• 很久没有举办美食活动了,厨房的粉丝们期盼许久了吧?

    We haven't held cooking activity for long time, and this has been expected by all kitchen funs for long time too.


  • 没有放弃自己喜欢活动如果电视看到美食节目的话,你可以试着自己做节目上的菜。

    No one is asking you to give up activities you like, but if you're watching food shows on TV, try cooking instead.


  • 电影节包括电影展映戏剧表演舞蹈表演展览以及日本受欢迎法国美食葡萄酒推广活动

    The festival includes films, theatrical performances, dance and exhibitions as well as promotions for French food and wine, both of which are very popular in Japan.


  • 让客人在婚礼前试吃屋走一个美妙活动,那里还有很多美食零售客人选择

    A visit to the tasting room is a great pre-wedding activity for guests, and packed with lots of culinary retail shopping options.


  • 庆祝活动包含了印度美食音乐

    The celebration also included Indian food and music.


  • 如果仅仅是因为厌恶广阔天空引人入胜的风景数不清活动,上好的美酒美食以及友好的本地人而放弃这里。

    But only if you're averse to wide open skies, dramatic landscapes, countless activities, fine wining and dining, and friendly locals.


  • 莎拉坦承道:“由于美食好友相伴,都没有时间去参观博物馆,只好直奔下一场活动还有点儿晚了呢。”

    "Thanks to the good food and good company, I have to skip the museum tour as I am now running a bit late for the next event, " she admitted.


  • 亚洲地区悉尼春节庆祝活动隆重的,包括展览观光体育美食影视活动

    Sydney's festival is the largest Chinese New Year celebration outside Asia and will include exhibitions, tours, sport, food and cinema.


  • 新南威尔士州州长内森·瑞斯活动成为今后每年历时个月悉尼十月美食”的一个固定节目。

    New South Wales state Premier Nathan Rees said the event was set to become an annual feature of Sydney's month-long October food.


  • 亚洲地区悉尼春节庆祝活动隆重的,包括展览观光体育美食影视活动

    Sydney's festival is the largest Chinese New Year celebration outside Asia and will include exhibitions, tours, sport, food and cinema


  • 本次早餐会6点半持续8点半,是为期一个月并且涵盖娱乐美食艺术"渴望悉尼"活动一部分

    About 6000 early risers were on the bridge from 6:30 am to take part in the 2-hour event as part of the month-long Crave Sydney festival showcasing the city's entertainment, food and art.


  • 伦敦美食酒吧Duke of Cambridge也许是所有这些活动的起源,他英国一家获得有机认证餐馆——已经快年了。

    The London gastro-pub Duke of Cambridge, perhaps the original spark for much of this activity, was the first restaurant in England to receive an organic certificationnearly a decade ago.


  • 内容1推出六个美食展区2茅台啤酒可口可乐狂欢比赛3黎族特色舞蹈表演活动

    Contents: 1. Promoting six food display areas; 2. Maotai beer, Coca Cola carnival contest; 3. Li people's ethnic performance etc.


  • 每一个实验中参与者要求参加活动活动内容多种多样,可能是参加公车之旅,也可能是一个美食广场吃饭

    In each experiment, individuals were asked to participate in an activity - which ranged from going on a bus tour to eating in a food court.


  • 许多甚至不是这个教会的会员,只是听说这里有美食愿意10美元饱餐一顿,同时教会活动中心做点贡献。

    They'd simply heard about the good food and were willing to pay $10 to heap their plates and help pay for the church's new community center.


  • 除了看球踢球之外,巴西也是座令人神往的旅游城市,拥有美丽风景丰富文化活动可口的美食

    But except for watching and playing soccer, Brazil's beautiful landscape, various cultural events and delicious food also make it a great traveling destination.


  • 1987首届开幕以来广州国际美食走过辉煌21年历程,目前国内历史最为悠久专业性美食节庆活动

    Since opening the first since 1987, the Guangzhou International food festival have passed through a splendid 21 years, is the most domestic long history of professional food festival activities.


  • 新南威尔士州州长内森•瑞斯活动成为今后每年历时个月悉尼十月美食”的一个固定节目。

    New South Wales state Premier Nathan Rees said the event was set to become an annual feature of Sydney's month-long October food festival.


  • 通过举办这次活动美食展商广大市民群众提供一个美食品尝展销宣传推广和交流学习平台

    Through this event, will cuisine exhibitors and the general public to provide a gourmet taste of the masses, sales promotion, publicity and promotion and the exchange of learning platform.


  • 通过举办这次活动美食展商广大市民群众提供一个美食品尝展销宣传推广和交流学习平台

    Through this event, will cuisine exhibitors and the general public to provide a gourmet taste of the masses, sales promotion, publicity and promotion and the exchange of learning platform.


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