• 安娜·邓格医生蒂罗最早医生之一

    Dr. Anna Dengel was one of the first female doctors in Tyrol.


  • 220具遗体蒂罗精神病院座公共坟墓

    The remains of 220 people are buried at a cemetery in Hall in Tyrol province.


  • 约翰·蒂万格罗恩,哈维·米兰达最近一个严肃惊人研究数据表明创业产生最多工作机会。

    Recently, some seriously awesome research by John Haltiwanger, Ron Jarmin, and Javier Miranda has concluded that the greatest number of new jobs are created by startups.


  • 主人罗恩·达维斯解释说:“我们来自加利福尼亚,我们喜欢滑板所以耳濡目染喜欢了它。

    Owner Ron Davis explains, "We are a Southern California family. We all skate. So Tillman started too. First he'd push his board around.


  • 罗森斯蒂人们渐渐习惯通过口袋里的手机小型平板电脑上网

    People are just becoming accustomed to having the internet available in their pockets on phones or small tablets, he said.


  • 影响超越每一个喜剧演员,娜·菲、艾米·波勒桑德拉·伯纳德、罗珊妮·芭以及克里斯汀·韦格还有任何一位好莱坞女制片人。

    Her influence reigns over every female comicfrom Tina Fey and Amy Poehler to Sandra Bernhard, Roseanne Barr and Kristen Wiig - as well as any female Hollywood executive.


  • 阿斯顿·维拉主帅杰拉德·霍利,斯蒂利延·彼得罗夫位置不能得到保证

    Aston Villa boss Gerard Houllier says Stiliyan Petrov's place in the team is not guaranteed.


  • 斯特洛曼准备奥地利山路上黑色的头罩面具驾驶汽车。

    Thorsten Strotmann plans to drive the route between Ellmau and Kitzbuehel in the Austrian province of Tyrol wearing a steel mask and a black sack over his head.


  • 塞巴斯蒂安•若泽•德•卡•伊•麦罗(就是人们历史中所熟知侯爵),葡萄牙伟大的变革者之一,负责重建工作。

    The man in charge of reconstruction, Sebastião José Carvalho e Melo (better known to history as the Marquis of Pombal), was one of Portugal's great modernisers.


  • 罗森斯蒂人们渐渐习惯通过口袋里的手机小型平板电脑上网

    People are just becoming accustomed to having the internet available in their pockets on phones or small tablets, he said


  • 美国马里兰州罗克·维市ShadyGroveFertility中心生殖内分泌学家罗伯特·斯蒂曼说:“以前报道年龄要早流失比例大。”

    That's a greater percentage of loss at an earlier age than had previously been reported, "says reproductive endocrinologist Robert Stillman, of Shady Grove Fertility in Rockville, Md."


  • 1616年,妻子,带着还是婴儿儿子托马斯回到英国7个月以后,准备回维吉尼亚前夕,宝嘉康蒂格雷夫·森德。

    In 1616 Rolfe took his wife and infant son Thomas to England; Pocahontas died at Gravesend seven months later, just before returning to Virginia.


  • 我们所选择8 位青年经济学家中的最后位是•蒂罗(JeanTirole),他在1988 年就已经是著名的微观经济学家,目前仍在提供数量惊人的第一流研究成果

    The last of our eight, Jean Tirole, already a leading microeconomist in 1988, still produces staggering amounts of top-notch research.


  • 项目位于意大利蒂罗地区2000米处建筑分为三个山墙体块,山坡上升起,朝向地区不同山脉

    Located at 2000 metres in Italy's South Tyrolean Dolomites, the structure splits into three gabled volumes that lift off the hillside and face towards different mountains in the area.


  • 事实上乔布斯身边聚拢了一批人才:菲·席勒,约尼·艾夫,彼得·奥本海默,蒂姆·库克,还有零售负责人罗恩·约翰逊

    In reality, Jobs has surrounded himself with talent: Phil Schiller, Jony Ive, Peter Oppenheimer, Tim Cook, the former head of stores Ron Johnson.


  • 方法:本研究包含1994-2005年蒂遭受雪崩损伤收治因斯布鲁克医科大学附属医院患者

    People in Tirol injured by avalanche during 1994–2005 and admitted to the Innsbruck Medical University Hospital were included.


  • 因为如果了解职业生涯就会知道帮助过很多女性取得成功特别是有色人种女性,例如蒂娜·特纳罗尼·斯佩克特(第二任妻子)。

    Because if you know anything about Phil's career you'll know that he helped women, especially women of colour, achieve success, people like Tina Turner and Ronnie Spector [his second wife].


  • 决赛前,德·波特罗让家人留在阿根廷比赛周一阿瑟·阿什球场上的私人包厢留了三个不过按照计划,将于周二晚返回家乡塔蒂和家人团聚。

    He had asked them to stay in Argentina for the match, leaving only three people in his private box at Ashe on Monday night, but he was scheduled to see them Tuesday night when he flew back home.


  • 苏蒂亨格罗宁早些时候相信这个问题已经车队内部获得解决

    Sutil had said earlier at the Hungaroring that he was confident the matter had been addressed within the team.


  • 其他消息奥尼、特雷泽盖图多帕罗扎内蒂莱罗塔列兰特仍然养伤中,不会接下来一周里面进入比赛名单。

    In other related news, Marchionni, Trezeuget, Tudor, Paro, Zanetti, Giannichedda, Legrottaglie and Mirante are still injured for the Bianconeri and will not be available for the next upcoming weeks.


  • 其中面积较大北边德国巴伐利亚州南边意大利瑞士

    North Tyrol is a little bit bigger and borders Bavaria, Germany in the north, and to its south, it borders Italy and Switzerland.


  • 核证登记机关学校会见了威廉亨特成为终身朋友丁加布里埃罗塞蒂

    At the RA Schools he met William Holman Hunt , who became a lifelong friend, and Dante Gabriel Rossetti .


  • 麦蒂巴蒂,巴里罗瑞纳什和奥尼怎么样?

    How about McGrady, Battier, Berry, and Lowry for Nash and Shaq?


  • 唐纳德·劳伦斯风格,埃万德罗·索达蒂加入演员莱斯利·比布潮湿洛杉矶惊悚片

    Styled by Donald Lawrence, Evandro Soldati joins actress Leslie Bibb for a steamy Los Angeles thriller.


  • 好莱坞年轻明星麦莉塞勒斯、阿丽提斯代林赛罗韩今年跻身该榜,而去年榜海蒂蒙塔格和杰西卡奥芭则跌榜单

    Young Hollywood stars Miley Cyrus, Ashley Tisdale and Lindsay Lohan all edged out Heidi Montag and Jessica Alba who appeared on last year's list.


  • 皮埃·罗蒂(PierreLoti1885年抵达长崎时,一个朋友评论道,“我们实际上在哪,在美国吗?”

    When Pierre Loti arrived in Nagasaki in 1885, he commented to a friend, 'Where are we in reality?


  • 与马蒂尼不同,卡罗知道他下一个目标就是罗科的459纪录

    On the contrary to Maldini, Carlo knows the next goal and that is the 459 game record held by Nereo Rocco.


  • 与马蒂尼不同,卡罗知道他下一个目标就是罗科的459纪录

    On the contrary to Maldini, Carlo knows the next goal and that is the 459 game record held by Nereo Rocco.


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