• 罗琳细腻笔法将美国南北战争佛罗里达州垦荒普通人生活描绘得生动感人

    Rawlings represents the life of ordinary people in new lands area of Florida after Civil War with her exquisite technique of writing, not only vividly but also movingly.


  • 美国南北战争次战役中,安排妙计,一道壕沟,供部下安全挺进,直捣南军阵营心脏。

    During one Civil War campaign, Burnside unveiled a wily plan to dynamite a trench along which his men could safely advance into the middle of the Confederate camp.


  • 有人文章对现实画面残酷描写影响了英国大众美国南北战争看法防止了英国人向南方倾斜

    Some claim that the graphic descriptions of cruelty contained in her journal influenced public opinion in Briton during the US Civil war and prevented England siding with the south.


  • 美国南北战争(1861-1865),通常被称为美国南北战争一场内战战斗美利坚合众国

    The American Civil War (1861–1865), often referred to simply as The Civil War in the United States, was a civil war fought in the United States of America.


  • 福克纳以对美国南北战争以来新旧南部矛盾描述闻名于世。绝大多数作品都环绕着他的家乡密西西比州发生

    William Faulkner is famous for his description of the conflicts in the south of America happening since the Civil war, mostly in the state of Mississippi.


  • 1861年美国南北战争爆发,北军(联邦军)南军(邦联军)他们的前装上都使用了这种“米尼埃”(他们如此称之)。

    After the outbreak of the American Civil War in 1861, both Union and Confederate soldiers used the "Minnie" bullet (as they called it) in their muzzle-loading rifles.


  • 美国作家史提芬葛伦写小说,《红色英勇勋章》,就讲述美国南北战争期间一个年轻士兵第一作战的战场上逃跑

    The Red Badge of Courage, by the American, Stephen Crane, tells about a young soldier in the War between the States who runs away the first time he is in battle.


  • 里士满美国南北战争期间南部联邦首都弗吉尼亚只是在1967年美国最高法院纸裁决被迫允许跨种族婚姻

    Richmond was the capital of the confederacy during the Civil War, and Virginia had outlawed interracial marriage until a 1967 Supreme Court ruling.


  • 美国南北战争结束之后双方订约之时,战胜的北方代表处处表现尊重南方的气度,表现出大家是一家人的胸怀,完全没有胜利者傲慢

    After civil war of American, when they signed the agreement for suspending the war, the north as winner respected the south in all aspects, showing a comprehensive bosom without winner's arrogance.


  • 句话意思:“好莱坞历来最成功的片子仍然是关于美国南北战争经典作品“”。令人惊奇的是这部片子还是1939年拍摄的。”

    The biggest Hollywood blockbuster of all time still remains "Gone With the Wind", the classic picture about the civil war. And the amazing thing is it was made back in 1939.


  • 美国南北战争期间根据北部联邦南部联邦的安排位于弗吉尼亚州特·弗农的华盛顿故居作为中立领土对待没有侵犯过座房子

    During the Civil War, George Washington's home at Mount Vernon, Virginia, was treated as neutral territory by arrangement between the Union and the Confederacy. No armed soldiers invaded the house.


  • 欧洲人甚至可以接受美国玩偶士兵只要士兵古老Playmobil公司来自西部荒野玩具牛仔以及美国南北战争参战双方的玩具士兵。

    Europeans can even live with American military toys, if they are old enough: there are Playmobil cowboys from the Wild West, and soldiers from both sides in the American civil war.


  • 维克多-弗莱明这部1939年的影片所有女性电影,它不仅是表现美国南北战争史诗级巨作,还是一部女性“菲多嘀嘀”特质经典不朽之作。

    The mother of all chick flicks, Victor Fleming's 1939 film is a masterful Civil War epic, but also a timeless classic of girly "fiddle-dee-dee" power.


  • 相信经历过南北战争美国人民不难理解统一一个国家多么重要珍贵

    I trust it is not difficult for the American people, who went through the American Civil War in their history, to understand how important and valuable unity is to a nation.


  • 重要是,来自美国南方他1928年出生之际,南北战争以及南方傲慢被摧毁(尽管理所当然)对家乡弗吉尼亚一些人来说仍然鲜活记忆

    Above all, he came from America's south; when born in 1928 the civil war and the (albeit deserved) destruction of southern pride was a living memory for some in his native Virginia.


  • 巴吞鲁日美国路易斯安那首府,位于密西西比河下峭壁的东南中心,保留许多闻名南北战争前古建筑人口219,531 1。

    Thee capital of Louisiana, in the southeast-central part of thestate on a bluff above the Mississippi River. It has notableantebellum houses. Population, 219,531.


  • 《汤姆叔叔小屋》对美国社会影响如此巨大以致南北战争爆发的初期,林肯接见斯托夫人时,曾说到:你就是那位引发了一场大战的小妇人。 后来,句话众多作家竞相引用

    The books impact was so great that when Abraham Lincoln met Stowe at the start of the American Civil War, Lincoln is often quoted as having declared, So this is the little lady who made this big war.


  • 《汤姆叔叔小屋》对美国社会影响如此巨大以致南北战争爆发的初期,林肯接见斯托夫人时,曾说到:你就是那位引发了一场大战的小妇人。 后来,句话众多作家竞相引用

    The books impact was so great that when Abraham Lincoln met Stowe at the start of the American Civil War, Lincoln is often quoted as having declared, So this is the little lady who made this big war.


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