• 把黑猩猩一总的特性称之为"来得容易去得快"恰当不过了。它们一定群体倾向

    " The general practice is best described as "easy come, easy go", although there are certain group-forming tendencies.


  • 女性们主要时间花在讨论她们想法感情上,男性的“群体倾向”程度许多。

    Women spend the majority of their time together discussing their thoughts and feelings, while men tend to be far more group-oriented.


  • 我们可能认为三个群体应该达成一致,或者倾向于达成一致。

    We might want to think that these three groups should agree, or should tend towards or strive towards an agreement.


  • 我们可能会三个群体应该意见一致至少应该倾向力争有相同的意见

    Now, we might want to think that these three groups should agree, or should tend towards or strive towards agreement.


  • 人们被要求做出一个群体决策时,他们倾向重复所有人已知而不是分享只有自己知晓的重要信息

    When asked to make a group decision, instead of sharing vital information known only to themselves, people tend to repeat information that everyone already knows.


  • 接着群体讨论开始后,人们倾向有意无意仅仅提出能够支持他们先决信息

    Then, when the group discussion starts, whether consciously or unconsciously, people tend to only bring up information that supports their pre-judgement.


  • 城市居民倾向喜欢个体友人频繁地联系乡村居民自己更大群体当中会感到更强归属感

    Urban residents tended to enjoy more frequent contact with individual friends while rural residents felt a greater sense of belonging within their larger community.


  • 互联网创业者提供了接近活生生的代表性消费群体的机会,利用一点,他们可以发现消费倾向建立商业计划廉价测试自己的产品

    The Web has given entrepreneurs access to a live focus group which they can tap into to discover trends, build business plans and test their products cheaply.


  • 在这里归纳沟通问题男人们倾向沟通太少而且他们群体中是以不会逐渐灌输自信的方式进行沟通。

    I'm going to generalize here and say that the guys with communication problems tend to communicate too infrequently, and in a way that doesn't instill confidence in their troops.


  • 我们日常生活我们可能从不同地方听到过类似观点,我们于是自动这些拼凑起来成为群体倾向

    In everyday life we are likely to hear the same opinion many times in different places. We then put all these together to judge the general mood of a group.


  • 凯利研究表明博客倾向相同语言国家间被相互链接每一个语言群体包含链接更密集的网站包。

    Mr Kelly's research shows that blogs tend to be linked within languages and countries, with each language-group in turn containing smaller pockets of densely linked sites.


  • 根据民意调查,这些群体选举倾向于林费尔德。

    These are the groups that, according to the polls, are tilting the election towards Mr Reinfeldt.


  • 研究还显示拥有相对大的哺乳动物倾向生活稳定社会群体

    The study shows that groups of mammals with relatively bigger brains tend to live in stable social groups.


  • 如果人群大家具有不同倾向,但享共同之处,那么群体肯定所有都爱冒风险所有人都想规避风险更具适应力

    If you have a group of different people with different proclivities and [everyone] shares, that's even more adaptive than all people being risk-takers or all risk-averse.


  • 事实上人们聚在一起时,很可能会出现“群体极化”的现象:最初倾向通过群体讨论会被夸大

    In fact people are likely to display group polarization when together: initial preferences actually become exaggerated by group discussions.


  • 克尔斯坦补充道不同年龄群体倾向对方定性,没有任何好处

    It doesn't help, Finkelstein adds, that people of different ages tend to stereotype each other.


  • 年轻人倾向买进口车,而富裕良好教育的人倾向于国产车,而且两大群体不同的汽车专卖行购买

    Import buyers tend to be younger, more affluent and better educated than their domestic counterparts, and shop at different dealerships.


  • 公众态度倾向同情弱势群体公共舆论最终影响国家政策

    Public attitude is inclined to sympathize with disadvantaged groups, and public opinion would eventually influence public policy.


  • 一个群体我们倾向于和大家一致

    We are more likely to conform when we are in a group setting.


  • 老年人特定消费群体中,不同老年人银色产品价格认同倾向程度并不一致

    In the old group, each has a different recognition tendency and agreement towards the price of the silver products.


  • 我们社交群体信息分类时,我们倾向夸大差异缩小组内的差异。

    When we categorize information about social groups, we tend to exaggerate differences between groups and minimize the differences within groups.


  • 调查资料显示不同消费群体之间消费倾向消费模式产生了很大差异

    Investigate the data manifestation, the dissimilarity consumes the consumption of the community tendency and consumes mode to have already produced very big difference.


  • 乞丐群体复杂化团伙化职业化倾向使乞讨现象带来的危害影响与日俱增,应当引起社会关注关怀

    The tendency of complication, gang-forming and career-making of this phenomenon has led to an increasingly damage and harmful influence, so it should get the attention and care of the whole society.


  • 很多哺乳动物种族雌性倾向留在它们出生群体中,雄性的倾向离开

    In many mammal species, females tend to stay in the groups where they are born and males leave.


  • 何时采用群体决策个人决策,取决于三个方面的问题:群体决策个人决策效率群体决策和个人决策冒险倾向,以及小团体意识

    It depends on three aspects when choosing the group or individual decision. They are: their the efficiency; the risk tendency of them and the small group awareness.


  • 公众态度倾向同情弱势群体

    Public attitude is inclined to sympathize with vulnerable groups.


  • 这个假说概括群体决策中的“冒险转移效应群体讨论个体倾向冒险的决策。

    The hypothesis is developed as a generalization of the well -known risky shift effect: the fact that individuals tend to make riskier decisions after group discussion than before group discussion.


  • 于是出现这样倾向出现适应不同种类音乐小的群体,在社会及其音乐演奏家中建立危险封闭流通

    Thus, there exists a tendency to form a larger or smaller society corresponding to each category of music, to establish a dangerously closed circuit among this society, its music, and its performers.


  • 批判精神非理性倾向实际上破坏性、精神统一性冲动易变性群体心理倾向的集中表达

    Its critical spirit and irrational characteristic are in fact an expression of the mass psychological tendencies, such as devastating interest, spirit oneness and changeability.


  • 批判精神非理性倾向实际上破坏性、精神统一性冲动易变性群体心理倾向的集中表达

    Its critical spirit and irrational characteristic are in fact an expression of the mass psychological tendencies, such as devastating interest, spirit oneness and changeability.


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