• 作为独立第一反抗胜利,提康德·极大鼓舞了士气大陆军的第一提供了关键火炮

    As the first rebel victory of the Revolutionary war, the Battle of Fort Ticonderoga served as a morale booster and provided key artillery for the Continental Army in that first year of war.


  • 提康德·缴获火炮次年春天波士顿包围中派上了用场。

    Cannons captured at Fort Ticonderoga would be used during the successful Siege of Boston the following spring.


  • 最前面理性傲慢”:伍德·威尔逊错误地认为取得胜利美国重新建立一个受规则约束的和平理性的全球体系

    And that was preceded by the "hubris of reason" : Woodrow Wilson's delusion that victory in the first world war would enable America to create a global system of rule-bound peace and reason.


  • 一月3日爱荷华州的那场预选一样,行之有效的“地面在南弗达胜利关键所在

    An unusually effective "ground game" was key to his victory there, as it was in the January 3rd Iowa caucuses.


  • 柴尔德认为价格反映症结在于健身行业关注招揽会员不是设法保有现有会员。

    Rothschild says the price war is a symptom of the gym industry's focus on chasing new members, rather than hanging onto existing ones.


  • 贤哲提醒人们中国情报搜集活动中,风格的谍手段扮演重要角色

    Mr Lo's case is a reminder that cold war-style spy tactics still play an important part in Chinese intelligence gathering.


  • 因为爆发,1940年芬兰举行奥运会被迫取消了,艾泽·威廉姆斯极度伤心失望只得在旧金山比利·水上舞蹈团工作

    Sorely disappointed when the advent of World War II forced the cancellation of the 1940 Olympics in Finland, Williams cut her losses by going to work for Billy Rose's San Francisco Aquacade.


  • 一个国会委员会相继投票通过继续建造F - 22斗机其他项目

    One congressional committee after another voted to keep building F-22s and other Bizarro projects.


  • 脸变了;赫敏在发抖哈利自己觉得心惊胆

    Ron had turned white and Hermione shivered. Harry, himself, didn't feel safe.


  • 分析报告指出未来十年排名靠前的电子系统生产商为诺斯普格鲁曼公司、BAE系统公司雷声公司ITT公司洛克希德马丁公司。

    This analysis states that the top-ranked EW system producers in the next decade will be Northrop Grumman, BAE Systems, Raytheon, ITT, and Lockheed Martin.


  • 拉玛人兢。基比亚人逃跑

    Ramah trembles; Gibeah of Saul flees.


  • 这场货币美联储政额策调整后果

    The war will be a logical consequence of changes in Federal Reserve policy in the U.S.


  • 这种情况而来的,布德海德补充,“新的征兵系统。 在这套系统,一个有权有势的将军人们中间去召唤‘你们愿意吗?’

    The result, he adds, wasa new system of recruitment where a powerful general goes to the population and says, ‘Will you all fight with me?’


  • 诺斯普·格鲁门公司获得美国海军700万美元的合同,内容是海军提供业务项目管理支持

    Northrop Grumman Corp. has received a $7 million task order from the Navy to provide business operations and program management support to the Marine Corps.


  • 诺斯普格鲁曼公司的一位高管这些条款描述成“采用最低标准的方法,这些方法专门设计竞争变成价格,从而帮助性能较低较小型飞机”。

    A Northrop executive described the terms as a “lowest-common-denominator approach designed to favour a less capable, smaller aircraft by turning the contest into a cost shoot-out.”


  • 克林顿-克在二法国作的陆军士兵,他于1944年5月8日阵亡

    Clinton Krotz, an infantry soldier in Italy during the war, was killed in action on May 8, 1944.


  • 图38.2010年2月24星期三阿富汗赫尔曼德省的马尔扎,美国海军陆第63的安布加•卡AmbrogaCarson上士正在巡逻

    U.S. Marine 1st SGT Ambroga Carson from 3rd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment patrols in Marjah in Afghanistan's Helmand province on Wednesday Feb. 24, 2010. (AP Photo/David Guttenfelder)


  • 尼先生赢得了3选举但是2个怀俄明内华达),竞争对手几乎没有和他竞争

    Mr Romney has also won three races, but two (Wyoming and Nevada) were in states that his rivals barely contested.


  • 大陆因为四千多年西方大海漂浮而的日月大陆碰撞面积大增的同时大陆频繁

    Douro mainland because Western sea floating to the continental collision was four thousand years ago, increased area at the same time, also makes frequent wars.


  • 国米主教练扎切上任后,维耶里这位拉齐奥队员过得并不顺,因此朋友卡萨诺拖地一起马而是个不错的选择。

    The former Lazio star is enduring a difficult time under coach Alberto Zaccheroni and is understood to be keen to play with good friends Antonio Cassano and Francesco Totti at Roma.


  • 描绘发生有生之年伦萨锡耶纳1432年的场面,每一次都用了大量绚丽色彩,就当时来说,是很了不起现实主义

    Ucello painted the battle between Florentine and Sienese forces in 1432 - which took place within his lifetime - three times, each time employing spectacular color and - for the time - great realism.


  • 文艺复兴焰火燃烧整个平原,为艺术时候,文化艺术思想得到涅盘重生

    When the artistic rejuvenation of the whole Europa Plain burning fireworks, and fighting for the arts, cultural and artistic ideology of Nirvana reborn!


  • 用来阐释·索在《帝国反击》中提到的“奥德·曼特尔星球赏金猎人若干故事之一。

    It is one of several stories meant to explain who the "bounty hunter on Ord Mantell" was that Han mentioned in Empire.


  • 说到底,下一,弗几乎没有机会凯斯

    Bottom line: Froch has almost no chance against Mikkel Kessler in his next fight.


  • 期间表示,兰博·基尼抓获,盟军成为该岛上德斯

    It was during WWII that Lamborghini was captured by the Allied Forces and became a prisoner of war on the Island of Rhodes.


  • 上周六锡耶纳来到圣西国际米兰他们打了场精彩绝伦的比赛,马莱·萨尼球队表现非常出色,他们两次领先最后却败于国际米兰的重压之下

    Last Saturday Siena came to SAN Siro against Inter and played an extraordinary match. Malesani's team behaved well, they took the lead twice, then they suffered from Inter's pressure.


  • 父亲死讯知道睡眠状态醒过来哈尔,只得领著大批部下一起加入这场魔王宝座争夺

    Just woken from a deep slumber, Laharl did not even know of his father's death, and had to join in the battle for the throne with his numerous subordinates.


  • 阿明多·丹尼尔·奥利维拉驾驶迷你约翰·赛车各自车队意大利汽车运动车队以及巴西世界拉力车队。

    Armindo Araujo and Daniel Oliveira will head the MINI John Cooper Works WRC challenge for their respective entrants, Motorsport Italia and Brazil World Rally Team.


  • 西班牙第三分钟的进球帮助阿森纳5比1胜了博格,同时也结束了自己持续两个月以上进球

    The Spaniard's third-minute strike set Arsenal on their way to a 5-1 win against Rosenborg and ended a personal goal drought which had dragged on for more than two months.


  • 西班牙第三分钟的进球帮助阿森纳5比1胜了博格,同时也结束了自己持续两个月以上进球

    The Spaniard's third-minute strike set Arsenal on their way to a 5-1 win against Rosenborg and ended a personal goal drought which had dragged on for more than two months.


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