• 《暮光之城》中吸血鬼男主角的扮演者罗伯特·帕丁森表示《哈利·波特》的男一号丹尼尔·雷德克里夫讨教经验,求教他怎么处理成名后的烦恼。

    Robert Pattinson has revealed that he wants to talk to Daniel Radcliffe about dealing with fame.


  • 光之城》系列电影饰演具有超人力量速度吸血鬼英国男演员罗伯特 帕丁森日前坦称自己在剧中看起来异装癖

    Robert Pattinson, the British actor who plays a vampire with superhuman strength and speed in the Twilight series of films, has admitted he looks like a transvestitein the role.


  • 福勒通过XIX公司第一个项目罗伯特帕丁森主演的《漂亮朋友》,今年开始制作,福勒担纲执行制片,这一举动标志着福勒进军电影事业。

    Fuller's first major project through XIX will be Robert Pattinson starrer "Bel Ami, " set to go into production this year; he will exec produce. Move marks Fuller's entry into the film biz.


  • 福勒通过XIX公司第一个项目罗伯特帕丁森主演的《漂亮朋友》,今年开始制作,福勒担纲执行制片,这一举动标志着福勒进军电影事业。

    Fuller's first major project through XIX will be Robert Pattinson starrer "Bel Ami," set to go into production this year; he will exec produce. Move marks Fuller's entry into the film biz.


  • 克里斯汀-斯图尔特罗伯特-帕丁森泰勒-洛特纳三人着轻便装扮出现片场,准备开拍集中上部。

    Actors Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner all turned up together as they prep to shoot the first installment of the two part production.


  • 罗伯特-帕丁森光》的原声带中不仅有钢琴吉他的演奏,更开金口演出了歌曲,不过并不是自己的创作

    The actor, who plays piano and guitar as well as singing, performed two tracks included on the first Twilight soundtrack, although both were written by other people.


  • 另一位英国演员罗伯特·帕丁森同台竞技,后者以《哈利·波特》电影饰演塞德里克·迪戈里出道。

    He will star with Robert Pattinson, another British actor who began his acting career in a Harry Potter film, as Cedric Diggory.


  • 周五好莱坞《大象的眼泪》片场,罗伯特·丁森克里斯托弗·沃尔茨、茜·威瑟斯彭盛装亮相,完成影片的最后镜头拍摄。

    Robert Pattinson, Christoph Waltz, and Reese Witherspoon got all dressed up to film a few scenes from their latest flick Water for Elephants on Friday in L.A..


  • 此前还有传言说,由于工作太忙碌罗伯特·丁森女友、《光之城》女主角克里斯汀·斯图尔特已经分手,这样的谣言平息怒火显然只有害无益。

    Pattinson's anger might not have been helped by rumours he has split from Twilight co-star and girlfriend Kristen Stewart, with hectic work schedules blamed for the collapse of their relationship.


  • 当然这些吸血鬼当中的许多纯粹邪恶冷漠人类的吸血鬼,估计也不会再让汤姆克鲁斯罗伯特·丁森这样的大帅哥演了。

    Of course many of these are pure evil, unsympathetic, nonhuman vampires that won't be played by Tom Cruise or Robert Pattinson any time soon.


  • 福布斯全球影响力名人日前出炉,《暮光之城》系列电影主演罗伯特丁森首次登榜。

    Robert Pattinson, the star of the Twlight film franchise, has been named one of the most powerful celebrities in the world after appearing on the Forbes list for the first time.


  • 罗伯特·丁森曾经,“不是那种喜欢玩速战速决恋情或者谈表面恋情的。”

    Robert Pattinson said, "I'm not a man for short and superficial love affairs."


  • 罗伯特·丁森曾经,“不是那种喜欢玩速战速决恋情或者谈表面恋情的

    Robert Pattinson said, “I'm not a man for short and superficial love affairs.


  • 24岁罗伯特·帕丁森20岁的克里斯汀·斯图尔特近期内是不会孩子的!

    Robert Pattinson, 24, and Kristen Stewart, 20, won't be having kids anytime soon!


  • 24岁罗伯特·丁森20岁的克里斯汀·斯图尔特堪称好莱坞相当给力的情侣组合之一

    Robert Pattinson, 24, and Kristen Stewart, 20, are one of Hollywood’s most powerful couples.


