• 罗坎开发定制内容管理系统供电网站全球

    Rokkan developed the custom content management system powering the site globally.


  • 那时很美好——那些小屋度过的日子,那些最初日子——除了早上干活的女佣,只有他俩在一起。

    Wonderful then, those days at Crockham Cottage, the first days, all alone save for the woman who came to work in the mornings.


  • 重返银幕扮演专横母亲

    She returns to the big screen to play Candy's overbearing mother, Rose.


  • 在巴勒莫大学的历史老师塞拉·西拉说:“他的故事表明,梦想可以成真,如果你培养兴趣,你可以保持年轻——不是在年龄上,而是在精神上。”

    "His story shows that dreams can come true and that you can remain young—not in age but in spirit—if you develop interests," said Rosella Cancila, his teacher of history at the University of Palermo.


  • 下周前往西班牙挑战巴塞之前圣西本周末面对拉齐奥的挑战。

    The San Siro giants will take on Lazio's challenge at the weekend before travelling to Spain for the encounter with Barcelona at Camp Nou on Tuesday evening.


  • 根据特伯雷大主教威廉姆斯观点,“所有沉迷精神的枷锁”,以极出乎寻常的干涉上议院计划投了反对票

    "All addictions are imprisonments for the soul," according to Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, who made a rare intervention to cast his vote in the Lords against the plan.


  • 普球场,巴萨5比0这样一个令人震惊地一边倒结果击败了皇家马德里,此前很多认为年度欧洲精彩的比赛之一

    Barcelona humbled Real Madrid, 5-0, in Monday's Clásico at the Camp Nou, a stunningly one-sided result to a game many had thought would be among the best played in Europe this year.


  • 布朗表现出布莱尔支持,他里夫代表自己进行游说

    Brown has shown his support for Blair by asking Cunliffe and Darroch to lobby on his behalf.


  • 今年伯雷大主教万威廉姆斯,做闭幕式布道,呼吁观众们“当前负责生活”。

    This year RowanWilliams, the archbishop of Canterbury, delivered the closing homily, urging theaudience to “live responsibly in the present”.


  • ·贝丝保留一任丈夫斯图尔特·姓氏,后者逝1969年。

    Kanter carries the name of her first husband, Stuart Kanter, who died in 1969.


  • 要说政客中谁不修边幅大概要首推正在纽约斯特监狱中服刑的詹姆斯•特拉菲特。

    Perhaps the last, best example of the authentically slovenly politician is sitting in a prison cell in Rochester, New York.


  • 讽刺,当年排在1116位的是弗兰·瓦兹·奎斯,亚斯拉夫科廖夫肖恩梅拉沙德·麦茨,安东尼·莱特乔伊·格拉汉姆

    The irony, of course, is that Fran Vazquez, Yaroslav Korolev, Sean May, Rashad McCants, Antoine Wright and Joey Graham were taken with picks 11 through 16.


  • 受邀参加此次宴会的160名贵宾包括英国首相托尼·布莱尔夫人、英国外交大臣杰克·司特劳和伯雷大主教·威廉斯

    Prime Minister Tony Blair was among the 160 guests along with his wife Cherie, Foreign Secretary Jack Straw and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams.


  • 一个礼拜马上就让感觉到,击出比以前更快了,”2007年比斯湾打球迪克,“球弹起的高度没有以前那么高。”

    I instantly felt like I could hit through the ball a little bit more this week, ” said Roddick of Key Biscayne’s courts in 2007. “It doesn’t make the ball jump as much.”


  • 球队伊布·克斯球场对阵流浪者以及在主场迎战凯尔特人,将应巴萨之,在赛季第一个没有比赛周三访问普。

    The club still have to play Rangers at Ibrox, as well as hosting Celtic, and they have also been invited to play Barcelona at Camp Nou on their first blank Wednesday of the new season. Daniel Taylor.


  • 现如今,大卫·奥布拉再次造访岛,同行还有来自新英格兰水族馆的珊瑚专家兰迪·特佳(RandiRotjan以及评估厄尔尼诺现象影响程度其他科学家

    Now I'd returned to Kanton with David Obura and Randi Rotjan, a coral expert from NEA, and other scientists to assess the impact of the El Niño event.


  • 哈佛大学高级领导力计划(Harvard University AdvancedLeadership Initiative)主任贝丝•M•特对这种短期项目大加赞扬,认为这种项目“以符合成本效益方式培养多元化团队技能人脉。”

    Rosabeth M. Kanter, director of the Harvard University Advanced Leadership Initiative, praises such short-term projects as "cost-effective ways to build skills and relationships in a diverse team."


  • 埃弗顿15年来没有客场战胜过阿森纳当时司徒亚切斯基的进球帮助球队海布里取得了2-1的胜利

    Everton haven't won away at Arsenal for 15 years, when goals from Graham Stuart and Andrei Kanchelskis helped Joe Royle's side come from behind to win 2-1 at Highbury.


  • 瓜迪奥拉排除赛季计划之外后,期待着今夏离开普球场。

    Ronaldinho is expected to leave Camp Nou this summer as new manager Pep Guardiola looks to reshape his squad for next season.


  • 又重返银幕扮演专横母亲

    She returns to the big screen to play Candy 's overbearing mother, Rose.


  • 祖尼原籍锡那亚州的库利亚,该地域墨西哥最大贩毒组织的起源地之一。

    Zuniga is originally from Culiacan, the capital of Sinaloa state, birthplace of one of Mexico's most powerful cartels.


  • 位于沃云纳省帕尼·奥拉庄园意大利最好葡萄酒生产商首屈一指的出口商。产品质优,价廉获奖品牌阿马内为代表。

    Campagnola is based in Verona and is Italy's finest producer and leading exporter of affordable wines including their award winning Amarone.


  • 依靠经验,”·阿斯,“我们经过漫长游荡才能找到捷径。”

    'By experience, ' says Roger Ascham, 'we find out a short way by a long wandering.


  • 与此同时米兰律师塔梅萨声称选择评论最新谣言声称舍甫琴科将会回到圣西

    Meanwhile, Milan lawyer Leandro Cantamessa has declared that the Rossoneri prefer not to comment on the latest rumours regarding Andriy Shevchenko's alleged return to the San Siro.


  • 非常欣慰的证实先生释放现在安全,”

    "I am greatly relieved to confirm that Mr. Croke has been released and is now safe," said Cannon.


  • 特伯雷大主教恩·威廉斯上午11新人主持结婚仪式

    Archbishop33 of Canterbury Rowan Williams will marry the couple in an 11 a. m. ceremony.


  • 钻穿,一张4x 6红木木材安装帕·诺自行车耳机

    I drilled a hole in a scrap of redwood 4x6 lumber and mounted an old Campagnolo bike headset in it.


  • 钻穿,一张4x 6红木木材安装帕·诺自行车耳机

    I drilled a hole in a scrap of redwood 4x6 lumber and mounted an old Campagnolo bike headset in it.


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