• 正是这样背景下洛克·菲勒基金会连同《时代杂志组织了一场具有里程碑意义的、关于性别问题调查目的评估一下美国如何应对的。

    It is in this context that the Rockefeller Foundation, in collaboration with TIME, conducted a landmark survey of gender issues to assess how individual Americans are reacting.


  • 杰出科学家爱因斯坦提出相对论2000年美国时代杂志评为(20世纪)风云人物。

    Albert Einstein, an outstanding scientist, who advanced the Theory of Relativity, was singled out as Man of the Century by Times magazine in 2000.


  • 第二世界大战后著名文章中,“时代杂志创始人HenryLuce二十世纪美国世纪,二十一世纪属于

    In a famous essay right after the Second World War, Time magazine founder Henry Luce referred to the twentieth century as the American century. To whom does the twenty-first century belong?


  • 时代杂志2009年的封面故事美国婚姻希望吗?”

    Read TIME's 2009 cover story, "Is There Hope for the American Marriage?"


  • 时代杂志2009年的封面故事美国婚姻希望吗?”

    Read TIME's 2009 cover story, " Is There Hope for the American Marriage?"


  • 事实上,《时代杂志民意调查发现对于75%美国人来说帮助别人快乐主要来源

    In fact, a poll by Time Magazine found that helping others was a major source of happiness for 75 percent of Americans.


  • 美国时代杂志近日评出年度50大发明,榜单被分为“科技产品”、“交通工具”、“健康医药用品”、“生物工程”、“绿色能源10个类别

    Time Magazine has released a list of this year's top 50 inventions. The breakthroughs fall into 10 categories, such as technology, transportation, health and medicine, bioengineering and green energy.


  • 考夫曼报告发表死亡研究杂志》上,为了撰写报告,他对来自美国中国土耳其东欧的1,987名不同时代已故作家进行了研究。

    For the report, published in the Journal of Death Studies, Kaufman studied 1, 987 dead writers from various centuries from the United States, China, Turkey and Eastern Europe.


  • 时代华纳愿意保留他们媒体业务的遗产比如人物杂志,而不是最大互联网公司之一,美国在线不放

    Time Warner would rather keep their legacy old-media businesses like People magazine than hold onto one of the biggest Internet companies out there, AOL.


  • 作为美国最大的杂志出版商,时代华纳旗下有众多知名杂志包括人物体育画报

    Time inc's magazines include popular titles such as People and Sports Illustrated.


  • 时代杂志(Time)去年刊登了一篇文章戳穿买房有理迷思。美国决策层开始怀疑,对于许多人来说,租房是不是买房更划算。

    Last year, Time magazine published an article debunking the merits of homeownership, while federal policymakers began wondering if many might have been financially better off renting versus buying.


  • 论文五月四日发表引起迅速回复一个美国疾病控制防护中心官员接受纽约时代杂志采访时猛烈抨击:“这个样本的规模太小,参加研究的人员太年轻,以及心脏病条件的证据太不完整。”

    The paper, published on May 4th, has provoked a swift response. An official from America’s Centres for Disease Control and Prevention bashed it in an interview to the New York Times.


  • 那个记者,“来自明星杂志(Star,专注于明星绯闻小道消息——译注),”罗宾以为时代周刊》(Time Magazine,美国著名新闻杂志类的杂志,就做了一个非常深入关于这种细菌的访谈

    The journalists said, "I'm from Star, " and Robin thought it was like Time magazine or something, and he gave this very in-depth interview about these bacteria that might cause ulcers.


  • 如今互联网五家访问量最大网站之一。2006年,威尔士(Wales)美国时代杂志(Time magazine)评为世界上最有影响力之一

    It is now among the top five most visited sites on the web; in 2006, Wales was named one of the world's most influential people by.


  • 但是去年时代杂志报道称,2008年美国出生所有新生儿中,百分之八十的母亲已经美国超过

    But Time magazine reported last year that of all the babies born in 2008 to at least one unauthorized parent, over 80 percent were to moms who had been in the United States for over one year.


  • 美国全国广播公司表示,“来说意义重大特别是着《时代周刊长大的,非常重要的杂志能够在今年多次登上封面对来说已经足够幸运了。”

    "It means a lot, especially me growing up reading time magazine, and you know, it's a very important magazine, and I've been lucky enough to be on the cover many times this year," he said on NBC.


  • 美国时代》周刊报道,美国著名发明家、未来学家·库兹韦尔近期接受杂志采访时预言,人类文明2045年终结

    Human civilization will come to an end by 2045, US inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil says in a Time magazine interview.


  • 男士一美国新闻杂志仅次于时代新闻周刊”。

    Man1: American news magazine after "Time" and "Newsweek".


  • 二战时期,《生活杂志摄影师美国时代广场抓拍水兵亲吻陌生女士的一幕,张”胜利之吻“的照片奉为经典。自称照片主角的格林·麦杜菲因此声名鹊起,近日去世,享年86岁。

    A man who became known for claiming he was the sailor kissing a woman in Times Square in a famous World War II-era photo taken by a Life magazine photographer has died aged 86.


  • 米兰-卡卡另外一项重要荣誉:这位巴西冠军球员美国声望很高的《时代杂志列为世界具影响力的100人之一

    MILAN - Another important recognition for Ricky Kaka: the Brazilian champions was added by the prestigious American ' Time' magazine in the list of the 100 most influential personalities in the world.


  • 阅读包括《时代《新闻周刊》在内的杂志能更新美国最新时尚潮流

    Reading magazines such as Time and Newsweek will also keep you up to date on what is popular in America.


  • 一方面,正如美国著名音乐杂志The Fader》评价的,这个时代具争议明星之一”。

    On the other hand, she is also – as The Fader magazine put it – "one of the era's most controversial stars".


  • 1999年,《时代杂志选择安德鲁·韦尔博士作为美国最有影响25中的一员

    In 1999, Time magazine selected Dr Andrew Weil as one of the 25 most influential people in America.


  • 1999年,《时代杂志选择安德鲁·韦尔博士作为美国最有影响25中的一员

    In 1999, Time magazine selected Dr Andrew Weil as one of the 25 most influential people in America.


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