• 食草为生。

    Cattle, sheep, etc. feed on grasses.


  • 家畜吸虫病常见报道,但鹿吸虫病却较少有报道。

    There were lots of reports about the fluke disease of the livestocks such as cattle, sheep, etc.


  • 技术主要应用动物饲料促长剂生 物高蛋白饲料。

    The technology is mainly applied in animal feed promoter, such as pigs, chickens, cows and sheep and the like and biological high protein feed.


  • 无论射击、跳水、体操还是乒乓球羊等智慧毅力面临一次次严峻挑战。

    Many sports programmes including shooting, aquatics - diving, gymnastics and ping-pong bring lots of tough challenges to Happy and all their friends.


  • 农户普遍饲养家畜,且1650年左右已经开始出口主要市场西印度群岛。

    Horses, cattle, sheep, among other livestock, were raised by farming households, and had been exported mainly to the West Indies since 1650.


  • 龙腾虎跃、白鹅、提斗、辛五、银龙、十一个品种二十三规格

    Yinlong, seven purple, three sheep, such as 11 varieties, large, medium and small 23 kinds of specifications.


  • 家畜增长占据了全世界农田三分之二并且生成的导致全球气候变暖温室气体展全球温室气体的20%。

    The raising of livestock such as cows, pigs and sheep occupies two-thirds of the world's farmland and generates 20% of all the greenhouse gases driving global warming.


  • 病是由阿卡班病毒引起动物流产死产、死胎、胎儿畸形以及先天性关节弯曲-积水性无脑综合征的一种虫媒传染病。

    Akabane virus(AKV) causes abortion, premature birth, stillbirth, and congenital deformities such as arthrogryposis-hydranencephaly syndrome in cattle, sheep, and other animals.


  • 这个美丽的动物我们揭示人类其他哺乳动物之间联系:比如与大象食蚁兽的联系。

    This beautiful little creature is going to show us our connection with the rest of the mammals: with cows and sheep, and elephants and anteaters.


  • 这个观点诸如昆虫鸟类鹿一些其他物种证实

    The idea has proved true for a range of species such as insects, birds, pigs, sheep, dogs, mink and deer.


  • 金融市场出现诸如货币危机房地产崩溃或者主权债务危机问题时候,由于他们神秘特性使之成为替罪

    When something goes wrong in the financial markets—a currency crisis, a housing collapse or a sovereign default—they are quick to be blamed, their shadowy character making them ideal scapegoats.


  • 除了通常供应品咸肉奶酪普通饼干啤酒带了活猪活鸡,还有洋葱、醋泡白菜以及用来烤面包的面粉。

    As well as the normal supplies of salted meat, cheese, plain biscuits and beer, he took live sheep, pigs and chickens.


  • 仙女普赛克,最好那些离开后树丛上收集

    Fair Psyche, if you seek fleece wait until the sheep have moved on and collect it from the bushes.


  • 原料肉食以及土豆萝卜类蔬菜

    Raw material to cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens and other meat and potatoes, turnips and other vegetables category.


  • 9月22日英国历史上首例蓝舌病萨福克郡的头牛身上发现了,这一种蚊虫叮咬传染影响、马反刍动物的病毒性疾病

    On September 22nd, a cow in Suffolk was said to have contracted Britain's first-ever case of bluetongue disease, a virus carried by midges that also affects sheep and other ruminants.


  • 比利时乡村,元旦这天一起床人们首先赶到牛动物身旁,亲热地祝它们新年快乐它们平时吃不到的好食物。

    In the countryside of Belgium, people often first visit their animals like cows, horses, pigs, sheep, dogs and cats, wish them a happy new year and feed them on New Year's Morning.


  • 羔肉、手抓泡馍黄焖肉串辣子烧鸡牛肉杂碎,无不味道鲜美,各具一格

    Steamed lamb, mutton, Pita Bread Soaked in Lamb Soup, mutton powder soup, stew lamb, mutton, spicy fried chicken, Roasted Chicken, roast beef, sheep offal, all taste delicious, with one.


  • 毛出身上,那些质保4810都是噱头我们严格按照行业标准来,并且真正做到质保期内免费维护维修更换承诺

    In the long run, the warranty is 4 years 8 years 10 years of gimmicks, we strictly in accordance with industry standards, and truly free warranty period maintenance replacement commitment.


  • 开雪花。系起来蛋酒一个杯子里地上讨人厌。驼拉玛继续

    Cut out snowflakes. Tape them up. Pour some eggnog in a cup. Oops! It's yucky on the floor. Llama Llama waits some more.


  • 鹿、山动物食物链就是作为狮子老虎、花豹食性动物财富。

    Some animals, such as deer, goat and pig, are the food that are eaten by lion, tiger and other predators in the food chain of nature.


  • 除此之外可以鸭子鸽子动物接触。

    Besides, you can also be very close to some poultry and animals, such as ducks, sheep, chickens, geese, pigeons.


  • 当地交通法规规定,公路上行驶车辆必须过街的牧人和骡子鸵鸟动物让路

    Local Traffic Law provides that the moving cars on the road must make way for pastors across the road, Ostrich, cow, horses donkey, mule sheep pigs and other animals.


  • 当地交通法规规定,公路上行驶车辆必须过街的牧人和骡子鸵鸟动物让路

    Local Traffic Law provides that the moving cars on the road must make way for pastors across the road, Ostrich, cow, horses donkey, mule sheep pigs and other animals.


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