• 奥乔说,“拉格发生的事情,很不巧现在病毒带来的广泛严重问题撞在了一起。”

    What happened in La Gloria was an unfortunate coincidence with a big and serious problem that is happening now with this new flu virus.


  • 职业生涯硕士教练·费建议读者在为他人挑选礼物时,一个清单,上面附注计划消费的金额,最后合计起来。

    Master Certified life and career coach Kristin Taliaferro recommended readers make a list of everyone you're purchasing presents for, along with how much you plan to spend.


  • 米开朗琪著名雕塑大卫这位年轻武士正摆出了一个英勇姿态迎接以色列人死敌非巨人的挑战。

    In Michelangelo's famous rendering of David, the young warrior strikes a heroic pose as he prepares to battle the giant Goliath, a Philistine enemy of Israel.


  • 今年,欧中国艺术节法兰克福国际书展中国主宾国活动成功举行

    This year, the Europalia-China Arts Festival and the Frankfurt International Book Fair have been successfully held.


  • 涉及到嫉妒古老传说中包括大卫以色列第二任国王直到从与斯人传奇的战争中凯旋时,他一直受宠于扫

    Long-surviving tales of jealousy include David, the second king of Israel, who until he triumphed against the Philistines and the legendary Goliath, was well liked by King Saul.


  • 去年的欧·巴艺术节法兰克福国际书展不约而同地把中国为主国。

    Last year China was invited as main guest of honor to Europalia Arts Festival and the Frankfurt International Book Fair.


  • 波安大卫儿子女儿玛哈拉为妻,又娶耶西儿子的女儿比孩为妻。

    Rehoboam married Mahalath, who was the daughter of David's son Jerimoth and of Abihail, the daughter of Jesse's son Eliab.


  • “欧艺术节法兰克福图书展等欧洲公众打开了展示当代中国的人文画卷。

    The Europalia-China Art Festival and the Frankfurt Book Fair bring the European people close to contemporary China.


  • 范围树木受到严重的损害,”力杭德·埃尔南德斯·马塔。 他家住巴达霍斯附近的赫雷斯德斯卡巴尔诺,每年500头猪

    "There are huge areas of trees which have been seriously damaged, " said Alejandro Hernandez Matamoros, whose family breeds 500 pigs annually in Jerez de los Caballeros near Badajoz.


  • 西雅,约坦哈斯西家作大王,约阿施儿子波安,作以色列的时候,耶和华的话临到的儿子何西阿。

    The word of the LORD that came unto Hosea, the son of Beeri, in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash, king of Israel.


  • 士人紧儿子们,就杀了的儿子拿单,比拿达,麦基

    And the Philistines followed hard after Saul, and after his sons; and the Philistines slew Jonathan, and Abinadab, and Malchishua, the sons of Saul.


  • 紧接着瑞典药厂决定放弃此前对加生物制药业领头羊基因泰科公司提出的温和收购方案,转之对其进行恶意收购。

    Soon afterwards Switzerland’s Roche decided to abandon its previously friendly overtures toward Genentech, a Californian biotechnology pioneer, in favour of a hostile takeover bid.


  • 以后,他们有了贝加莫巴托伯托···韦里诺,皮蒂伯爵以及这样的人作为他们的军事指挥官。

    Then they had as their captains Bartolomeo daBergamo, Roberto da San Severino, the Count of Pitigliano, and the like.


  • 来自美国兰士弗摩国家实验室·卡尔迈克尔·维克自然杂志上提出了他们对此事的关注

    Ken Caldeira and Michael Wickett, from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, report their concerns in the journal Nature.


  • 巴萨塞维曾经是社会党的强力支持者,然而社会党在此次选举失去两座城市控制权,同时还是去了两座城市:拉曼查和拉贡

    The Socialists lost control of traditional strongholds like the town halls of Barcelona and Seville, and the regional governments of Castilla La Mancha and Aragon.


  • 对于没有很多好话要说”,安德鲁·StreetDelivery创始人首席执行官说道

    "I don't have much good to say about Ceglia," says Andrew Logan, founder and CEO of StreetDelivery.


  • 住在这里的时候,我们前去探访中世纪山城阿索,英国探险家弗达克诗人伯特·勃朗宁曾经在这里居住过

    From there we explored the medieval mountain town of Asolo, where Freya Stark and Robert Browning apparently lived.


  • 同样参议员里兹因2007年一家国有银行盗取2.23亿(1.2亿美元)受到指控,从巴西参议院辞职

    The same goes for Joaquim Roriz, who resigned as a senator for Brasília in 2007 after being accused of stealing 223m reais ($120m) from a state bank.


  • 正如Banesto(西班牙Santander组织一家零售银行)的总裁AnaPatricia Botín所说,“把西班牙建设成为欧洲里达固然美好但是我们同时还希望西班牙能成为欧洲。”

    As Ana Patricia Botín, head of Banesto, a retail bank in the Santander group, says: “It is all very well being the Florida of Europe, but it would be nice to be the California as well.”


  • 着撒拉铁儿子回来祭司未人记下面。

    Now these are the priests and the Levites that went up with Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, and Jeshua: Seraiah, Jeremiah, Ezra.


  • 意大历史学家尼可·马基曾在《君主》中写道“身为君主,应当注意两件对内关乎臣民对外,关乎列强。”

    “A prince,” Niccolo Machiavelli wrote, “should have two fears: one, internal concerning his subjects; the other, external, concerning foreign powers.”


  • 来自Morgantown西维珍大学天体物理学家邓肯·瑞墨认为,这是一个奇妙发现

    Astrophysicist Duncan Lorimer of West Virginia University in Morgantown calls the discovery "fantastic."


  • 穿过房间幅引人注目的伦左.拉多(LorenzoLotto,注1)所画的肖像画显示中产阶级家庭正骄傲地展示一幅安纳(Anatolian)地毯它非常昂贵而成为地位象征

    Across the room, a striking Lorenzo Lotto portrait shows a middle-class family proudly displaying an Anatolian carpet, an expensive status symbol.


  • 世博网11月21消息:时间11月20日,上海世博会图片展暨“欧中国艺术节——上海文化周”开幕仪式在比时安特卫普市政大厅举行。

    An Expo 2010 photo exhibition and a Shanghai Week kicked off on Friday in the City Hall of Antwerp, Belgium.


  • 刚刚完成了剑桥鲁斯金大学一年级的课程,并希望能通过船上的工作资助自己第二学习

    Mr Cronin, who has just completed his first year at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge, had hoped to fund his second year of studies by working on the water.


  • 大卫勇气留下了印象,最终同意去跟歌打仗

    Saul was impressed by David's courage and eventually agreed to let him fight Goliath.


  • 大卫勇气留下了印象,最终同意去跟歌打仗

    Saul was impressed by David's courage and eventually agreed to let him fight Goliath.


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