• 该市现任市长路易吉·布鲁格纳罗曾嘲笑联合国教科文组织管闲事同时继续支持雇佣了5000名威尼斯居民的游轮行业

    The city's current mayor, Luigi Brugnaro, has ridiculed UNESCO and told it to mind its own business, while continuing to support the cruise ship industry, which employs 5,000 Venice residents.


  • 讨论提交商业伙伴联合竞价方案。

    Ferrero had mooted submitting a competing offer with a mix of potential partners.


  • 米开朗基说过雕刻《大卫》其他艺术品时,不过剔除与作品无关东西

    Michelangelo is quoted as saying that he did his David and other works simply by carving away everything that wasn't the statue.


  • 作家过,这个角色基于一位老师

    The writer, Rowling, once said that the character was based on a teacher of hers.


  • 同样地说到一些到过很多地方的中国人已经开始认识到本国旅游业广阔前景

    Similarly, Luo says, some Chinese who have traveled widely have also begun to realize their own country's vast potential for tourism.


  • 特麦耶小姐十分失望因为希望这个巨大谜团会得以解释

    Miss Rottenmeier experienced an extreme disappointment, for she had hoped for an explanation of the great mystery.


  • 比舍是一位16世纪的英国探险家来自加拿大Kodlunarn土壤样品进行了含金量检测。

    Frobisher, a sixteenth-century English explorer, had soil samples from Canada's Kodlunarn Island examined for gold content.


  • 席尔瓦经纪人现在暗示西甲豪门确实顾客兴趣,强调了席尔瓦圣西生活快乐。

    Silva's agent has now suggested that the Liga giants did have an interest in his client, but stressed Silva is happy with the life at the San Siro.


  • 作为间谍首脑,沃尔辛·姆还引入了非常规引渡”概念(说服谢尔(一法国港口)海盗尝试绑架教宗派驻巴黎大使)。

    Walsingham was the spy-chief who introduced the concept of Extraordinary Rendition (he persuaded pirates in La Rochelle to attempt the kidnap of the papal legate to Paris).


  • 坚决否认接触过

    He firmly ruled out that he had met with Rosaline.


  • 敦群岛,我们到访下一个港口评选为挪威美丽地方

    Our next port of call in the Lofotens was once voted the most scenic place in Norway.


  • 以色列女子阿,当为号。使你们穿朱红色的美衣,使你们衣服黄金妆饰

    Ye daughters of Israel, weep over Saul, who clothed you in scarlet, with other delights, who put on ornaments of gold upon your apparel.


  • 母亲艾德告诉去过警局报警想查明儿子到底发生什么事,但是从未收到任何真正帮助

    His mother, Edna Glover, told me she'd gone to the department and made a police report, but had never received any real help in uncovering what became of her son.


  • 那时以东多益臣仆中,对他看见耶西儿子到了挪,亚希儿子亚希米勒那里。

    But Doeg the Edomite, who was standing with Saul's officials, said, "I saw the son of Jesse come to Ahimelech son of Ahitub at Nob."


  • 老友蒙迪扎巴尔葬礼之后森博格请求伸出援手发誓“要不惜一切代价找出杀害穆萨父女的凶手。”

    Mendizábal, the longtime friend, says that after the funeral Rosenberg asked him for help, vowing to “go all the way to find out who killed the Musas.


  • 布拉戈耶维奇当选州长之前是代表芝加哥北区的国会议员,该席位先前的主人是森考斯基,后者一样,电信欺诈罪。

    And before Mr Blagojevich became governor he represented Chicago's North Side in congress-a seat previously held by Dan Rostenkowski, who, like him, was convicted of wire fraud.


  • 蒂西亚平民身份以及名叫阿隆索·格雷老师结过引起一些西班牙保守派的不满。

    Letizia's status as a commoner, as well as her previous marriage to school teacher Alonso Guerrero, offended some of the old guard in Spain.


  • 宝马公司1990年代尝试拯救羸弱英国孚汽车公司,但失败了MINI唯一的幸存者。

    MINI is a survivor of BMW’s otherwise failed attempt to turn around Britain’s ailing Rover group in the 1990s.


  • 这话是因他们看见所人特摩,城里以为殿

    For they had seen before with him in the city Trophimus an Ephesian, whom they supposed that Paul had brought into the temple.


  • 在此之后历史学者特-哈格里维斯写道:“人们才慢慢接受公众依法知道他们选出议员的所作所为的权利。”

    After Wilkes's battle, wrote the historian Robert Hargreaves, "it gradually became accepted that the public had a constitutional right to know what their elected representatives were up to".


  • 75开发者是短期拥有孚公司的宝马汽车公司,发动机又是本田的杰作,其“血统”可谓优良

    Developed by BMW, which owned MG Rover for a while, and with an excellent engine designed by Honda, the 75 has a fine pedigree.


  • 指出贴撒前书四章中4似乎根本没有考虑女人

    I pointed out that in I Thessalonians 4 Paul doesn't seem to think about women at all there.


  • 上周末消防战士扑灭了该地区北部大火,解决了被吞噬的下诺夫哥,但地区首府浓烟密布。

    Fire fighters were battling at the weekend to douse fires in the north of the region that cloaked the town of Nizhny Novgorod, the regional capital, in smoke.


  • 先生被证实说过:“现在我们未来20天内找到真正快乐,这会让玛切利面临从来没有困难时期。”

    Mr Porro is claimed to have said: "Now we're going to have some real fun and for the next 20 days [give] Marcegaglia a hard time like she's never seen before".


  • 穆萨生前森博格谈及是否接受这些位置

    Before Musa died, he had talked to Rosenberg about whether to accept the positions.


  • 上个月,因为有人药片发现木片金属片公司召回所有软嚼来兹。

    The company last month recalled all batches of Softchews Rolaids produced by an outside manufacturer after people found wood and metal bits in the tablets.


  • 有多善良,多贪婪”洛克菲勒传记作者切尔诺说到

    His good side was every bit as good as his bad side was bad, ” the Rockefeller biographer, Ron Chernow, has said.


  • 有多善良,多贪婪”洛克菲勒传记作者切尔诺说到

    His good side was every bit as good as his bad side was bad, ” the Rockefeller biographer, Ron Chernow, has said.


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