• 信息网络传播我国著作确立一种著作

    The right of broadcasting information by network is a new copyright defined by law of copyright.


  • 分析网络传播主体侵犯网络传播权主体形式

    It analyzes the subject of Internet media right, the subject of infringement on Internet media and the form of infringement.


  • 第四为了保护信息网络传播利人可以采取技术措施

    Article 4 right owners may adopt technological measures in order to protect their right of communication through information network.


  • 第三视频分享网站侵犯信息网络传播类型归责原则

    The third chapter is the type of infringement to the video-sharing site violated Information Network Transmission Right and Responsibility Principle.


  • 信息网络传播保护条例出台对于健全我国法律具有重大意义

    The coming on of Regulations for the Protection of Information Network Transmission Right plays an important role in perfecting a complete laws system in our country.


  • 信息网络传播保护条例实施对图书馆的信息网络服务带来冲击

    The coming on of Regulations for the Protection of Information Network Transmission Right plays an important role in the laws' healthiness in our country.


  • 内容,信息网络传播权也有特殊之处,包括网络出版复制行为。

    As the content of right, it is special in including publishing and duplication.


  • 基于以上研究本文信息网络传播保护完善提出了自己的观点建议

    Based on the research described above, this article presents the author's own viewpoint and advice on the consummate of the protection of information network dissemination right.


  • 信息网络传播保护条例》第七条关于图书馆等公益机构限制条款

    The Article Seventh of the "Regulations on the Protection of the right of Spreading Information through Network" is the item limiting right related to library.


  • 本文旨在促进图书出版者、图书馆关注信息网络传播保护条例》立法进程

    It aims at arousing the attention of book publishers and libraries to the legislation process of the Protective Regulations of Networked Information Spreading Right.


  • 信息网络传播保护条例颁布实施数字图书馆信息资源建设具有重大意义。

    The promulgation and implementation of the Regulations for the Protection of information Network Spreading Right is of great significance in digital library information resources construction.


  • 分析信息网络传播保护条例图书馆影响,对图书馆应对策略进行了阐述。

    This paper has analyzed the influences regulations on the protection of the right of communication through information network on library, and puts forward library's corresponding countermeasures.


  • 主要阐述技术措施信息网络传播关系技术措施给“合理使用制度带来的冲击

    It indicates the relationship between technological measures and the right of communication through information network and the impacts on "fair use" principle.


  • 第四部分图书馆角度分析数字图书馆面临信息网络传播权制约可以采取措施

    The fourth part analyses the restriction imposed upon digital libraries by the regulation from the perspective of libraries, and it suggests some measures that libraries could take.


  • 出版者广播组织和信息网络传播信息网络传播以及网络汇编作品尚未得到应有的法律保护

    The legal protection of the rights of publishers, broadcasting organizations, network propagators and network compiled works are still unavailable.


  • 现行法律信息网络传播保护过强限制不足,加以规范平衡著作人和公众之间的利益

    Current law imposes more protection rather than limitation on Internet transmitting rights, on which more legal rules should be placed so as to achieve the balance between copyright-owners' rights...


  • 由于信息网络传播具有全球性、复制性、自助性互动性等特点,信息网络传播法律保护面临挑战

    Legal protection of the propagating right of information network is in the face of challenge because of its characteristics of globalization, easy replicability, self service and interactivity.


  • 分析数字图书馆运行过程信息网络传播问题,对信息网络传播权的几种有效取得方式进行了探讨

    This paper analyzes the problem of information network communication rights in the operation of the digital library, and probes into the valid acquisition of information network communication rights.


  • 本文信息法学角度对目前数字化网络化环境下,移动通信网络中的信息网络传播法律问题进行了初步探讨。

    From the viewpoint of information law, this paper primarily discusses the legality of the transmission right of information network in the digital mobile communication.


  • 民间文学艺术作品创作者主要应享有发表、表明作者身份修改、保护作品完整、信息网络传播

    The creators of folk literature and arts possess the following rights: publication right, identity right, revision right, works integrity right, spreading right on net; etc.


  • 我国目前修改后著作增加了信息网络传播”一款,中国的数据库著作的保护,提供了一定的法律依据。

    In our country, the content about the right of information spreading is added into the modified law of copyright, and it provides relevant lega.


  • 通过总结我国信息网络传播确立过程解析信息网络传播权法律特征分析移动通信网络中的信息传播是否适用信息网络传播权

    The paper analyses the legal nature of transmission right of information network and the application of law for the information transmission in the mobile communication network.


  • 我们允许在未经著作同意情况下就非法复制这些内容网络传播

    Distribution over the Internet of content copied without the copyright holders' consent must not be allowed.


  • 美国大学传播教授凯瑟琳·蒙哥马利说: “年轻人把个人信息上传到网络,他的安全将会受到威胁。” 她也是一位保护青少年隐私倡导者

    “It’s the Wild West for teens when it comes to privacy online, ” said Kathryn Montgomery, a privacy advocate and communications professor at American University.


  • 美国大学传播教授凯瑟琳·蒙哥马利说:“年轻人把个人信息上传到网络,他的安全将会受到威胁。”她也是一位保护青少年隐私倡导者

    "It's the Wild West for teens when it comes to privacy online," said Kathryn Montgomery, a privacy advocate and communications professor at American University.


  • 通过模糊综合评判给出教学知识传播教师大小,对复杂网络中的点计算进行了补充

    By fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is presented, the teachers' teaching knowledge dissemination of vertex weight of complex network size, the vertex weight computing added.


  • 网络信息资源开发利用过程中,如何解决网络传播海量信息资源的著作问题已经成为世界性的难题。

    During the process of developing and utilizing network information resources, it has already become a global problem that how to deal with the copyright of the huge information spread in the network.


  • 反向传播(BP)算法常常用于神经网络训练但是BP算法收敛慢。

    Back propagation (BP) algorithm is often used for the weights training of neural network, but the convergence speed of BP algorithm is slow.


  • 网络新型传播媒介出现不会改变邻接本质改变具体表现形式

    The appearance of new medias such as network can only change the concrete forms of expression not the essence of neighbouring right.


  • 网络新型传播媒介出现不会改变邻接本质改变具体表现形式

    The appearance of new medias such as network can only change the concrete forms of expression not the essence of neighbouring right.


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