• 37岁索尔·是这里得宝经理十几岁时就学会自己修车,甚至还学会了更换刹车

    Sol Axelrod, 37, the manager of the Home Depot here, fittingly learned to fix his own car as a teenager, even changing the brakes.


  • 哲学家·利斯利是英国塞克大学认知科学研究中心主任,他表示这样技术正在改变机器人面貌

    Technology like this is now changing the face of robotics, says philosopher Ron Chrisley, director of the Centre for Research in Cognitive Science at the University of Sussex in England.


  • 那时特乐队开始了雄心勃勃的全球巡演

    It was then that Roxette embarked on an ambitious worldwide tour.


  • 圣多坚持种族定义自己超越了种族概念;而同时他又自己的种族而骄傲这些来自德的回答

    "Some of Santos's insistence on not being defined by his race, his pride in it even as he rises above it, came from that," Attie said.


  • 只不过改变话题

    Axelrod said he is merely trying to change the subject.


  • 相反,如尔·德所说,一种交情、无需远见合作”——是大自然的冷规则,适用许多层面,并催生组织结构

    Rather it is what Axelrod calls "cooperation without friendship or foresight" -cold principles of nature that work at many levels to birth a self-organizing structure.


  • 汽车艺术品大师查尔斯·塞克应邀尔斯·易斯汽车公司设计标志时深深印脑海中的女神像立刻使产生创作灵感

    When the car works of art guru Charles Sykes was invited to Roll Winslow Lewis Motor Company design logo, etched in his mind of the goddess at once led him inspiration.


  • 1987年,阿尔·通过设定系统拓展了这个电脑游戏系统里,有一小程序玩家执行随机产生的“囚徒困境策略

    In 1987, Axelrod extended the computerization of the game by setting up a system in which small populations of programs played randomly generated Prisoner's Dilemma strategies.


  • 雷(音译)万杜埃(音译)表示他们目前正着重于构造基础扩大用户开发地点数据库

    Mr. Crowley and Mr. Selvadurai say they are focusing on trying to build up the infrastructure, expand the user base and develop a database of locations.


  • 刘易斯探险队探险期间的1805年白人探险家首次进入地区为止,他们发现内兹佩尔部落部落和肖肖尼部落。

    By the time white explorers first entered the region during the Lewis and Clark Expedition in 1805, they encountered the Nez Perce, Crow and Shoshone tribes.


  • 韦尔柯林斯公司为上海来自达拉皮兹工程师组成15团队这个项目

    In Rockwell Collins' case, engineers from Cedar Rapids are working on the programme, along with a team of 15 in Shanghai.


  • 芝加哥会见两位激进青年政客戴维·威廉戴维·阿尔·德,他们在后来参与了我的竞选活动

    In Chicago, I met with two young political activists, David Wilhelm and David Axelrod, who would become involved in the campaign.


  • 科斯图·尼卡先生讲话让人惊人地想起的演讲——但马尼亚现在却还受到欧盟北约的控制。

    Mr Kostunica's speech was shockingly reminiscent of Milosevic 's-but Romania is now in both the EU and NATO.


  • 奥巴马先生高级顾问大卫·,“记得有一次特别静默,”顾问说,“我什么,他说,‘这些来信读了就让人心碎。’

    I remember once he was particularly quiet, ” said Mr. Obama’s senior adviser, David Axelrod, “and I asked him what he was thinking about, and he said, ‘These letters just tear you up.’


  • 于1987年大学毕业大学法国古典文学专业,她们当时演讲英国哲学家男爵MaryWarnock

    The onetime French and classics major at the University of Exeter recalled her own 1987 college graduation, at which the main speaker was British philosopher Baroness Mary Warnock.


  • 夏天回到加拿大故乡期间,我最好朋友看卢Lucero)乐队的歌手•尼尔斯(BenNichols)那张才华横溢的专辑西部最后一缕淡薄的》(The LastPale Lightin the West),张专辑就是这部小说为基础的。

    While visiting my hometown in Canada over the summer, my best friend pointed me towards Lucero singer Ben Nicholsbrilliant albumThe Last Pale Light in the Westwhich is based on the novel.


  • 1952年,剧作家乔治德(George Axelrod)把这个词用在了一百老汇戏剧中,这部的是丈夫出轨的故事。

    In 1952, the playwright George Axelrod appropriated the term for a Broadway play about a husband’s desire to stray.


  • 主动请缨,为巴马创作竞选广告奥巴马军师大卫·太配合,这让乔布斯大为恼火

    He offered to create Obama's AD campaign but became annoyed because Obama's strategist David Axelrod wasn't sufficiently deferential (HuffPo).


  • 首席策略师大卫德都是谁唯一合作伙伴一步

    To my chief strategist David Axelrod who's be a partner with me eVery abundance step of the way.


  • 一方面因为身边一些顽固战略家比如精于选战的大卫德。

    Partly because he is surrounded by hard-nosed strategists, such as David Axelrod, who excel at campaigning.


  • 曾经供职于基因开发部、现任研发负责人理查德•强调,“没人干涉我们行事方式。”

    "There is no interference in the way we do things, " insists Richard Scheller, head of research and early development at Genentech.


  • 报道,乔布斯告诉巴马,帮助做竞选广告之后,乔布斯退避了,因为认为奥巴马的高级助理大卫德对他不够尊重

    Jobs also reportedly told Obama he would help him with his advertising but later pulled back because he didn't think senior aide David Axelrod showed him enough respect.


  • 1990年,跟随特上学时就开始交往多年的男朋友到了英国北部工业地区曼彻斯特。

    In 1990, Rowling followed her long-term boyfriend from her Exeter days to Manchester in England's industrial northern region.


  • 回家路上父亲第一上学·先生课上

    On the way home my father told me of an accident that took place on his first day at school in Mr. Crossett's class.


  • 腾讯体育牛志明杨露莎报道08中网男单对决,超级黑马拉对阵美国大炮场针尖对麦芒比赛

    Leaps news sports Niu Zhiming, Yang Lusha to report that 08 net men's singles to decide, super dark horse Beisela confronts American cannon Rodieck, this is a needle-tip to wheat awn's competition.


  • 他们·诺斯的女儿提斯,得墨忒耳赫拉以及儿子普路托

    They were his daughters Hestia, Demeter and Hera, and sons Pluto and Poseidon.


  • 首席策略师大卫·尔·德,在一个合作伙伴一步

    To my chief strategist David Axelrod who's been a partner with me every step of the way.


  • 首席策略师大卫·尔·德,在一个合作伙伴一步

    To my chief strategist David Axelrod who's been a partner with me every step of the way.


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