• 罗马城见证了许多伟大的历史性事件

    Rome witnessed many great historic events.


  • 罗马城发生过许多伟大历史性事件

    Rome witnessed many great historic events.


  • 罗马城总是被笼罩平民贵族的争斗之下。

    The city is constantly roiled by conflicts between the common people and the nobility.


  • 火烧罗马城

    Who set fire to the city of Rome?


  • 不过是否表现罗马城曼联更好一回事了。

    Whether they would have fared any better than United in Rome is an argument for another day.


  • 杰瑞·普利特对罗马城陷落类比似乎同样引起人们注意。

    So, here is where Jerry Pollitt's analogy to the fall of Rome seems so very appealing.


  • 罗马城之所以这样罗马城是因为市民就是这样的市民。

    This City is what it is because our citizens are what they are.


  • 尽管罗马城几百年前已经消亡了,罗马文明至今依然片土地繁衍着。

    Rome may have fallen hundreds of years ago, but much of the civilization the Romans built still dots the landscape today.


  • 米兰-和罗马比赛结束之后,米兰离开了罗马城夜间返回米兰

    Milan - at the end of the match against Roma, Milan left the capital city and returned to Milan during the night.


  • 罗马城伟大由各个部分组合起来一样金字塔构建石头一样坚固

    Just as the greatness of the city of Rome is due to the combination of its smaller parts, a pyramid is only as strong as the stones it is comprised of.


  • 达尔人公元477年攻占了罗马盗走了罗马城珍宝没有损坏艺术品

    The vandals took rome in 477 a. d. and stole its treasures, but didn't damage its works of arts .


  • 然而即使受到干旱饥荒甚至内战影响,亚历山大利亚依然要土气的罗马城更要光亮耀眼

    Still, despite drought and famine and the eventual outbreak of civil war, Alexandria was a glittering city compared to provincial Rome.


  • 其实远远公元270年,罗马城刚刚奠基时,周围还是片荒野成群四处游荡

    In fact, much earlier than 270 AD, when the city of Rome has just laid the foundation stone, the surrounding or a wilderness, flocks of wolves wander.


  • 进了罗马城,(有古卷在百夫把众囚犯交给御营统领惟有)保罗蒙准,和看守,另在一处。

    And when we came to Rome, the centurion delivered the prisoners to the captain of the guard: but Paul was suffered to dwell by himself with a soldier that kept him.


  • 法比罗马城主教,写信所有东方主教们,已经忠信整个基督的身体里问候你们

    Fabian, bishop of the city of Rome, to all the bishops of the East, and to the whole body of the faithful, greeting in the Lord.


  • 最近罗马城叫做奥尔本斯——维鲁拉米恩——沃特林街道上一个繁忙市场拥有自己的角斗士剧院

    The nearest Roman town was st Albans - or Verulamium - a busy market on Watling Street with its own gladiator theatre.


  • 第八世纪末叶,罗马教徒出来主张说,在早期教会中,罗马城主教本来就有他们现在所有属灵权力

    About the close of the eighth century, papists put forth the claim that in the first ages of the church the bishops of Rome had possessed the same spiritual power which they now assumed.


  • 公元前二八○ 年,出兵义大利赫拉克利亚打败罗马军,进逼罗马城, 离不过三十七英里

    He went to Italy in 280 BC, where he defeated the Romans at Heraclea, and advanced to within 37 miles of the city of Rome.


  • 徽中的红色黄色罗马传统颜色狼和个婴孩的图案则来源于一个古老传说

    I told them that in the badge, the red and yellow respectively could represent the traditional colors about ancient Rome City, while the pattern about a Wolf and 2 babies came from an old story.


  • 教皇当局为了朝圣者炫耀教皇国的富有罗马城修筑宽阔大道宏伟的广场巴洛克自由奔放风格开辟新的途径

    Pope to pilgrims in order to show off the country's wealthy Pope in Rome, the city built wide boulevards and grand squares, which is free and unconstrained style of Baroque opened a new way.


  • 来自瑞士联邦学院UlfBuentgen教授研究队伍从中世纪古堡罗马城废墟中搜寻古代木头,企图收集关于树木年轮信息

    Ulf Buentgen and his team of researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research collected tree-ring data from ancient wood found in medieval castles and Roman ruins.


  • 宗发表了每年次的--分别复活节圣诞节--罗马世界致辞(the UrbietOrbi)。 Urbi罗马城,Orbi 意世界。

    The Pope delivers the Urbi et Orbi - meaning to the city (Rome) and to the world - address twice a year, at Easter and Christmas.


  • 赫库兰尼姆城一样,这座靠近那不勒斯罗马也在维苏威火山灾难性爆发毁于一旦埋于地下,维苏威火山于公元79年8月24爆发,持续了2

    Along with Herculaneum, this Roman city near modern Naples was destroyed and completely buried during a catastrophic eruption of the volcano Mount Vesuvius spanning two days on 24 August year 79.


  • 赫库兰尼姆城一样,这座靠近那不勒斯罗马也在维苏威火山灾难性爆发毁于一旦埋于地下,维苏威火山于公元79年8月24爆发,持续了2

    Along with Herculaneum, this Roman city near modern Naples was destroyed and completely buried during a catastrophic eruption of the volcano Mount Vesuvius spanning two days on 24 August year 79.


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