• 然后署上名字

    Then, sign your name.


  • 我们电话通知支票背面您的名字,同时看一下您的护照

    Yes, we'll call you. Will you please endorse the check on the back and show me your passport?


  • 他们主持持会议研究该提升,别人准备发布通告也要他们名字

    They hold meetings , make promotions , and allow their names to be used on announcements that are prepared and issued by somebody else .


  • 附注我们希望你们严肃对待此信所以署上你们的真实姓名国家重要的。

    Note: We would like this letter to be taken seriously, so it is very important that you sign your real name and the country you reside in.


  • 2月14日瓦伦处死。专门女孩寄去一封短信署上的瓦伦丁寄”。

    Valentine was killed on February 14, but before he died, he sent a special note to the girl and signed it "From Your Valentine."


  • 沃一样,奥康纳大学时已是成功的漫画家,惯于在画作署上小鸡标记签名

    Like Waugh, o 'connor was an accomplished cartoonist at college, signing her drawings with a chicken logo.


  • 公司地址个人地址放在顶端尝试找到并且在信中署上将要递交求职信人的姓名

    Put the company's address and your address at the top and try to find the name of the person you are sending the letter to and address it to them.


  • 由于布雷迪拒绝在作品署上他们名字,包括加德纳奥沙利文很多人都离开了这个工作小组。

    Since Brady refused to give individual credit to photographers, a number of them, including Gardner and o 'sullivan, left his employ.


  • 合国环境规划执行主任埃里克·索尔海姆称赞中国是“世界绿化沙漠最成功的国家之一”。

    China was praised as "one of the most successful countries worldwide in greening the desert" by United Nations Environment Programme Executive Director Erik Solheim.


  • 陆地许多指定地方2015年更多有效的拦截机,到2018年的时候,将有更多更为有效的武器取代拦截机,这些武器将将覆盖整个欧洲

    By 2015, more capable interceptors would be deployed at unspecified sites on land and by 2018 these would be replaced by even more capable ones that would provide coverage for all of Europe.


  • 如果定义了多个配置文件(如同一个系统V6管理器V 6节点配置文件),则选择使用的配置文件。

    If more than one profile is defined, such as a V6 deployment manager and a V6 node profile on the same system, select which profile to be used.


  • 如果V 6管理器配置文件新的系统需要备份目录复制新的系统。

    If the V6 deployment manager profile is on a new system, the backup directory will need to be copied to this new system.


  • 首届全国建筑竞赛美国环保要求来自全国各地的参赛小组最大幅度降低人们工作生活其中建筑能源浪费

    In its first ever National building Competition, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency challenged teams from across the nation to cut wasteful energy use in buildings in which they live and work.


  • 缓解过度拥挤达达·阿布难民营的努力爱德华兹联合国难民伙伴机构正在扩建一个原来称为伊福号的区域容纳还在增加难民潮。

    In another bid to ease the overcrowding in Dadaab, Edwards says the UNHCR and its partners are working to expand an area, formerly known as Ifo II, to shelter the ever-increasing refugee arrivals.


  • 然而联合国开发计划数据显示按照某些计算方法纳米比亚世界不平等国家

    Yet the UN Development Programme suggests that, by some calculations, Namibia is the world's most unequal nation.


  • 是设立消费者金融保护旨在避免消费者举债无度,贷款购买他们实际无力购买、隐藏成本产品

    Second, it would set up a consumer-protection agency that would try to protect consumers from taking out loans they cannot afford or buying products with hidden costs.


  • 他们赶回税务之后,往常那样,还要一会儿队,期间,在这个简朴的税务里,他们不知不觉地把目光投到州长照片,照片中的州长俯视着他们,脸带着微笑

    When they got back and had to wait in line, as they often did, the only thing they had to look at in the Spartan revenue offices was a picture of the governor smiling down on them.


  • 世界粮食计划一名发言人莱尔分发食物其他民生必须品已经做出了一些进展

    A World food Program spokesman, Marcus Prior, says some progress has been made in distributing food and other essentials.


  • 联邦航空芝加哥发言人托尼·里纳罗空管人员于8:14飞机重新联络时,飞机已经威斯康辛州的欧克莱尔空。

    Controllers were able to re-established audio communication with the flight crew at 8.14 PM, when the plane was over Eau Claire, Wisconsin, said Tony Molinaro, an FAA spokesman in Chicago.


  • 研究纽约市卫生联邦疾病防控中心有毒物质疾病登记处联合开展,研究结果城市健康杂志发表

    The study was conducted by the city health department and the federal Centers for Disease Control's Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. It was released in the Journal of Urban Health.


  • 英国移民尝试量化签证骗局发现私人继续教育空行为尤其(语言学校其次)。

    An attempt by the UK Borders Agency (UKBA) to quantify visa fraud found much flouting of the rules at private further-education colleges in particular (and, to a lesser extent, at language schools).


  • 指出作为世界提供紧急粮食援助主要机构,世界粮食计划能得到具有预测性更长期资助

    He said the World food Programme, as the main organization providing emergency food aid, should receive more predictable, longer-term funding.


  • 事实就像联合国开发计划报告所披露那样纳米比亚博茨瓦纳乔贝河(赞比西河支流)岛屿争端已化干戈为玉帛,二者均接受了国际法院的仲裁。

    Indeed, as that UNDP report came out, Namibia and Botswana amicably accepted an international court ruling over an island in the Chobe river, a tributary of the Zambezi.


  • 文特博士的合作者汉密尔顿·史密斯也共同参与人造基因组项目,事实,该项目的论文是以史密斯博士为第一作者发表的,当然包括文特博士在内的其他16人的名字

    Indeed, it is in Dr Smith’s name that the paper announcing the synthesis is published—along, of course, with the 16 others including Dr Venter himself.


  • 我们需要世界捐助团体尽快采取捐助行动避免中断食品派送“粮食计划巴基斯坦代表WolfgangHerbinger。”

    "We need the international donor community to quickly step forward with donations to avoid any interruptions in food distributions," said Wolfgang Herbinger, WFP's representative in Pakistan.


  • 事实美国国防部高级研究计划曾经传奇人物·西·亚·利克里德(1915 ~ 1990)的理论。提出人机共生理念先驱

    Indeed, it was J. C. R. Licklider, a legendary official at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, who was a pioneer in proposing the idea of a "man-computer symbiosis."


  • 国际能源表示,虽然未来20年中全球能用人口比例2030年,13亿人电。

    The proportion of the world's population with access to electricity will rise over the next 20 years but 1.3b will still be without power in 2030, the International Energy Agency said.


  • 国际能源表示,虽然未来20年中全球能用人口比例2030年,13亿人电。

    The proportion of the world's population with access to electricity will rise over the next 20 years but 1.3b will still be without power in 2030, the International Energy Agency said.


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