• 一位才华横溢人像画家下面油画。伯的每一作品,都流露出不同情绪,这已经成为的一风格

    Rob is talented figurative artist. Paintings below are painted by using oil colors. Rob's every painting shows different emotions which is the style of his work.


  • 除了弗里达州奇幻王国之外,其他所有风格主题公园这样句子作为题词开始:“献给所有来到这个欢乐之地人们------欢迎你们……”

    The dedication to all Disney magic kingdom-style parks begins with the phrase "To all who come to this happy place, welcome ... " with the exception of Magic Kingdom Park in Florida.


  • 作者埃德加·赖斯·布作品封底图书俱乐部版本多次再版,极大提高了弗兰克·弗雷·泽塔大胆风格整个一代读者影响力。

    Reissues of the works of author Edgar Rice Burroughs in paper back and book club editions did much to bring Frank Frazetta's bold style to the attention of a whole new generation of readers.


  • 悬停”于绿色之中,建筑师密斯··德·厄设计范斯沃斯住宅国际风格”的完美表达,并因此倍受赞誉。

    Hovering in a green landscape, the Farnsworth House by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe is often celebrated as his most perfect expression of the International Style.


  • 贤哲提醒人们中国情报搜集活动中,冷战风格的谍战手段扮演重要角色

    Mr Lo's case is a reminder that cold war-style spy tactics still play an important part in Chinese intelligence gathering.


  • 建筑师密斯··德·菲利浦·约翰逊设计纽约西格·莱姆大厦摒弃了庸俗装饰风格

    Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Philip Johnson rejected "bourgeois" ornamentation when they designed the Seagram Building in New York City.


  • 朱莉娅·葛妮丝·派特洛等女星常她们出色的晚礼服完美的风格迷住时尚评论家

    Women such as Julia Roberts and Gwyneth Paltrow usually charm fashion critics with their wonderful gowns and flawless style.


  • 仅仅能够机场颇具现代风格候机楼直接泊车就说明即将到来的趟旅程不简单。

    BEING able to park directly outside the swooping modern building that serves as the passenger terminal at Farnborough Airport is the first sign that this journey is going to be different.


  • 一夜早早地就去了亚历杭德的餐馆吃饭。饭后,我回到住处,格·瑞特孩子们一起看了一部模糊不清的电影——一部曾布朗克斯上映过的有关多米尼加移民西班牙风格浪漫喜剧

    That night I ate early at Alejandro's and went home and joined Margarita and her kids in watching a blurry video, a Hispanic romantic comedy about Dominican immigrants filmed in the Bronx.


  • 幅为布巴尔·苏姆小说“图维亚,火星少女”创作画面集中体现了弗雷·泽塔的奇异风格

    This panoramic tableau from Burroughs 'Barsoom novel "Thuvia, Maid of Mars" epitomizes Frazetta's singular style.


  • 尽管传授一些矫揉造作的作画方式但委内塞还是很快形成了自己风格

    Although he was educated in the mannerist way, Veronese soon followed his own path.


  • 巴黎乔治五世酒店上海半岛酒店,从著名的和平咖啡馆到世界各地的赫布匈美食坊,先生以融合古典和现代风格的能力而著称。

    From the George V in Paris to the Peninsula inShanghai,from the famed Café de la Paix to JoëlRobuchon restaurants around theworld,Mr.


  • “西赛风格是指西赛雄辩修辞写作风格这种风格欧洲散文写作产生了巨大的影响

    Ciceronian means Cicero's eloquent, oratorical manner of writing, which has had an enormous influence on the development of European prose.


  • 共和国末期,个性化风格精致工艺大行其道,但萨纳设计出的飞船却背道而驰,拥有粗重的线条僵硬轮廓

    The bold lines and stark silhouettes of the resulting craft were departures from the polished craftsmanship of personalized styles that marked the final Republic era.


  • 文章试图从叙述模式、叙述视角人物塑造创作理念四个方面分析拉德小说《诺斯莫》所体现出现代主义的艺术风格

    The art style of modernism in Nostromo by Conrad can be analyzed in four aspects: narrative model, narrative perspective, character molding, and creation thought.


  • 多那太意大利雕塑家,是文艺复兴风格先驱者生动自然、形象逼真的人物像著名,代表作有青铜雕像大卫象》。

    Donatello: Italian sculptor renowned as a pioneer of the Renaissance style with his natural lifelike figures such as the bronze statue David.


  • 米开朗琪创造艺术风格中,摆脱传统的束缚,尽情发挥现实主义创作意念。

    Michelangelo created a style of art in which he freed himself from the old tradition of decoration on the one hand and documentary realism on the other.


  • 最初毕沙引向印象派绘画。不久他便改变画风,开始创造种更偏重艺术家主观幻想富于装饰意味的风格

    He was initially introduced by Camille Pissarro to the impressionist painting and later changed his style of painting to create a new style more inclined to subjective imagination and decoration.


  • 18世纪法国宫廷兴起可可风格之前欧洲绘画中的风景写实性的路线。

    Before the Rococo appeared on the scene in the 18th century in France, the prevailing style of painting in Europe is realistic.


  • 扮演詹森·本特人物角色,力求打造一种职业足球运动员喜欢生活方式和风格

    The Jason Bent character is Brodkin's take on the lifestyle enjoyed by professional footballers.


  • 乔恩·法夫建议作曲人莱明·加瓦迪音乐保持重金属吉他配乐为核心认为符合铁人风格的。

    Jon Favreau advised composer Ramin Djawadi to keep the core of the music on heavy guitar, which he felt suited Iron Man best.


  • ·佛洛斯特美国风格美国诗人。

    Robert Frost was the most American of American poets.


  • 活泼幽默、热情洋溢个性独特煮食风格,加里·德斯在饮食界闯出名堂,成为英国受欢迎名厨之一

    With his vibrant personality, infectious enthusiasm and unique style of cooking, Gary Rhodes has become one of Britain's most popular celebrity chefs.


  • 唐纳德·劳伦斯风格,埃万德·索尔达蒂加入演员莱斯利·比布潮湿洛杉矶惊悚片

    Styled by Donald Lawrence, Evandro Soldati joins actress Leslie Bibb for a steamy Los Angeles thriller.


  • 多那太意大利雕塑家,是文艺复兴风格先驱者生动自然形象逼真的人物像著名,代表作有青铜雕像大卫象。

    Italian sculptor renowned as a pioneer of the Renaissance style with his natural, lifelike figures, such as the bronze statue David.


  • 专辑巩固了作为一个巨大影响力词作者声誉那令人愉悦的风格令人联想起鼎盛时期·斯图尔特

    The album also confirms Robbie's reputation as a potent lyricist with a canny style, reminiscent of Rod Stewart at his best.


  • 恐怖悬念惊悚风格著名墨西哥导演吉尔摩·德尔“穿靴子的猫”制片主任,他电影加入了一些拉丁的风味和特色

    Mexican filmmaker Guillermo del Toro, known for horror and suspense thrillers, is an executive producer on "Puss in Boots, " giving the film an edge as well as that Latin flavor.


  • 恐怖悬念惊悚风格著名墨西哥导演吉尔摩·德尔“穿靴子的猫”制片主任,他电影加入了一些拉丁的风味和特色

    Mexican filmmaker Guillermo del Toro, known for horror and suspense thrillers, is an executive producer on "Puss in Boots, " giving the film an edge as well as that Latin flavor.


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