• 最后制度角度提出完善我国农村弱势群体教育救助的相关对策和建议。

    Finally, proposed that the education rescue of the rural vulnerable groups should be improved from systematic view.


  • 第三部分理论分析重要性分析、可行性分析三个角度对利用社区教育解决城市弱势群体教育问题进行探讨

    The third part from the theoretical foundation, the analysis of the importance, analysis of feasibility to discuss how community education work on lifelong education of the urban vulnerable groups.


  • 世界银行应当包括更多医疗教育开支以及低收入群体转移支付

    This should include more health and education spending and transfer payments to low-income groups, said the bank.


  • 不同教育技术水平群体收入不平等九十年代开始之前二十年增长缓和

    However, inequality among different education and skill groups increased much more modestly during the first seven years of this decade than in the prior two decades.


  • 丹尼尔·托马苏洛博士,教育培训师,艺术硕士专攻群体心理疗法心理剧持照心理学家,同时也是新书以前儿童自白一个治疗师回忆录》的作者

    Daniel J. Tomasulo, Ph.D., TEP, MFA is a licensed psychologist specializing in group psychotherapy and psychodrama, and author of the new book, Confessions of a Former Child: a Therapist's Memoir.


  • 保守派评论员比如旁观者】杂志查理,还在整个公务员群体礼仪教育发现广泛的滑坡

    Conservative commentators, such as Charles Moore of the Spectator, detect a broader slippage of good manners and education across the civil service.


  • :对哪个群体最难进行烟草控制教育

    Q: Which group is the most difficult to educate on tobacco control?


  • 或许读书热影响到了高端教育群体

    Maybe the books boom has affected only the top of the educational pile.


  • 料想个接受了良好教育,有着广阔发展前景群体需要用贿赂的方式来使他们自我提升

    A well-educated population with an improved outlook would not need bribes to better itself, he reckons.


  • 这些团体提供成文材料教育健康专家大众群体

    These groups provide written materials for the education of health professionals and the lay public.


  • 现在需要就是一次深呼吸眯着眼看着红色横幅然后欺骗自己,让自己相信正在参加世界受到最好教育群体立波特大会

    Now all I have to do is take deep breaths, squint at the red banners and fool myself into believing I am at the world's best-educated Harry Potter convention.


  • 这些告诉孟加拉妇女们吧,全国世界穷的国家之一那里女孩也是全世界教育最少群体之一而且她们中的大多数十几岁便结婚了

    Tell that to the women of Bangladesh, one of the world's poorest nations, where girls are among the least educated in the world, and mostly marry while in their mid-teens.


  • 虽然很多国家女童学校教育方面开始赶上甚至超过男童,但社会排斥少数人口群体中的女童在教育方面仍然处于底层

    While girls are catching up to and even surpassing boys in school in many countries, girls from excluded minority groups remain at the bottom in terms of education.


  • 这所学院支持者承认它的大部分学生来自接受私立教育群体他们承受着好的公立大学拒之门外的风险

    Supporters of the New College admit that it will draw most of its students from a pool of privately educated pupils who risk being shut out of the best publicly funded universities.


  • 受过良好教育的人往往能更好遵守这些规则,因而他们作为一个群体受过基础教育的人长寿

    Educated folk are better at keeping to such rules, and as a group they live markedly longer than those with only basic schooling.


  • 农村地区贫困教育程度较低的群体中,产妇死亡率较高

    Maternal mortality is higher in rural areas and among poorer and less educated communities.


  • 最大票源来自没有受过大学教育工薪阶层:对于这个群体德州胜出了17个百分点,在俄亥俄胜出了32个百分点。

    Her biggest margins came from people who have not been to university (ie working-class voters). She won these voters by 17 points in Texas and an astonishing 32 points in Ohio.


  • 年轻人倾向买进口车,而富裕良好教育的人倾向于国产车,而且两大群体不同的汽车专卖行购买

    Import buyers tend to be younger, more affluent and better educated than their domestic counterparts, and shop at different dealerships.


  • 一定程度上是因为很少有受过大学教育工人经济衰退中失业所以一些城市较低失业率仅仅反映出了一个更加有智力的市民群体

    Partly because fewer college-educated workers lost their jobs during the recession, so lower unemployment rates in some cities simply reflect a brainier citizenry.


  • 他们得到教训群体往往派出行星化身继续他们教育

    They get lessons, and than large groups are often sent out to incarnate into planets to continue their education.


  • 了解研究休闲相应群体休闲教育必不可少的。

    To know and research leisure, there should be the leisure education for the certain group.


  • 心理学社会学人类学、地理学教育决定群体个体饮食影响因素

    Psychology, sociology, anthropology, geography, and education are all influential in determining the diets of people as groups and as individuals.


  • 个人家庭其他群体提供宣教,内容涉及健康教育疾病预防妊娠分娩等开发各种健康促进项目

    Instruct individuals, families and other groups on topics such as health education, disease prevention and childbirth, and develop health improvement programs.


  • 有为工作有关教育工作经验此外,我一个好的群体工作者工作做到最好的信念

    I have the educational background and relevant experience required by the job. Besides, I am a very good team player and have the desire to make a thorough success.


  • 公众注意力转向关注糖尿病弱势群体获取糖尿病教育预防治疗的渠道是否畅通

    Draw public attention to communities and groups that are disadvantaged or vulnerable in terms of their access to appropriate diabetes education prevention and care.


  • 公众注意力转向关注糖尿病弱势群体获取糖尿病教育预防治疗的渠道是否畅通

    Draw public attention to communities and groups that are disadvantaged or vulnerable in terms of their access to appropriate diabetes education prevention and care.


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