罗汉》的综合体讲述各怀绝技飞天大盗侠仗义故事

    "City Grand Theft Auto" like a modern version of Robin Hood and "Ocean" s Eleven, "the complex, about a group of stunt flying thief Face chivalric story."


  • 2008年3月最好每日。一巴布亚企鹅排成一为了第一次泰然自若的跳进海洋

    Photo of the Day: Best of March 2008 Poised to plunge belly-first into the ocean, a colony of gentoo penguins lines up for a dip.


  • 指定工作区域内,以生现有涂料油墨客户为基础,用商业技术手段提高现有产品和未来产品销售

    To promote sales for Sang Hing Hong existing and future product ranges on a commercial and technical basis to an established customer base in the ink and plastic industry in a designated territory.


  • 指定工作区域内,以生现有涂料油墨客户为基础,用商业技术手段提高现有产品和未来产品销售

    To promote sales for Sang Hing Hong existing and future product ranges on a commercial and technical basis to an established customer base in the ink and plastic industry in a designated territory.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定