• 那条小路把他们到了杂乱拥挤附属建筑

    The track led them to a huddle of outbuildings.


  • 死亡沙漠平原,是加利福尼亚干涸四周环绕,沙漠的地面上巨大的岩石有些重达数百

    Death valley is this desert plain, a dry lake bed in California surrounded by mountains and on the desert floor these huge rocks, some of them hundreds of pounds.


  • 现在当那些悬崖上富豪们看到更小也更远的风车应该不会还有那么强烈的视觉冲击了。

    The somewhat smaller, more-distant installation should reduce the visual impact.


  • 因此24小时那个参议员参加了一心满意足灵魂在各云彩上活动,玩竖琴唱歌中结束了。

    So, 24 hours pass with the senator joining a group of contented souls moving from cloud to cloud, playing the harp and singing.


  • 海鸥共四千只,被刚才发生吓得目瞪口呆;一霎时,魔鬼”的声音他们中间爆发,声势浩大,犹如大海上起了风暴

    There were four thousand gulls in the crowd, frightened at what had happened, and the cry DEVIL! Went through them like the wind of an ocean storm.


  • 现在看见她前面展开陆地和一蔚蓝色高山,山顶闪耀着的白雪看起来睡着的天鹅

    Presently they came in sight of land; she saw lofty blue mountains, on which the white snow rested as if a flock of swans were lying upon them.


  • 以后几天其他海鸥的样儿;他作了认真的尝试一道围绕码头渔船嘎嘎叫着争食吃,扎到海里抢点儿面包和烂

    For the next few days he tried to behave like the other gulls; he really tried, screeching and fighting with the flock around the piers and fishing boats, diving on scraps of fish and bread.


  • 天晚上公牛聚集所在池塘对面十月月光下,在一宁静原始的非洲草原……

    One evening a herd of bulls gathered across the water from me, rising above their reflections under an October moon, in a primeval scene of ancient Africa...


  • 一部纪录“南京路”,描绘了一上海街道拾荒者,该于2006年奥地利维也纳首映

    His first documentary was "street Life," a portrait of recyclers on the streets of Shanghai, which had its premiere at the Viennale in Austria in 2006.


  • 画中宁静湖泊四周环绕,而湖泊就是一面完美镜子

    One picture was of a calm lake. The lake was a perfect mirror for peaceful towering mountains all around it.


  • 机场紧锁门前我们发现,机场的站漆黑,里面没有人影走动。

    Outside the locked gates of the airport we found a crowd. The airport hut was dark; nothing moved.


  • 随着“社会反对声中开展,保守党名誉受损,被描绘成没心没肺只顾经济利益的人。

    The Big Society evolved in opposition as the Conservatives sought to slough off their reputation as a heartless bunch, fixated only on economic outcomes.


  • 某个郊外别墅区停车场夜晚组员们把汽油洒到棵树四周再连成一,最后完美的点燃

    And one night in an uptown square park, another group of men floured gasoline around every tree and from tree to tree and set a perfect little forest fire.


  • 平日里,无论是阳光灿烂还是细雨蒙蒙,法兰克福都会有36幼儿园小孩走进郊外的一森林,在那里唱歌、燃起篝火或者在泥地里打滚。

    Each weekday, come rain or shine, a group of children, ages 3 to 6, walk into a forest outside Frankfurt to sing songs, build fires and roll in the mud.


  • 我们湖边的阴影处现身出来,穿越低矮灰色沙丘以后,首先迎接我们是一位阿法男孩一位阿法尔女孩以及他们放牧

    We emerged from the shade of the lake fringe and crossed some low, gray sand dunes. Soon an Afar boy and girl came with their herd of goats to investigate.


  • 秒钟之内在四周的一尖叫声中,轮胎冒烟速度,表演"面包圈"旋转以及手刹过弯

    In a few seconds she will be screeching around vicious corners at speeds that send up smoke from the tires, performingdoughnutspins and hand-brake turns.


  • 发现那些潜藏在深海、偷偷隐躲鱼类同时团队这样的海洋深度下第一次发现了鳗鱼称为脚类动物的甲壳动物食者。

    As well as the reclusive, skulking fish, the team also found large groups of cusk-eels and crustacean scavengers called amphipods at these depths for the first time.


  • 本该宏大建筑然而正如经常发生的一样,因为资金不足未能完工

    It was supposed to be a great complex of buildings but, as often happens, it wasn't finished because of the lack of money.


  • 接下来45分钟里,忙着与好奇生物做游戏这个游戏里,她马尾藻当做磨牙玩具一样,扔出去让海豚用嘴接住,再送回来。

    For the next 45 minutes, she engages the curious creatures in a game of keep-away, using a piece of Sargassum seaweed like a dog's chew toy.


  • 如果暴雪真的将《虫之心》定位为资料的话可能必须安装《自由之翼》。

    If Blizzard really does treat it like an expansion, then it might require owning Wings of Liberty.


  • 正当它们快乐采摘鲜花编织花环的时候,膘肥体壮的来到草地上,欧罗巴一眼看见牛中那一只高贵华丽的金牛

    When they picked up flowers and happily wove garlands, a large and strong ox came to them. Europa was soon attracted by this noble and fabulous-looking animal.


  • 不论年龄大小,有趣好玩地方总是孩子们玩耍的天地:可以是开阔的场地有一处迷宫或石,或有野生鸟兽

    Kids of all ages love interesting places: acres of grounds to explore; maybe features such as a labyrinth or a stone circle or two; even the possibility of spotting wildlife.


  • 真是太刺激疯狂了,”说道,“看着研究人员跑去地完一森林。”

    It's pretty darn exciting, and a bit crazy”, she says, “to see a bunch of researchers running around burning down a forest.


  • 澳大利亚海狮在霍普金茂盛的海草水域休息玩耍。

    A group of Australian sea lions relax and frolic in a sea grass meadow near Little Hopkins Island, South Australia.


  • 最后与此事件有关迫使司徒维桑特将的脆重新拼接起来大声朗读出来。

    A concerned crowd eventually forced Stuyvesant to piece the letter back together and read it aloud.


  • 周围上帝招来一嘲笑。

    "---As many of those who did not believe in God were standing around just then, he provoked much laughter.


  • 牛仔裤T恤,平克斯轻松地Zynga的新员工——穿着连帽风衣20多岁的工程师产品经理——打成一

    Clad in jeans and a T-shirt, Mr. Pincus could easily blend in with Zynga's new recruits, a group of hoodie-wearing, 20-something engineers and product managers.


  • 牛仔裤T恤,平克斯轻松地Zynga的新员工——穿着连帽风衣20多岁的工程师产品经理——打成一

    Clad in jeans and a T-shirt, Mr. Pincus could easily blend in with Zynga's new recruits, a group of hoodie-wearing, 20-something engineers and product managers.


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