The other funerary rite is older and hails from the Zoroastrian religion, which has its roots in ancient Persia (now Iran).
事实上,当日本受邀提交一部影片参加威尼斯电影节时,最初正是此类影片中的一部——今井正(ImaiTadashi)的《待到重逢时》(UntilWeMeetAgain, 1951)获得了推荐,不过最终被选中参赛的却是《罗生门》。
In fact one such, Imai Tadashi's Until We Meet Again (1951), had initially been proposed when Japan was invited to submit a film at Venice, but it was Rashomon that was ultimately chosen.
人们认为 米特·罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)和麦克·哈克比(Mike Huckabee)会再次参与竞选,前白宫发言人纽特·金里奇(Newt Gingrich)和今密西西比州州长黑利·巴伯(HaleyBarbour)也是备受支持,跃跃欲试。
Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee are thought likely to run again, with former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Haley Barbour, currently governor of Mississippi, also tipped to stand.
This season we cross America from Broadway to Hollywood where dance legends Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers created the Hollywood film musical in the 1930s.
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For more than 100 years covering more than 150 countries and 65000 employees we have been active in the discovery development manufacture and marketing of novel healthcare solutions.