• 这座房屋始建于1844年,金山西班牙裔建造,·奥图市古老建筑,位于硅谷的中心地带

    Built by one of the original Hispanic residents of San Francisco, this 1844 home is the oldest structure in Palo Alto, in the heart of Silicon Valley.


  • 因为二战爆发,1940年芬兰举行奥运会被迫取消了,艾泽·威廉姆斯极度伤心失望只得在金山比利·水上舞蹈团工作

    Sorely disappointed when the advent of World War II forced the cancellation of the 1940 Olympics in Finland, Williams cut her losses by going to work for Billy Rose's San Francisco Aquacade.


  • 拿出了一张用中文简体写出单子,上面满了横跨整个美国的法拍屋其他性价比很高的房产名录:从西海岸的洛杉矶金山;到拉斯维加斯;再到东海岸的纽约波士顿

    Luo pulled out a promotional folder written in Mandarin with numerous listings of foreclosed U.S. properties in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Boston and New York.


  • 金山Web2.0峰会发表演讲。他世界范围内的人们每天加起来有3亿分钟愤怒的小鸟》。

    Speaking at the Web 2.0 conference in San Francisco, Rovio also said that Angry Birds is being played for 300 million minutes per day worldwide.


  • 游客们可以歌手Tom Prasada-Rao学习OM唱法以及歌曲“哈利路亚•哈瑞•师那”,或者聆听来自金山牧师伯格谈论2005年另一名男子婚礼

    Visitors could learn from Tom Prasada-Rao, a singer, how to chant “OmandHallelujah Hare Krishna”, or hear Paul Fromberg, a pastor from San Francisco, talking about his 2005 wedding to another man.


  • 还有金山渔人码头建筑者亨利·梅格斯,他十九世纪七十年代建筑了条违反地心引力的铁路经过莫克,安第斯山搬运财富

    Henry Meiggs, builder of Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco, constructed a gravity-defying railroad past Toromocho inthe 1870s to carry riches from the Andes.


  • 来自加利福尼亚大学金山分校神经学者弗兰克解释道某种程度上检查手机有好处的。

    Loren Frank, a neuroscientist at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), explains that checking smartphones is rewarding in some way.


  • 此外,我们伦敦纽约金山奥多市设有办公室中国尤其关注

    We also have offices in London, New York, San Francisco and Palo Alto and a particular focus on China.


  • 社会男孩格兰特决定追求流行而不追求严肃的音乐时,一个对白令人逗笑爵士音乐歌舞开始于1915年的金山

    This send-up of ragtime song and dance begins in 1915 San Francisco when society boy Roger Grant decides to pursue popular rather than serious music.


  • 文化阐释是指理解某一文化群体行为的过程。这类群体可以南非祖鲁人、居住金山卡斯特区的拉美裔移民,或者纽约市高中生

    Cultural interpretation involves trying to understand the actions of a group or culture such as Zulu, residents of the Castro in San Francisco, or New York City high school students.


  • 回想当年开始摄影时候,我还是金山艺术学院学生,所学的摄影法伯·法兰克以及布列那种的。

    It harkens back to when I first started photography and I was a student at the 5an Francisco art Institute, and the kind of photography that I was taught was, you know Robert Frank, Cartier-Bresson.


  • 美国波士顿-剑桥区金山-柏克莱区-·奥托区的市中心,与本案与高教园区关系两个非常类似的例子。

    There are two strong parallel city-university-town relationships which can be found in the United States which have a similar relationship: Boston-Cambridge and San Francisco-Berkeley-Palo Alto.


  • 美国波士顿-剑桥区金山-柏克莱区-·奥托区的市中心,与本案与高教园区关系两个非常类似的例子。

    There are two strong parallel city-university-town relationships which can be found in the United States which have a similar relationship: Boston-Cambridge and San Francisco-Berkeley-Palo Alto.


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