• 1952年由喜剧演员巴德·艾博特卢·斯坦主演的“艾博特和考斯坦罗秀美国电视台首播

    1952 - The Abbott and Costello Show, starring comedians Bud Abbott and Lou Costello, debuts on American television.


  • 斯塔波尔,只参加走猫咪起了眼睛

    A cat closes its eyes during a cat show in Stavropol, Russia.


  • 据《每日新闻报道畅销书作家J.K.近日亮相《奥普拉脱口》,畅谈生活事业以及续写下本《哈利·波特》系列可能性

    Bestselling author J.K. Rowling appeared in an interview on "the Oprah Winfrey Show" to talk about her life and career and the possibility of another Harry Potter book, the News Daily reported.


  • 布拉特夫妇1996年应邀参加了“普拉·温弗瑞”,讲述了他们童年时期(森布拉特先生被关臭名昭著布痕瓦尔德营区)相识的故事

    Mr. and Mrs. Rosenblat appeared on “The Oprah Winfrey Showin 1996, telling their story of meeting as children while Mr. Rosenblat was a prisoner at a subcamp of the infamous Buchenwald.


  • 来自密歇根州克福德家庭最初得到他们家乡的新闻媒体注意那之后这消息传遍了全国 ——包括周六的国家广播公司NBC“今日节目亮相

    The family from Rockford, Mich., first got the attention of their hometown news media, but have since gone nationalincluding an appearance Saturday on NBC's "TODAY" show.


  • 即使家中有12个兄弟姐妹·朗也算是一枝

    Even in a familyof 12 siblings, Rosanne Lang stood out.


  • 其他一些值得一提的二轮包括c.j迈尔斯,伊利亚·索瓦,图里亚夫,马辛戈塔特,冯韦佛里安·戈麦斯

    Other useful second-rounders from that draft include C.J Miles, Ersan Ilyasova, Ronny Turiaf, Marcin Gortat, Von Wafer and Ryan Gomes.


  • 极少接受采访畅销书作家j.k登上《奥普拉脱口》,畅谈生活事业以及出版下一本《哈利·波特》系列的可能性

    Best-selling author J.K. Rowling will appear in a rare interview on "the Oprah Winfrey Show" to talk about her life and career and the possibility of another Harry Potter book.


  • 今天普拉的脱口节目中亮相主持人问到是否波特故事时,她表示说:“构思脑子里肯定会写第八部第九部。”

    Rowling appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show today, and when she was asked if she will ever write another Potter story again, she said: "They're all still in my head. I could definitely write 8 or 9."


  • 今天普拉的脱口节目中亮相主持人问到是否波特故事时,她表示说:“构思脑子里肯定会写第八部第九部。”

    Rowling appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show today, and when she was asked if she will ever write another Potter story again, she said: "They're all still in my head. I could definitely write 8 or 9.


  • 参加普拉。温弗雷脱口国家电视台节目中表达我的爱。

    I bring Roma to the Oprah Winfrey Show to honor her on national television. I want to tell her in front of millions of people what I feel in my heart every day.


  • 2006年31日,喜剧演员兼《谁敢来挑战》(美国个著名的真人节目)主持人收到了一封来自MySpace(我的空间)好友的短消信,发信人名叫凯文消息内容如下:“乔•根,我恨死了.......你一点都不搞笑…….”

    On March 1, 2006, comedian and Fear Factor host Joe Rogan received the following message from a MySpace friend named Kevin: Joe Rogan, I hate you… you’re not funny…


  • 多亏合作伙伴们(像是登·戴奇合作的2008年秋季时装),“”终于迎来久违的复兴

    Thanks to smart partnerships (like with Loden Dager's fall 2008 runway show), Red Wing has been enjoying a long-overdue revival.


  • NBC今日打算出版一部哈里波特百科全书,用于揭露由于篇幅限制以至于能出现丛书中的有关角色生活细节

    Rowling told NBC's "Today" that she plans to publish a Potter encyclopedia that will reveal many details about the characters' lives that she didn't have room to include in the books.


  • 目前看来水的现在最好球员36。(布·格登)。

    Looked like a meh draft going in and so far it has been. The best player (so far) was the 36th pick.


  • :是脱口种吗?

    Ross: a talk show?


  • 包括首席执行官脱口主持人赫尔曼·凯恩,前美国众议院议长金里奇,美国众议员·,前州长加里·约翰逊伦蒂。

    That includes former CEO and talk show host Herman Cain, former U. S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich, U. S. Representative Ron Paul and former governors Gary Johnson and Tim Pawlenty.


  • 一直等待西甲首上赛季做完膝盖手术后恢复良好相信他一定会在皇马占有一席之地的。

    Although he's still waiting for the chance to play in his debut, Robben believes he has recovered strength since his knee surgery last season and is looking forward to playing for Real Madrid.


  • 言论大胆而声名鹊起网络红人玉凤,日前到场东方卫视神州达人》节目鸡蛋奇袭

    Luo Yufeng, an Internet star who shot to fame with her bold remarks, was struck with eggs at a live broadcast of Dragon TV's Dhina Talent Show recently.


  • 教授还表示,新生代年轻人改变着自己对于施展才艺的态度,从而推动了这股“选潮”。

    Luo adds that the new generation is changing its attitude toward showing off talents, which is also fuelling the phenomenon.


  • 数月后,布拉特夫妇获参加《奥普拉·温弗瑞》,演播厅镁光灯投射和聚焦中,两人手拉手坐在米色沙发上接受采访。

    Within months, the Rosenblats were appearing on the Oprah Winfrey Show, sitting hand in hand on a 10 cream sofa, in the full glare of studio lights.


  • 数月后,布拉特夫妇获参加《奥普拉·温弗瑞》,演播厅镁光灯投射和聚焦中,两人手拉手坐在米色沙发上接受采访。

    Within months, the Rosenblats were appearing on the Oprah Winfrey Show, sitting hand in hand on a 10 cream sofa, in the full glare of studio lights.


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