• 研究发现每年都有歌声那里传到另一那里,从澳大利亚属波利尼西亚

    A study finds that each year, songs spread from one group of humpback whales to another, moving eastward from Australia to French Polynesia.


  • 正在建造巨大色建筑

    A group of men are erecting a monstrous copper edifice.


  • 2015年,来自中国西班牙选手创造了一项世界纪录:一

    In 2015, a group of players from China and Spain set a world record: a nine person high human tower.


  • 小山走过坐在酒吧外国人

    Walking down a hill I pass by a group of expats in a bar.


  • 位身材魁梧的老者率领到一陡峭山峰答应告诉他们生活秘密奇迹

    A burly old man led his own flock up a steep mountain promising them the secret of life and its miracles.


  • 医院门前聚集一小一些人等待受伤亲属消息,一些人这里来是因为医院建筑还有

    A small group of people gathered in front of the hospital, including some awaiting information on injured relatives and others drawn to one of the few buildings with electricity.


  • 每一宏伟金字塔这个包含宫殿神庙太阳帆船地窖其他众多特色的古墓一部分

    Each massive pyramid is but one part of a larger complex, including a palace, temples, solar boat pits, and other features.


  • 仙女星系距银河最近的巨型旋涡星系,以其所在仙女命名同时称为M31,它是本星系最大成员。

    The nearest major spiral galaxy to the Milky Way, Andromeda, named after its constellation and also known as M31, is the largest galaxy in the Local Group of Galaxies.


  • 该剧讲坠机生还者受困于神秘岛屿之后的故事,融合了肥皂剧科幻的元素。

    Set on a mystical island after a group of plane-crash survivors are stranded, the show mixes soap opera and sci-fi.


  • 堪萨斯州小城车站里,一市民站在月台上等候着夜班车到来趟车已经晚点二十分钟了。

    A group of the townspeople stood on the station siding of a little Kansas town, awaiting the coming of the night train, which was already twenty minutes overdue.


  • 周三菲律宾议员登上了一菲律宾占据岛屿,以确认菲律宾对该岛主权此事凸显了地区发生冲突风险

    The risk of conflict in the region was underscored Wednesday when a group of Filipino lawmakers traveled to a Philippine-occupied island to affirm their country's claims there.


  • 亲戚们用船把他送到合浦县精神病院。 这是毫无规划,摇摇欲坠的建筑,位于离村子最近北海市郊区。

    Relatives ferried Mr. Yang to the Hepu County Psychiatric Hospital, a sprawling, ramshackle collection of one-story buildings outside Beihai, the closest city.


  • 路上小山浮现,落日白面毛的赫里福德牛悠闲地着草。

    At one hilltop rise in the road, a herd of imposing white-faced, red Herefords graze under what is now a fall sun.


  • 巨大美丽的旋涡星系ngc 10556000万光年远一个星系主要成员,在可怖的鲸鱼(传说中的海怪)方向。

    Big, beautiful spiral galaxy NGC 1055 is a dominant member of a small galaxy group a mere 60 million light-years away toward the intimidating constellation Cetus.


  • 就是这些之后马尔他的岛上,另一石器时代人们自己建造了美丽地宫(Hypogeum),或者将其称为地下坟墓

    Only a little later than them, on the island Malta, another Stone Age people built a beautiful Hypogeum or underground tomb for their dead.


  • 趣味相投时髦建筑师设计塔楼最小的一37层,楼里有一个幽深如洞的赌场楼顶是n个泳池

    A posse of fashionable architects has created six towers, the smallest of which will be 37-storeys high, complete with rooftop swimming pools and a cavernous casino.


  • 例如Groupon清楚应该广告上投入多少才能城市培育一个数量足够用户

    Groupon knew, for example, exactly how much to invest in advertising in order to build a sizable subscriber list in a new market.


  • 译名室工作人员好学之士,他们的3办公室绿藤围绕的建筑物里,屋里面摆放书籍发霉卡片抽屉

    A bookish bunch, the office members work in an ivy-covered building out of three rooms lined with books and musty card-catalog drawers.


  • 有趣望远镜影像中我们可以看见4个明显星系,这个星系被称为希克森44星系,在狮子方向上距离我们大约1亿光

    The four prominent galaxies seen in this intriguing telescopic skyscape are one such group, Hickson 44, about 100 million light-years distant toward the constellation Leo.


  • 电视台工作人员鼓动,涌入了旁边皇后广场(StatueSquare),广场上屹立着一表情严肃维多利亚时代银行家的铜像。

    A crowd, swelled by television crews, engulfed Statue Square, an adjacent plaza dominated by a bronze likeness of a dour Victorian banker.


  • 始建于1406年,落成于1420年。建筑房屋980共计8704占地面积达720 000平方米

    Built in 1406 to 1420, the complex consists of 980 surviving buildings with 8, 707 bays of rooms and covers 720, 000 m2.


  • 日裔美国建筑师山崎实设计纽约世贸中心由110高楼(俗称双子塔”)、5低矮的楼组成。

    Designed by Minoru Yamasaki, New York's World Trade consisted of two 110-story buildings (known as the "Twin Towers") and five smaller buildings.


  • 然后我们启程出发离开了Khun Yuam市的大街,朝着条只能够走摩托车的公路走去,经过缅甸寺庙小木房大约分钟之后一片绿的原野出现在我们眼前,刺得眼睛发

    We head down a motorbike-wide road, past Burmese temples and wooden houses, and ten minutes later we're looking at fields so bright green they hurt the eye


  • 建筑物可以结构,一处住所,一桥梁,一间教堂或者是一建筑

    Architecture can be a structure, a residence, a bridge, a church and a group of buildings.


  • 为了更进一步阐明资源导向经济概念想想看这个例子:有人们岛上,但岛上蕴藏巨大的购买力包括黄金银矿钻石

    To further clarify the concept of a resource based economy consider this example: a group of people is stranded on an island with enormous purchasing power including gold, silver and diamonds.


  • 为了更进一步阐明资源导向经济概念想想看这个例子:有人们岛上,但岛上蕴藏巨大的购买力包括黄金银矿钻石

    To further clarify the concept of a resource based economy consider this example: a group of people is stranded on an island with enormous purchasing power including gold, silver and diamonds.


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