• 该市现任市长路易吉·布鲁格纳嘲笑联合国教科文组织管闲事同时继续支持雇佣了5000名威尼斯居民的游轮行业

    The city's current mayor, Luigi Brugnaro, has ridiculed UNESCO and told it to mind its own business, while continuing to support the cruise ship industry, which employs 5,000 Venice residents.


  • 麦克尼西亚联合——个由超过600个岛屿组成岛国改建条道路作为一个例子

    She gave the example of improving a road in the Federated States of Micronesia, an island nation made up of over 600 islands.


  • 对于读者来说,布这个国家重要联合专栏作家之一。

    To newspaper readers, he was one of the nation's most prominent syndicated columnists.


  • 围绕太空传统担忧东西离开塔·埃里克说,他56岁联合航天雇员监督轨道飞行器测试完全参与多次发射

    "The tradition around space is what I'm worried will go away," says Roberta Wyrick, 56. A United space employee, she oversees orbiter testing and is integrally involved with launches.


  • 戈津说:“北约高层军事官员的访问暂停,北约海军舰只不准访问港口,双方的联合军事演习也将停止。”

    Rogozin says visits to Russia by senior NATO military officials will be suspended, NATO naval vessels will not be allowed to visit Russian ports, and joint military exercises will be halted.


  • 讨论提交商业伙伴联合竞价方案。

    Ferrero had mooted submitting a competing offer with a mix of potential partners.


  • 意大利联合信贷银行首席执行官亚历山德·说:“我们识别公司处在的危机是否是临时的。”

    "We will distinguish between companies that are temporarily in crisis and those that are not," says Alessandro Profumo, the chief executive of UniCredit, an Italian bank.


  • 一行金恩总裁等陪同下参观了联合包裹服务公司总部,出席了金恩、格迪副总裁举行晚宴

    Consul General Gao also visited the headquarter of UPS and attended the dinner hosted by Vice President Victoria King and Vice President Jerry Del Gaudio.


  • 带领德国为跻身欧盟诸强之列努力了多年之后,获得联合安理会永久席位。觉得楼主“跻身欧盟诸强之列”翻译的不对。

    It was under Mr Schroder that Germany began its quest for a permanent seat on the UN Security Council, after years of seeking a single place for the EU.


  • 泰坦瑞高级香槟酒品牌竞标中,总部设在班加尔的酿酒巨人联合酿酒集团招来众

    A bid for Taittinger, a posh champagne brand, by United Breweries, a Bangalore-based booze giant, has also caused outrage.


  • 公众联合制片人布莱恩·h·克迈克尔·之前已经有四次合作,他认为拍摄了《阿里传》之后高清摄影机艺术创作潜力一目了然,得到了迈克尔·曼和制片公司的肯定。

    Public Enemies co-producer Bryan H. Carroll, who has made four pictures with Mann, says that the potential of HD as a creative medium has been clear to Mann and company since Ali.


  • 最近联合国教科文组织一份为坦桑尼亚马拉跨境而建的恩戈恩·戈保护区研究报告中指出中巴车给保护区造成永久性破坏

    A recent UNESCO report on the Ngorongoro reserve across the border from the Mara in Tanzania says the minibuses are causing permanent damage.


  • 英国零售联合斯蒂芬·伯森12月的零售额是过去14年来最差的。

    Stephen Robertson from the British Retail Consortium says sales figures for December were the worst in 14 years.


  • 联合现场小组1024抵达科斯提地区调查了有关周围地区人畜疾病报道

    The joint field team arrived in Kosti, White Nile State on 24 October, and investigated reports of human and animal illness in the surrounding area.


  • 班加尔(Bangalore)ErgoWorksInc.公司联合创始人贾尤(BharatiJajoo),办公时双手摆放的高度不对,会加剧的肩颈问题。 ErgoWorks Inc.公司帮助公司处理各种工作健康问题

    'Incorrect height of your armrest can really add to your neck-shoulder problems,' says Bharati Jajoo, co-founder of Bangalore-based ErgoWorks Inc., which helps companies on work-related health issues.


  • 斯科特·特1025日(周二)下午7:30位于莱克875号的联合教堂为您呈现他的第六场芭芭拉·贝演讲

    Scott Turow will present the sixth Barbara Ballinger Lecture on Tuesday, Oct. 25, at 7:30 pm at Unity Temple, 875 Lake St. in Oak Park.


  • 沃麦克(Womack,J.)、琼斯(Jones,D .)鲁斯(Roos, D .)合著的《改变世界机器》,纽约联合出版社牛津麦斯威尔·麦克米伦国际出版社,1990年第一版。

    Womack, J., Jones, D. and Roos, d., "the Machine that Changed the World", Rawson Associates, New York, and Maxwell Macmillan International, Oxford, 1990.


  • 欧洲百万大乐”彩票欧洲九个国家联合发行,此前的头奖纪录诞生于2005年7月,由来自爱尔兰西南部默里附近加里欧文地区的一个名叫多瑞斯•马克纳马拉的人中,当时他获得的奖金为115436126欧元

    The previous record in the lottery, run by nine European countries, had been held since July 2005 by Dolores McNamara of Gallyowen near Limerick in southwest Ireland who took home 115, 436, 126 euros.


  • 亚斯启示一开始就联合在一起。

    The revelation of Zarathushtra from the beginning has been associated with light.


  • 替尼布联合卡培他滨同样用于一线药物吉西他治疗失败患者

    Erlotinib is also being evaluated in combination with capecitabine in patients who failed first-line therapy with gemcitabine.


  • 城市历史中心葡萄酒联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产地

    The city's historic center and the Alto Douro Wine Region have been listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.


  • 即使渡过难关,你还有很多,”默对国会经济联合委员会

    "Even when you've turned the corner, you have so much work to do," Romer told Congress 'Joint Economics Committee.


  • 城市历史城区葡萄酒产区上杜联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产名录。

    The city's historic center and the Alto Douro Wine Region have been listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.


  • 背景病患者中,英夫利西单抗硫唑嘌呤治疗联合治疗相对疗效安全性尚未了解

    Background the comparative efficacy and safety of infliximab and azathioprine therapy alone or in combination for Crohn's disease are unknown.


  • 也是国际执行长联合银行董事

    He was chief executive of Taro International and a director of Union Bank Ltd.


  • 联合应用靶向因子egfr阻滞剂-如厄替尼布氧化酶2抑制因子(塞来考昔)-需要临床验证。

    Also the combination of different target agents, such as combining the EGFR blockers - such as erlotinib and the cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor (celecoxib) - needs to be investigated in clinical trials.


  • 读者一些作家联合请求j·k·不要第七部,也是最后一部书杀死哈利·波特

    Readers joined some authors in a plea to JK Rowling not to kill off Harry Potter in the seventh and final book.


  • 读者一些作家联合请求j·k·不要第七部,也是最后一部书杀死哈利·波特

    Readers joined some authors in a plea to JK Rowling not to kill off Harry Potter in the seventh and final book.


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