• 伟大卡洛斯·得出结论,两者截然不同翠绿茶。

    The great Carolus Linnaeus concluded that the two were distinct taxa: Thea viridis and Thea bohea.


  • 尼克·雷明25岁来自布鲁克驻扎第一反抗者中的员,周日早上呆在公园

    Nick Lemmin, 25, of Brooklyn, was spending his first night at the encampment. He was one of a handful of protesters still at the park early Sunday.


  • 小胖儿自己的成名之路印证了一个事实,就是一个无论他的外表如何,他都能获得成功

    Lin Yu Chun, known as Little Fatty, said his rise to stardom proves that just about anyone - no matter what they look like - can succeed.


  • 2007年,《标准周刊》资深编辑访问阿拉斯加州享受奢华之旅进行巡回演讲莎拉·官邸热情款待了他们

    In 2007 a clutch of its senior editors, visiting Alaska for a luxury cruise and lecture tour, were entertained by Sarah Palin in her governor's mansion.


  • 地面混乱之中停留一会儿然后跟着走过布鲁克大桥。

    She remained in the chaos at "Ground Zero" for ashort time and then followed a crowd of people walking across the BrooklynBridge.


  • 这部电影来源于真实故事:一西多会修生默默无闻地住阿尔及利亚山脉提笔修道院里,周围乡亲们

    Based on a true story, it follows a group of Cistercian monks, living modestly among poor villagers in the little Tibhirine monastery in the Algerian Atlas Mountains.


  • 德曼法裔加拿大人表演重现了采热时代的生活

    At Lindeman a group of French - Canadians was living out a reality-show recreation of the gold rush.


  • 然而正在此时地铁驶入了鲍·开了乘客蜂拥而入,一眨眼不见了

    Just then the train pulled into the Bowling Green station. The doors opened, a rush of humanity swarmed in, and then suddenly, she was gone.


  • 48姚民平遥土著最近下午,他带着一外国参观者游览古城。 “城里老一辈伤心不安

    The older people of the town were sad and upset, ” said Yao Minlin, 48, a native of Pingyao who led a couple of foreign visitors through the alleyways one recent afternoon.


  • “布鲁克单词结尾R音,”小李周六热狗时候发现的这顾客饥肠辘辘,当中许多用布鲁克口音

    "They do not pronounce the r's at the end of the word," Ms. Li observed as she served up hot dogs on Saturday to a throng of hungry customers, many of whom placed their orders in Kings County dialect.


  • 克里斯·斯特教授伦敦自然史博物馆研究人类起源专家表示赞同马里恩教授关于早期智力演化意见。但他说,他并不认同现代人类均起源于同一人的观点。

    Professor Chris Stringer, a human origins expert at the Natural History Museum in London, said he agreed with Professor Marean's views on the early evolution of intelligence.


  • 美国动物管理服务组织的官员表示周一(7月31日)发现这一猫后,他们将天之内大部分搬走

    Monday's seizure represented the largest number of cats removed from a residence in several years, according to officials with Orange County Animal Control Services.


  • 莱契·德,飞行有没有到这样的程度,以致宽恕努力学习有朝一日回到他们中间去,帮助他们提高认识

    Fletcher Lynd Seagull, do you want to fly so much that you will forgive the Flock, and learn, and go back to them one day and work to help them know?


  • 刘泽猫咪爱好者微信家里位主子顿吐槽,但是告知两只猫咪行为同样毛色的猫科动物中典型

    After she had complained about her two cats in a WeChat group for cat lovers, Liu was told that the behavior of her cats was typical of felines with their coat color.


  • 海鸥弗莱契?年纪已经明白没有哪只鸟儿曾经从自己里受到过那么粗暴、那么不公正的待。

    Fletcher Lynd Seagull was still quite young, but already he knew that no bird had ever been so harshly treated by any Flock, or with so much injustice.


  • 我们请来一位羽毛球教练一些资深球加入。”就读于长春师范大学英语专业叶思

    "We have invited a badminton coach and some veteran players to join the group, " said the English major at Changchun Normal University.


  • 490:榕树可以独树成已有气质,若是榕树更具意境了。

    Photo 490: The view of banians is appealing with an artistic conception.


  • 伍德歌手受人们欢迎的歌手。

    The Greenwood Boys are a group of popular singers.


  • 香港无线电视台称台湾版苏珊?伊尔”、“样貌普通,身材不高”,被称为“小胖”的告诉记者说,拿苏珊大妈相比,我觉得很光荣。

    TVBS referred to him as "Taiwan's Susan Boyle", describing him as "plain-looking and short", but Lin, who has the nickname "Little Fatty", told reporters the comparison made him proud.


  • 就像苏格兰歌手苏珊大妈一样,不是想象中的那种正常感觉明星――他矮小身材偏胖有着布丁发型”,打着红色蝴蝶领结

    Like Scottish singer Susan Boyle, he is not your usual star - Lin is short, chubby, has a pudding-bowl hairstyle and wears a red bow tie.


  • 精油组分变量分析得到汶川县的人工与其它居相似性最小。

    Multivariate analysis of the component data indicate that population Wenchuan is the most distinct.


  • 精油组分变量分析得到汶川县的人工与其它居相似性最小。

    Multivariate analysis of the component data indicate that population Wenchuan is the most distinct.


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