• 公司已经为了一项减少排放计划调拨数千美元

    The company had committed thousands of dollars for a plan to reduce mercury emissions.


  • 已经超过1000亿美元资金用于帮助发展中国家减少排放

    More than $100 billion in funding has been put on the table for supporting developing nations to reduce emissions.


  • 世界自然基金会CDP最近发布3%报告显示,从现在到2020年,遏制美国经济排放经济奖励7800亿美元

    The 3% Report recently published by World Wildlife Fund and CDP shows that the economic prize for curbing carbon emissions in the US economy is $780 billion between now and 2020.


  • 环保组织“地球之今天一份重要报告指出:以英国中心的“抵消行业有着数十亿美元的交易量,但这个行业并没有起到降低全球温室气体排放的作用。

    Britain is the world centre of a multibillion dollar "carbon offset" industry which is failing to lower global greenhouse gas emissions, a major report from Friends of the Earth claimed today.


  • 贫穷国家将花费数百亿美元控制排放适应不可避免气候变化

    It could cost the poorest nations hundreds of billions of dollars a year to curb their emissions and adapt to inevitable climate change.


  • 国际能源署估算与之形成对比的是美国近海风力发电,成本50-70美元/千瓦时化石燃料发电如果不算温室气体排放的话,价格低。

    That compares with $50-70 per MWh for onshore wind power in America, by the IEA’s reckoning, and even lower prices for power from fossil fuels, unless taxes on greenhouse-gas emissions are included.


  • 要求化石燃料价格保持一定水平之上。 具体可以通过确定二氧化碳排放价格,征收石油进口关税等,使国内石油价格维持一定水平(比如说每桶70美元)之上。

    That would involve putting a floor under the price of fossil fuels by imposing a price on carbon emissions and import duties on oil to keep the domestic price above, say, $70 per barrel.


  • 排放交易网站自愿市场上以名义出售积分,现行价格为10~25美元所有交易抽取20%的费用。

    My Emissions Exchange sells the credit on your behalf on the voluntary carbon market at a going rate of between $10 and $25, taking a 20 percent cut on all sales.


  • Google在新能源电网升级以及其他降低温室气体排放措施投入数亿美元,此项行动这个工作一部分

    The move is part of Google's effort to pump hundreds of millions of dollars into renewable energy, electricity-grid upgrades and other measures that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


  • 报告只需要简单地晚上关机,就可以一家1万台电脑公司每年节约26万美元并且减少1871二氧化碳排放

    Simply shutting down PCs at night can save a company with 10,000 PCs over $260,000 a year and 1,871 tons of carbon dioxide emissions, the report says.


  • 与此同时工业化国家企业纷纷付出被伐土地价值的代价(为7500美元/公顷)兑现限制等量二氧化碳排放(500吨)的承诺

    Meanwhile, firms in industrialized countries are paying many times the value of the cleared landabout US$7,500—to meet their commitments to limit the same amount of carbon dioxide emissions.


  • 委员会可能倾向排放超过130g/km这个标准的汽车车每征收95欧元(相当于137美元)。

    The commission would like to impose fines of Euro95 ($137) per car per gram on emissions exceeding 130g/km.


  • 一个航班乘客可能志愿付出5~40美元抵消航行(的排放量),这个价钱距离有关

    An airline passenger might volunteer to pay $5 to $40 to offset his flight, with the price linked to distance.


  • 但是多数污染者却显得兴高采烈因为它们无偿获得了价值上亿美元排放许可

    But most polluters, having just been promised hundreds of billions of dollars' worth of permits for nothing, are elated.


  • 环境保护主义者呼吁排放市场最终价格提高50美元Lackner博士希望在未来,他们将这项技术实施价格降低吨二氧化碳30美元以下。

    But environmentalists expect emissions-trading markets eventually to price the gas at about $50 a tonne, and Dr Lackner hopes to get the cost of his process down to $30 per tonne in the long run.


  • 主要度量每个人实现1美元利润排放轨迹。

    It essentially measures the carbon footprint of an individual per dollars of gross profit generated.


  • 二氧化碳加压注入海床公里沙石层之中。 因此,不必将其排放大气里,挪威支付公吨30美元

    Instead of emitting the CO2 to the atmosphere and paying Norway's carbon tax of around $30 per metric ton, it is pressurized and injected into a sandstone layer some 1 km under the seabed.


  • 因此如果生产需要排放10二氧化碳,而排放60美元那么外国到达美国汽车就要交600美元的税。

    So, if making an American car produced ten tonnes of carbon dioxide, taxed at $60 per tonne, then the tax on a foreign-made car arriving in America would only be $600.


  • 法院裁定屏联营化工厂污染排放超标,开出金额为8万5千美元罚单。

    A court found the pollution exceeded acceptable levels and ordered the Rongping Joint Chemical Plant to pay damages of about $85,000.


  • 作为对比,如果利用捕捉储存技术(CCS),排放工厂进行碳捕捉然后二氧化碳深在诸如废气油井一类的地方,每固定一吨碳需要成本达20-270美元

    Carbon capture and storage (CCS) works by trapping CO2 from the exhaust gases of fossil fuel power plants and then piping it to underground storage sites, such as disused oil wells.


  • 无限制排放温室气体可能造成冰山溶解,无限制排放美元一定会造成美元购买力熔毁,美元命运掌握国会诸公手中。

    Unchecked carbon emissions will likely cause icebergs to melt. Unchecked greenback emissions will certainly cause the purchasing power of currency to melt. The dollar's destiny lies with Congress.


  • 更有效率灯泡节省数以美元,并且减少国外石油依赖明显的减少温室气体排放

    More-efficient bulbs could save billions of dollars, decrease dependence on foreign oil, and significantly reduce greenhouse gases.


  • 但是希望通过一个机制募集数十亿美元机制排放温室效应气体公司购买污染许可可以交易

    But he hopes to raise billions through a system in which businesses that release greenhouse gases would buy and trade pollution permits.


  • 这种策略节能电力冷却系统相结合,一个拥有1500台服务器中型数据中心节省数百万美元——同时降低企业排放

    Couple this strategy with energy-efficient power and cooling systems, and a mid-sized data center with 1500 servers could save millions of dollars-while reducing your organization's carbon footprint.


  • 这种策略节能电力冷却系统相结合,一个拥有1500台服务器中型数据中心节省数百万美元——同时降低企业排放

    Couple this strategy with energy-efficient power and cooling systems, and a mid-sized data center with 1500 servers could save millions of dollars-while reducing your organization's carbon footprint.


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