• 谨以此论文献给尊敬的罗纪教授。

    This paper is dedicated to my dear Prof. Luo Ji-ning.


  • 日本恐龙展览技术建立了一个虚拟罗纪公园

    A dinosaur exhibit in Japan is using technology to create a virtual Jurassic Park.


  • 煤层自然我国煤矿存在一个较为普遍问题尤其是西北地区罗纪煤田,煤层自然尤为严重

    The spontaneous combustion of coal beds is a common problem in the coalfield in China, and particularly serious in the Jurassic coalfield in Northwest China.


  • 大别山北缘地区发育厚达中新生代碎屑岩,它们记录着大别山造山带和在株罗纪以来演化历史。

    Mesozoic-Cenozoic clastic rocks of ten thousands metres thick, on the northern flank of the Dabie Mountains recorded the evolution of the Dabie orogenic belt since the Jurassic.


  • 玛雅安吉20世70年代首次戏剧将奋起》搬上舞台。

    Maya Angelou first staged the play "And I Still Rise" in the late 1970s.


  • 这些变化影响气候观点最早是詹姆斯·克19提出的。

    The idea that these changes affect climate was first advanced by James Croll in the late 1800s.


  • 拉德斯基引用了发展心理学家埃德·特尼克20世70年代设计无表情实验”。

    Radesky cites the "still face experiment" devised by developmental psychologist Ed Tronick in the 1970s.


  • 比舍是一位16世英国探险家来自加拿大Kodlunarn土壤样品进行了含金量检测。

    Frobisher, a sixteenth-century English explorer, had soil samples from Canada's Kodlunarn Island examined for gold content.


  • 孔子佛祖摩诃毗(教的先知)生活公元前6尽管他们工作后来才慢慢编纂完成(佛祖的著作在之后的很长时间才编纂完毕)。

    Confucius, Buddha, and Mahavira (the prophet of Jainism) all lived in the 6th century, though their works were compiled later (in the case of Buddha, much later).


  • 约翰·亚当斯,托马斯·杰斐逊,詹姆斯·麦迪逊约翰·昆西·亚当斯,然后亚伯拉罕·林肯20仅有伍德·威尔逊,”

    "There's John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and John Quincy Adams, then Abraham Lincoln and in the 20th century just Woodrow Wilson," he said.


  • 不同于福尔摩斯,这位天下第一侦探绅士怪盗这个极为不同造型,成为纵横20小说界影坛受欢迎人物

    In contrast to Sherlock Holmes, the ultimate detective, Lupin was an extreme version of the gentleman criminal, a popular character in fiction and film throughout the 20th century.


  • 17开始,塞·帕斯科镇一直进行矿井开采主要

    Cerro DE Pasco has been mined, mainly for silver, lead and zinc, since the 17th century.


  • 独家报道:德尔•主演,以19英格兰背景的恐怖片,电脑特效帮助表现月时和善的人类变化为凶残的过程。

    The Scoop: Del Toro stars as a good-natured man who transforms into a savage wolf by moonlight in this special effects-packed horror remake set in 19th century England.


  • 中国提供日本海上港口使用权,自从19中期中国满洲割让给俄国以来,港口曾一直拒绝中国使用。

    Rason offers a port on the Sea of Japan, something denied China since it ceded Outer Manchuria to Russia in the mid-19th century.


  • 直到19数学家才发现隐藏数学方程解法中的对称性,其中包括郁郁寡欢的法国数学天才艾瓦里斯特·瓦。

    But it was not until the 19th century that mathematicians such as Evariste Galois, an unhappy French genius, discovered symmetries hidden in the solutions to mathematical equations.


  • 有一天,一部伟大小说会问世,来描述这次信用危机安东尼·特洛普19经典著作《我们现在生活方式》一书中的台词也会忝列其间。

    SOME day a great novel will be written about the credit crunch, along the lines of Anthony Trollope's 19th-century classic, "the Way We Live Now".


  • 米特·希望21还是美国的世似乎贪了点

    Mitt Romney says that he wants the 21st century to be American too. That seems a little greedy.


  • 公园建于16石桥

    Eight tiered, 16th century stone bridge called Athpula in Lodi Gardens.


  • 达州20世20年代土地繁荣最近次贷泡沫历史房地产狂热最终血泪收场的故事不胜枚举。

    History is littered with stories of property crazes that ended in tears, from the Florida land boom of the 1920s to the recent subprime bubble.


  • 20中叶时,伊利莎白·丝观察到人们难过五个阶段否认愤怒讨价还价沮丧接纳然后去做。

    Back in the mid-twentieth century, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross identified the five stages of grief - denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance - and they stuck.


  • 欧洲勘测者最先葡萄牙寻找SpiceIslands(印度尼西亚),接着西班牙人—16到达林岛建立西班牙的主权

    European explorers - first the Portuguese in search of the Spice Islands (Indonesia) and then the Spanish - reached the Carolines in the 16th century, with the Spanish establishing sovereignty.


  • 维尔是美国最大土坝,20世50年代一个活动频繁断层带上,1968年开始蓄水。

    The largest earthen dam in the U.S., it was constructed on an active fault line in the 1950s and filled in 1968.


  • 开始这份职业Kapuscinski收到·多德公元前5作品历史》,从此带着这本走过人生自己的书中摘录

    When he began his career, he was given a copy of Herodotus's 5th-century B.C. work, "Histories," which Kapuscinski carried through his life and quotes from in his book.


  • 舒马克一名经济学家,出生于德国,曾是20世30年代牛津大学奖学金研究生。

    Schumacher was an economist who was born in Germany and studied at Oxford University as a Rhodes scholar in the 1930s.


  • 法则,如果物种特质一旦失去,就意味着这种特质永远失去。法则科学家路易斯•道19提出。

    Dollo's Law, a theory proposed by the scientist Louis Dollo in the 1800s, states that when a particular trait is lost in a species, it never comes back.


  • 牛津大学赛德商学院商业教授迈克•德佛体制不再符合21需求。

    The system isn't fit for the 21st century, says Michael Devereux, professor of business taxation at Oxford's Saï


  • 难以说清他俩到底有厉害因为穿着夹克的看起来就像一部20世70年代英国喜剧中的两个尼组合

    It was hard to judge how serious they were, not least because, dressed in anoraks, they looked like the Two Ronnies, a 1970s British comedy duo.


  • 难以说清他俩到底有厉害因为穿着夹克的看起来就像一部20世70年代英国喜剧中的两个尼组合

    It was hard to judge how serious they were, not least because, dressed in anoraks, they looked like the Two Ronnies, a 1970s British comedy duo.


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