• 罗克太太一点也她的思想

    Mrs. Medlock was not in the least disturbed by her and her thoughts.


  • 使罗克太太短促地笑了一下

    That made Mrs. Medlock laugh a short sort of laugh.


  • 罗克太太看出一点,于是这个爱聊天的人更加饶有兴趣地讲了下去

    Mrs. Medlock saw this, and as she was a talkative woman, she continued with more interest.


  • 帕米萨诺7月29日同一天生日,这可是365分之1的小概率考虑到闰年,可能小;某种预兆吗?

    In a 1-out-of-365 chance, or less considering leap year, Palmisano and Rometty share the same birthday, July 29th; is that an omen of some kind?


  • ·罗斯科,是一位有着三个孩子(分别6岁,32岁)母亲,他们住福罗里达州雷廷海岸,这位母亲已经学会了忍受家中的凌乱

    Megan Rosker, a mother of three (ages 6, 3 and 2) in Redington Shores, Fla., has learned to embrace the disorder.


  • 一个欧洲团队英国赫特福德郡大学罗拉·卡诺罗教授的主持下,研究制造出这种机器人以前那些同伴们有好几个显著的不同之处。

    A team across Europe was led by Dr. Lola Cañamero of the University of Herefordshire in the UK to develop the bot, which differs in several significant ways from those that came before it.


  • 女士上任后的第一个挑战可能就是说服这些怀疑者公司一切轨道上能够顺利达成2015年的目标

    Ms Rometty may find her first challenge as boss to be convincing doubters that everything is on track to meet those 2015 goals.


  • 新一年里,我们要撇清关于交易卡罗·安东尼传言全神贯注于如何将主教练汤姆锡伯防守准则一一运用到场上

    We swear off any more rumor and innuendo about staying alive in the Carmelo Anthony sweepstakes and just concentrate on getting Tom Thibodeau's defensive principles down pat.


  • 皮斯通先是纽约做了月的卧底混作了卡罗家族员。因此才能获得路杰罗信任

    Pistone had spent more than six months working undercover in New York, becoming a regular Carmello's, before he could gain Ruggiero's trust.


  • 批准了几十收购案补充IBM业务组合漏洞,这也是女士将会继续进行的一个方面。

    He also approved dozens of acquisitions to fill gaps in IBM's portfolio-another thing Ms Rometty says she intends to continue.


  • 巴加特说:“两个摩托车的人来到繁忙拥挤罗莉市场扔下一个外面黑色塑料布的。”

    Two motorcycle riders came to the busy crowded market in Mehrauli and threw one packet wrapped in black polyurethane.


  • 罗夫同时指出亚马逊所作所为表明纳税一向首要考虑的问题。

    But Mazerov argues that Amazon's actions suggest that taxes have always been a primary consideration.


  • 罗荣洛朗小学年级老师,她全力支持规定。

    Luo Rongmei, who teaches first grade at Luolang Elementary School, is all for it.


  • 莫索另外两个替补球员卡卡阿尔伯特尽了最大努力帮助布拉加队扳平比分,而布拉加队也第一确实波尔图队施加一定程度压力

    Mossoro and fellow substitutes Kaka and Albert Meyong did their best to rouse Braga and their side did respond to exert a degree of pressure on Porto for the first time.


  • 例如米开朗基罗向洛伦佐·展示为了纪念赞助者某个已故的家庭成员而创作的一座雕塑时,第奇批评这座雕像一点已故的死者。

    For example, when Michelangelo showed Lorenzo Medici his statue commemorating one of his patron's family members, Medici complained that it didn't look at all like the deceased.


  • 当晚的世界纪录属于卡罗·范德·伯格,50蛙泳中游出了最好成绩。

    The other world record of the night went to Cameron van der Burgh who set a new best in his 50m breaststroke semi-final.


  • 明年1月女士正式接过萨姆·帕米萨诺执行职位,萨姆将留任董事长。届时将会成为世界商界权力最大女性之一

    In January, when Ms Rometty will take over the executive REINS from Sam Palmisano, who will remain as chairman, she will become one of the corporate world's most powerful women.


  • 在罗阿(Roumeli)峡谷马尼(Mani)群山中徒步行走,利•弗莫尔发现了块非同寻常优美之地。这儿的传统非常浓厚。

    Traveling on foot across the gorges of Roumeli and mountains of Mani Leigh Fermor discovered a land of fierce beauty where traditions run deep.


  • 在罗阿(Roumeli)峡谷马尼(Mani)群山徒步行走,•弗莫尔发现了块非同寻常优美之地。这儿的传统非常浓厚。

    Traveling on foot across the gorges of Roumeli and mountains of Mani, Leigh Fermor discovered a land of fierce beauty where traditions run deep.


  • 作者杰罗.姆Jerome Maida)表示,今年26岁的马克,他一个特别引人注目故事

    The author, Jerome Maida, said the 26-year-old's life makes for a particularly compelling story.


  • 西如果阿根廷能够世界杯夺冠的话,希望这位昨天刚刚回到西斯罗机场26岁XFactor评委能够和他们一起狂欢

    Messi also said he would want X Factor judge Cheryl, 26 - who jetted into Heathrow yesterday - to join the party if the Argies win in South Africa.


  • 为什么维吉尼亚.蒂被IBM任命一个真正转折点

    Why Virginia Rometty's IBM appointment is a real turning point


  • 曼城的确关注俱乐部之一,但是他们并不需要引进。” 亨罗泰对Goal.comUK说

    Manchester City is one of the clubs looking at Romelu but the truth is they are not in a position to move for him,” Henrotay told Goal.com UK.


  • 还有旧金山渔人码头建筑者亨利·格斯,他十九世纪七十年代建筑了条违反地心引力的铁路经过特罗莫克,安第斯山搬运财富

    Henry Meiggs, builder of Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco, constructed a gravity-defying railroad past Toromocho inthe 1870s to carry riches from the Andes.


  • 意志出现不是愿望否定而是愿望合并提升一个更高意识水平上。——罗洛·

    Will not appear on the negation of desire, but the desire to consolidate and upgrade to a higher level of consciousness. - Rollo.


  • 丽贝卡?有时候不得不假装信心姿势一个微笑,假装这些直到做到最好!”

    Sometimes you have to fake confidence, posture, or a smile-fake it until you make it!


  • 北美第一CT扫描仪安装明尼苏达州罗切斯特的诊所1972年。

    The first CT scanner in North America was installed at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN in 1972.


  • IBM证实明年开始弗吉尼亚成为新的行政长官,使成为500公司中十几个女性领导者之一

    IBM confirmed that Virginia Rometty would become its new chief executive at the start of next year, making her one of around a dozen women to head a Fortune 500 company.


  • IBM证实明年开始弗吉尼亚成为新的行政长官,使成为500公司中十几个女性领导者之一

    IBM confirmed that Virginia Rometty would become its new chief executive at the start of next year, making her one of around a dozen women to head a Fortune 500 company.


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