• 完美世界免费游戏王民每个44美元用来购买网络附加设备、积分器材还有的“替身”的全套装备。

    "Perfect World" is free to play, but Wang spends about $44 every month on virtual extras such as additional points, new equipment and even outfits for his avatars.


  • Fitocracy一个健身社交网络需要手动输入锻炼内容,从而获得积分升级。

    Fitocracy is a fitness social network that requires you to manually enter your work-out in order to gain points and move through the system.


  • 今天微软博文确认,《愤怒小鸟即将登陆WindowsPhone7,平且支持xbox live网络服务,成就积分排行榜

    Microsoft confirmed today in a blog post that Angry Birds is coming to Windows Phone 7 and will support Xbox Live tie-ins like achievements and leaderboards.


  • 本文阐述了基于GPRS网络无线POS结合品牌各行业积分管理提供有力支撑系统设计和具体实现方法

    This paper based on the GPRS network and wireless POS machine combining the brand for the industry to provide strong support of integration management system designing and specific methods.


  • 提出基于模糊神经网络积分滑模控制算法

    A fuzzy neural network integral sliding mode control approach was proposed.


  • 针对辐射网络能量计算分析问题依据积分定理提出了电流中值的概念,形成了电流中值潮流模型,证明了电流矩中值形式的电能量损失定理。

    This theorem transfers the problem of energy-based, time-oriented integrals into that of the median current moment, which lays the foundation of network loss calculation based on electricity energy.


  • 为了进一步提高网络入侵检测系统检测性能,将模糊积分理论和神经网络技术应用网络入侵检测提出了基于模糊积分神经网络融合模型MNNF

    The model of Multiple Neural Networks by Fuzzy(MNNF) integral presented in this paper is an effective method to improve the detection performance of network intrusion detection system.


  • 燃料电池测试系统露点加湿器温度控制进行研究提出了一BP神经网络进行参数整定、积分分离PID控制算法

    The temperature control of dew point humidifier in a fuel cell testing system is studied. A kind of separate integral PID control algorithm based on BP neural network is put forward.


  • 无损检测信号处理特征构造的基础上,用神经网络缺陷进行识别然后运用模糊积分对多个神经网络的分类结果进行融合

    In this paper, defects for NDT are classified with neural network which USES features extracted from signal processing. Then classification results from networks are fused with fuzzy integral.


  • 新加坡领域内取得进展,建立一个全城范围的传输网络收集信息驾驶者超过一定积分时收费。

    Singapore is advancing in this direction, with a city-wide network of transmitters to collect information and charge drivers as they pass certain points.


  • 其次,论文设计了两种用于入口匝道控制神经网络控制器——直接积分型。

    Secondly, two neural networks controllers for the ramp control are developed, which are the direct controller and the PI controller.


  • 提出了实现数字化技术需要积分记录仪等设备网络支持同时还应伴随传统资料处理方式改变

    To apply digital technique needs the support of integrator and chart equipment, and a network, along with the alters of conventional mode of data disposal.


  • 网络积分主要用于网络中流问题的考察,所形成的体系可以用于对网络中的问题进行建模定量分析

    Network calculus is primarily used to dispose the flow problem in networks, and it can be used for flow problem modeling and quantitative analysis of flow problem.


  • 本文利用最新全球海潮模型离散数值积分技术计算了海潮负荷部分地震网络台站重力固体潮观测影响

    The influences of ocean tide load on the observations of Earth's gravity tides at part of the seismic network stations are estimated by means of discrete integral using the latest ocean models.


  • 完成的时候,张贴你的积分网络并且观看其他玩家的排名是怎样的。

    When you are done, post your high scores to the Internet and see how you stack up with others.


  • 分析积分分离pid控制算法,在此基础上,将应用最广泛的PID控制器具有学习功能神经网络相结合,得到了基于BP神经网络的PID控制算法。

    Analyzing the integral splitting PID algorithm, and melting the wide-used PID controller and the automatic learning neural network, got a PID control algorithm based on the BP network.


  • 随着相体积分增加,单位面积颗粒分布密度增大网络高分子成分少量抗弯强度降低

    With the increase of solids loading, the particle density increases and the bending strength of green body decreases for the network polymer accounting for only a small amount of the composition.


  • 采用人工神经网络方法建立了结晶晶粒尺寸再结晶预测模型

    The models for predicting the recrystallized grain size and the recrystallization volume percent have been established with the artificial neural network.


  • 为了有效地抑制网络延时网络控制系统性能影响,提出鲁棒数字比例积分微分(PID)控制器设计方法

    In order to restrict the influence of network-induced delays on the performance of networked control systems, a novel robust proportional-integral-differential (PID) control technique was proposed.


  • 反馈网络积分电路单片机数据采集数字控制实现具有良好静态性能

    It is achieved the function by feedback, integral circuit, computerisation data acquisition and numeral control with the computer on slice, and provided favourable dynamic and static performance.


  • 基于积分对数压缩电路指数扩展电路系统地给出滤波器设计网络模拟方法

    Based on this integrator, log compressing and exponential expanding circuit, a passive simulation method for higher order filters is given systematically.


  • 利用积分流形模型(IMMD)思想,给出了含动态电压调节器(DVR)配电网络动态电压分析方法。

    Integral manifold model reduction (IMMD) has been applied for the analysis of distribution system with dynamic voltage regulator (DVR) in the paper.


  • 应用有限傅立叶变换,导出套不同阻值电阻组成的平面正方形无限网络任意节点等效电阻积分表达式。

    The effect resistance between two arbitrary nodes in an infinite square lattice with two binds resistors is calculated using the finite Fourier transformation.


  • 本文主要内容包括CMAC神经网络泛化性能研究及其不确定非线性系统进行积分结构控制IVSC)中的应用

    The main content in this paper include generalization performance research of CMAC NN and the application in Integral Variable Structure Control (IVSC) for uncertain nonlinear systems.


  • 相对于传统回归算法-区间积分神经网络,本算法具有具有更好的识别能力

    Compared to traditional regression method - interval integral and artificial neural network, it has better generalization ability.


  • 积分网络:用于消除等离子体环境中的噪音干扰;

    Integrate-and-dump techniques: using integrate-and-dump network, which can suppress fluctuant noise effectively;


  • 芯片采用桥式拓扑结构器、比较、驱动输出以及反馈网络组成。

    The designed IC is based on the half bridge topology, and consists of integrator, comparator, output stage and feedback.


  • 芯片采用桥式拓扑结构器、比较、驱动输出以及反馈网络组成。

    The designed IC is based on the half bridge topology, and consists of integrator, comparator, output stage and feedback.


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