  • 除了这个烂摊子之外,贝拉必须罗伯特·丁森扮演的吸血鬼爱德华洛特纳扮演的雅各布之间做出痛苦抉择,因为知道自己选择点燃吸血鬼和狼人家族之间矛盾的导火索。

    In the midst of it all, she is forced to choose between Edward (Robert Pattinson) and Jacob (Lautner) — knowing that her decision has the potential to ignite the struggle between vampire and werewolf.


  • 其中第一吸血鬼库伦家族,包括紧紧相拥的男女主角罗伯特·丁森扮演爱德华以及克里斯琴·斯图亚特扮演贝拉

    The first shows the Cullen family including Edward - who is played by Robert Pattinson - and Kristen Stewart's Bella.


  • 让大伙揣度猜测了几个月之后罗伯特·丁森终于站出来承认自己与《光之城》的女主角克里斯汀·斯图尔特谈恋爱。

    After months of speculation, Robert Pattinson has finally confirmed he is dating his Twilight co-star Kristen Stewart.


  • 英国每日星报报道,这位影人表示考虑由英国演员鲁伯特·格林罗伯特·丁森担当主角,而《傲慢偏见》中扮演维克姆的RupertFriend会出演。

    The filmmaker is said to be considering British actors Grint and Pattinson for the lead, as well as Pride and Prejudice star Rupert Friend, according to Britain's Daily star newspaper.


  • 近日罗伯特·帕丁森接受Premiere杂志采访,谈话中分享不少电影《破晓》的拍摄情况。

    Robert Pattinson recently sat down for a long interview with Premiere magazine where he Shared a lot about filming Breaking Dawna.


  • 现年24岁的《光之城》影星罗伯特·帕丁森获选英国最佳着装男士”,苏格兰演员杰勒德·巴位居第二。

    Twilight star Robert Pattinson, 24, was named Britain's best-dressed man, with Scottish actor Gerard Butler in second place.


  • 好莱坞最新的《蜘蛛侠》人选安德鲁·加(小编:这个名字真的很干扰……)表示不会像外界传言那样,《暮光之城》的男主角罗伯特·丁森一个角色吵翻,因为他们是多年的朋友

    Hollywood’s new SPIDER-MAN ANDREW GARFIELD is adamant he will never fall out with ROBERT PATTINSON over a rolebecause the two actors are genuinely good friends.


  • 罗伯特·帕丁森觉得克里斯汀·斯图尔特新娘扮相“看上去不可思议的美”。

    Robert Pattinson Thinks Kristen Stewart 'Looks Amazing' as a Bride.


  • 光之城》影星克里斯汀-斯图尔特因出演《暮色3》获得最差女主角提名片中扮演一位吸血鬼男友罗伯特-帕丁森狼人朋友泰勒-洛特饰)卷入三角恋情年轻女孩

    "Twilight" star Kristen Stewart had a worst-actress nomination for her role as a teen caught in a love triangle involving her vampire boyfriend (Robert Pattinson) and werewolf pal (Taylor Lautner).


  • 主演克里斯汀·斯图尔特罗伯特·帕丁森,泰勒·洛特纳

    Starring: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor lautner.


  • 消息称,哈利·波特》系列中扮演哈利好哥们的鲁伯特·格林在《暮光之城》中扮演男主角爱德华的罗伯特·丁森有望一部描写英国皇室生活的电影中出演哈利王子

    Rupert Grint and Robert Pattinson have both been tipped to play Prince Harry in a movie about the British monarch's life.


  • 随着恋情纷扰谣言继续处于漩涡中消息人士告诉《人物》罗伯特·丁森克里斯汀·斯图尔特约会之后已然分手。

    As rumors of relationship trouble continue to swirl, a source tells PEOPLE that Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart have called it quits after more than three years of dating.


  • 最差演员奖项中,英国演员罗伯特·丁森(《暮色》系列影片扮演吸血鬼爱德华·卡伦)惜败亚当·桑德勒(《爸爸的好儿子》)。

    British actor Robert Pattinson, who plays vampire Edward Cullen in the film series, lost the worst actor prize to Adam Sandler in That's My Boy.


  • 最差演员奖项中,英国演员罗伯特·丁森(《暮色》系列影片扮演吸血鬼爱德华·卡伦)惜败亚当·桑德勒(《爸爸的好儿子》)。

    British actor Robert Pattinson, who plays vampire Edward Cullen in the film series, lost the worst actor prize to Adam Sandler in That's My Boy.


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