• 劳尔·卡斯特尝试通过土地租借农民减少食品进口

    Raul is trying to cut food imports by leasing land to private farmers.


  • 罗正灿目前为这种新科技提出专利申请表示过去一周,已经利用这种方法成功复制出只米格鲁宝宝,年内复制宠物价格降到5万美元左右。

    Ra, which is applying for a patent, said two cloned beagle puppies were born in the past week using this method which could reduce the cost of cloning a pet dog to about $50,000 within three years.


  • 饭厅里,发现特麦耶小姐不幸的表情布置餐桌

    In the dining-room he found Miss Rottenmeier surveying the table with a most tragic face.


  • 收音机关于货船大西洋德国U型潜艇击沉消息满天飞,爱德华·R·默不时伦敦发来报道,那里遭受德国空袭。

    The radio was full of news of freighters on the Atlantic being sunk by U-boats, and crackly transmissions from Edward R. Murrow reported on London under siege by the Luftwaffe.


  • 几个医生试验新的治疗包括伯·特莱维博士,他是西北纪念医院的一位神经外科医生参与电流破坏那些刺激脸部的神经

    A new treatment being tried out by a few doctors, including Dr. Robert Levy, a neurosurgeon at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, involves zapping with electricity certain nerves that innervate the face.


  • 只妖兽在身上施展了法术,使他看到哈利赫敏格兰杰在一起幻象,而此时的疯狂地赫敏。

    The creature uses magic to show the images of Harry with Hermione Granger, played by Watson, to Ron, who is madly in love with her.


  • 莎曼珊比·菲尔德女儿今年20岁俄亥俄州奥伯林学院大二计划学年她男性朋友卡斯特合住

    Debbie Feldman \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 's 20-year-old daughter, Samantha, is a sophomore at Oberlin in Ohio and plans to room with her Platonic friend Grey Castro, a straight guy, next year.


  • 米开朗琪著名雕塑大卫这位年轻武士摆出了一个英勇姿态迎接以色列人死敌非利士巨人哥利亚的挑战。

    In Michelangelo's famous rendering of David, the young warrior strikes a heroic pose as he prepares to battle the giant Goliath, a Philistine enemy of Israel.


  • 诺斯普·格鲁曼公司考虑出售低利润造船业务

    Northrop Grumman is considering a sale of its low-margin shipbuilding unit.


  • 小提琴•保奇说道:“我们竭力理解作曲者表现那些弥漫他本人脑海中的音符”。

    "We are trying to stay true to the composer and the sound they had in mind," says Ronnie Bauch, a violinist.


  • 森斯蒂尔人们渐渐习惯通过口袋里的手机小型平板电脑上网

    People are just becoming accustomed to having the internet available in their pockets on phones or small tablets, he said.


  • 星期二条蛇阿肯色州霍利·密西西比河洪水中。

    A snake swims in Mississippi River floodwaters in Holly Grove, Arkansas, on Tuesday.


  • 总结受到闭锁综合征的折磨,他最终认定他并非植物性神经系统损伤病人。

    He concluded that ROM was suffering from locked-in syndrome, that he was not, after all, neuro-vegetative.


  • 那时,有一个神人奉耶和华犹大来到伯特利。站在烧香。

    By the word of the Lord a man of God came from Judah to Bethel, as Jeroboam was standing by the altar to make an offering.


  • 其他共和党候选人特别是米特·尼,密切关注着洪博培

    Other Republican candidates, particularly Mitt Romney, are closely watching Mr. Huntsman.


  • 其他共和党候选人特别是米特·尼,密切关注着洪博培

    Other Republican candidates, particularly Mitt Romney, are closely watching Mr.Huntsman.


  • 经验丰富向导约翰·斯(最左边)带领一支浑身湿透队伍穿越遁世峡谷中一布满苔藓的通道,这里离峡谷的出口已经几个小时的行程了。

    Veteran guide John Robens (at far left) leads a soggy team through a moss-covered passage in Claustral Canyon, a few hours' hike from their exit point.


  • 凯睿表示:“我们努力成为解决方案一部分。”

    "We are trying to be part of the solution," said Mr Rosen.


  • 显然尔曼致力于创造一个新的纪录——拥有最多激怒上帝方法

    Rollman, apparently, is working on a record for the most new ways to piss off6 the Creator.


  • 部落苹果公司现在致力于不久将来把切语扩大流行iPad平板电脑上

    The tribe and the company are currently working on extending Cherokee to the popular iPad tablet in the near future.


  • 我们班加课题组努力将最高级超薄手机上的现有微型照相机转而应用燃气轮机的内部检查

    Our group in Bangalore is taking miniature cameras developed for state-of-the-art ultra-slim mobile phones and using them for the inspection of gas turbines!


  • 报道,C一家目前办理一系列手续,准备孩子美国葡萄牙。

    The family is reportedly dealing with the paperwork necessary to move the baby from the US to Portugal.


  • 受阿根廷最大农业综合产业公司控股的布鲁希尔爱谷公司年内取得20万亩林地的所有权,现在努力购入更多

    For example, BrasilAgro, a firm controlled by one of Argentina’s biggest agribusinesses, Cresud, has acquired close to 200,000 hectares in four years and is trying to buy much more.


  • 森斯蒂尔人们渐渐习惯通过口袋里的手机小型平板电脑上网

    People are just becoming accustomed to having the internet available in their pockets on phones or small tablets, he said


  • 25NicholasSparks承认克波特北部牛津撞上辆汽车时候一边发短信一边打电话

    Nicholas Sparks, 25, admitted he was texting on one mobile phone while he was speaking on another when his vehicle struck a car in the upstate Oxford town of Lockport.


  • 事实上日本受邀提交一部影片参加威尼斯电影节时,最初此类影片中的一部——今井(ImaiTadashi)的《待重逢时》(UntilWeMeetAgain, 1951)获得了推荐,不过最终被选中参赛的却是生门》。

    In fact one such, Imai Tadashi's Until We Meet Again (1951), had initially been proposed when Japan was invited to submit a film at Venice, but it was Rashomon that was ultimately chosen.


  • 八十年代如今分崩离析德沃特农场Broadwater Farm)的社会底层,一群年轻人组成了托特纳姆曼德姆帮派(TottenhamMandem),开始贩卖毒品街头抢劫赚大钱

    By the early Eighties, the youths of the crumbling Broadwater Farm estate had formed the Tottenham Mandem and were starting to make serious money from selling drugs and carrying out street robberies.


  • 八十年代如今分崩离析德沃特农场Broadwater Farm)的社会底层,一群年轻人组成了托特纳姆曼德姆帮派(TottenhamMandem),开始贩卖毒品街头抢劫赚大钱

    By the early Eighties, the youths of the crumbling Broadwater Farm estate had formed the Tottenham Mandem and were starting to make serious money from selling drugs and carrying out street robberies.


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