• 1986年,集团亏损9亿美元

    In 1986 Rover made a loss of nine hundred million dollars.


  • 三角洲位于地中海,距巴塞南部小时车程,当地稻米年产量是1.2亿公斤欧洲大陆重要稻米产区之一。

    Located on the Mediterranean just two hours south of Barcelona, the Ebro Delta produces 120 million kilograms of rice a year, making it one of the continent's most important rice-growing areas.


  • 2001年,他藏洗衣最高警备监狱出生天,那以后,他控制锡那贩毒集团崛起,从滋生罪恶的行当敛财超过200亿美元。

    Since escaping from a maximum-security prison in a laundry cart in 2001, Guzmán has overseen the rise of the Sinaloa cartel, which has raked in more than $20 billion in ill-begotten profit.


  • 女儿米甲,就是大卫了迦琳亿儿子帕提为

    But Saul had given his daughter Michal, David's wife, to Paltiel son of Laish, who was from Gallim.


  • 该机场突出延伸至泰晤士河口,每年服务1.5亿乘客——是机场的倍还——并将全天候24小时运作

    Jutting out into the Thames Estuary, it would serve 150million passengers a year -more than twice as many as Heathrow -and operate 24 hours a day.


  • 第八部也是最后一部根据J.K编写冒险小说改编而成的电影,全世界范围内吸金4.75亿美元。3D电影票收入占到了票房收入的43%。

    Worldwide, the eighth and last film based on novels about the adventures of a boy wizard by J.K. Rowling raked in $475m; 3D ticket sales accounted for 43% of the box-office receipts.


  • 不过现在奥巴马其他顾问注于众议院正在审议8250亿美元支出方案,希望这个方案能够足以改变他们研究过的历史。

    Now, though, Romer and other Obama advisers are betting that the $825 billion package under consideration in the House will be big enough to alter the history that they've all studied.


  • 4亿5千万也算增加价值么?这个数仅仅这几年平均净利润高一点。

    But optimising value? At $450m, the estimated price tag is little more than Phibro's average annual net profit in recent years.


  • 在沃尔特·利爵士在1595年访问过特立尼达著名沥青据说该湖沥青容量有90亿

    Sir Walter Raleigh visited the famous pitch lake of Trinidad in 1595; it is said to contain nine thousand million tons of asphalt.


  • 旧金山Web2.0峰会发表演讲。他世界范围内的人们每天加起来有3亿分钟愤怒的小鸟》。

    Speaking at the Web 2.0 conference in San Francisco, Rovio also said that Angry Birds is being played for 300 million minutes per day worldwide.


  • 戴尔表示之所以开此高价,不仅因为可以通过一个更大全球消费者团体以美国为主的业务出售,而且预期成本结余高达可观的3亿美元。

    Dell justifies that price both by its ability to sell Perot's U.S.-dominated business through a bigger global customer group and by an attractive $300 million in estimated cost savings.


  • 游戏开发者维奥证实,有关火爆iPhone游戏《愤怒小鸟》的电影正在开发。同时,公布已经有4亿下载了款游戏。

    Game creator Rovio confirmed that a film of the iPhone hit Angry Birds is in development, as it announced that 400 million people had downloaded the game.


  • 根据公司统计(图表),2009年全年的交易量只有38亿美元。

    The value of all transactions in 2009 totalled a mere $3.8 billion, according to Dealogic (see chart).


  • 同样参议员里兹因2007年一家国有银行盗取2.23亿雷亚尔(1.2亿美元)受到指控,从巴西利亚参议院辞职

    The same goes for Joaquim Roriz, who resigned as a senator for Brasília in 2007 after being accused of stealing 223m reais ($120m) from a state bank.


  • 全球富有自主创业的女性西班牙莎丽亚·梅拉的总资产接近24亿美元。

    The richest self-made woman in the world is Rosalia Mera (61) of Spain, who is worth approximately $2.4 billion.


  • 款药去年叫卖的癌症治疗药品,全球范围内销售收入高达59亿美元。

    The drug was Roche's top-selling cancer treatment last year with global sales of $5.9 billion.


  • 由于年收入不足30亿美元,佩小得简直不能国际商业机器公司(IBM)以及惠普竞争对手相提并论。

    With annual revenue of less than $3 billion, it is tiny compared with rivals such as International Business Machines and H-P.


  • 奎恩2009年取代不可言喻布拉戈耶维奇(Rod Blagojevich)以来,伊利诺斯州借入73亿美元用于支付养老金医疗救助日常开支

    Since 2009, when Mr Quinn replaced the ineffable Rod Blagojevich, Illinois has borrowed $7.3 billion to pay for its pension system, Medicaid costs and general expenses.


  • 今年年底,又有1.1亿欧元巨款将过期,其中包括彼得应得补助。

    The pot of Euro 110m that includes Mr Petrov's grant is due to expire at the end of this year.


  • 著名魔幻系列哈利波特丛书的一部,自1997年出版,销量已达1.07亿本。

    The first novel of J. K. Rowling's famous "Harry Potter" series sold over 107 million copies after its 1997 publication.


  • 本周早些时候欧盟农业专员契安·乔什(DacianCiolos)建议提供2.2亿美元农业援助,用于帮助欧洲农民挽回至少50%的损失

    Earlier this week, EU farm Commissioner Dacian Ciolos proposed farm aid of two hundred twenty million dollars. The goal was to help European farmers recover at least fifty percent of their losses.


  • 西班牙机场高速公路运营商法·里奥集团(Ferrovial)股价上涨1.7%,至8.07欧元,此前法·里奥集团公布今年前9个月利润达到3.15亿欧元,相比之下去年亏损1.91亿欧元。

    Ferrovial SA advanced 1.7 percent to 8.07 euros after the manager of airports and highways posted a nine-month profit of 315 million euros, compared with a loss of 191 million euros a year earlier.


  • 电脑制造商戴尔公司同意以39亿美元收购IT服务商佩系统公司,在商业多元化的道路上迈出令人期待已久一步

    Dell took a long-awaited step towards diversifying its business when it agreed to pay $3.9 billion for Perot Systems, an IT services company.


  • EvercoreWealth Management成立于2008年,并得到奥特曼旗下EvercorePartners的支持。 该机构目前仅有39名雇员,资产管理规模28亿美元。

    Founded in 2008 with backing from Roger Altman's Evercore Partners, Evercore Wealth Management has just 39 employees and some $2.8 billion under management.


  • Tothatend公司计划里达建设一个工厂,等到2013年投产后,产能可以达到1.37亿

    To that end it is planning a plant in Florida that will have a capacity of 137m litres when it comes on stream in 2013.


  • 据悉,哈利波特大结局上部《哈利·波特死亡器》将正式角逐奥斯卡的“最佳影片奖”,而身价高达8亿英镑的女作者琳有希望制片人的身份走上地毯

    This means she could walk down the red carpet to collect an Oscar for Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part 1, should the film win the Best Picture category.


  • 同年马拉多纳加入了巴赛西班牙人球队转会费达70亿里拉

    In the same year Diego was engaged by the Spaniard team Barcellona, that paid for his transfer the record sum of 7 billion liras.


  • 班加思科公司斥资10亿美元建造了全球东方中心通用电器开设了一个顶级研究中心。

    In Bangalore Cisco spent $1 billion on its Globalisation Centre East and General Electric (GE) opened a swanky research centre.


  • 班加思科公司斥资10亿美元建造了全球东方中心通用电器开设了一个顶级研究中心。

    In Bangalore Cisco spent $1 billion on its Globalisation Centre East and General Electric (GE) opened a swanky research centre.


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