• 两个隔壁的同事网络照片阿杰看看这些照片

    Two neighboring office workers are looking at pictures on the internet Ajie:Look at these pictures.


  • 我们极力主张身体自主除非自愿,不会强迫拥抱亲吻别人从未过,应该征得同意才在网络上发布他的照片

    We're big advocates of bodily autonomy and not forcing him to hug or kiss people unless he wants to, but it never occurred to me that I should ask his permission to post photos of him online.


  • 尔也因为他的打扮找到了国际粉丝,因为卡罗尔每天都给她丈夫拍他穿着奇装异服的照片,并把照片发布在他们的博客,这在网络上引起了轰动。

    Dale also found international fans for his dressing up too, as each day Carol took photo of her husband in fancy dress and posted it on their blog which became a hit on the Internet.


  • 自己照片一样,人们可以通过地点发送信息,告诉网络朋友他们在哪

    Places lets them signal where they are to their friends on the network, in much the same way that they can "tag" themselves in photos.


  • 一些公司允许客户数码照片音乐储存运营商网络

    Some firms allow customers to store their digital photographs and music on the operator's network.


  • 网络处处都可以看到那些按钮朋友们的照片时请不要惊讶

    Don't be surprised when you start seeing the buttons and your friends' pictures everywhere you go on the Web.


  • 过去十年中越来越多的美国利用社交网络寻找老朋友家人保持联系,分享照片阅读(的书目)、音乐任何他们网络上的见闻。

    Over the past decade, more and more Americans have gone online to find old friends, keep up with family, and share photos, reads, music, and whatever else they come across online.


  • 她们知道自己成为社交网络红人那么必须在自己的页面里贴大量照片

    Girls know that if they want their social networking site to be popular, then that site needs to include lots of photos.


  • 照片通常有着语义含义,它们网络或者应用程序用户传达信息

    The images have a semantic meaning, communicating information to the viewer and user of the respective web or software application.


  • 这些还有更多令人尴尬节日照片出现网络上最近轰动互联网

    These and plenty more embarrassing festive photos appear on a website that has become the latest Internet sensation.


  • 照片显示,颈部躯体卡车轮胎压扎而导致身首异处,这些照片网络上引发了民众与装备防暴装置警方之间相互对抗

    But photographs of Qian's head and torso, mangled under the back tyre of the truck, spread across the Internet, followed by images of confrontations between villagers and police in anti-riot gear.


  • 这个桌面屏幕可以发现网格里应用不断出现更新信息包括社交网络应用电子邮件日历事项照片

    On this screen, you'll find a grid of constantly updating information, including social network posts, e-mails, calendar events and photos.


  • 发布博客网络论坛照片显示公交车大火烧毁

    Photos posted on blogs and Internet forums showed the bus consumed by flames.


  • 其他传媒集团投资者蜂拥而能让人们照片网络日志建立个人网页他人交流的网站

    Other media groups and investors are crowding around other such websites, which allow people to create their own pages with photos and blogs and make connections with other people.


  • 网景公司实际只是打算创建一个用于通过网络阅读保存在其他计算机文字照片程序

    Netscape wasn't just trying to build a program for reading text and photos across a network of connected computers.


  • 网络罗列许多可以照片放在各式各样物品帽子,大手提袋马克杯等等,不胜枚举。

    There are lots of places online that will put your picture on a wide array of items: hats, tote bags, mugs, the list goes on and on.


  • 未来整个浏览网络方式发生改变,所以我们采用了全屏照片平板电脑用手指拖动,或是键盘敲敲就能从滑动

    The entire way of navigating the web is going to evolve in the next three years, so that led us to fullscreen photos and being able to swipe on a tablet or click left to right on a keyboard.


  • 通过添加好友可以朋友大量分享网络有趣内容包括Flickr照片del . icio . u s标签源,MySpace文件,Youtube收藏夹等等。

    Adding friends will enable you to share a wide range of the Web's exciting content with friends, including Flickr photo feeds, del.icio.us tag feeds, MySpace profiles, Youtube Favorites and more.


  • 如果用户还有其他的网络服务处在使用中,包括雅虎flickr照片服务更新Twitter更新。

    It also can include updates from Yahoo's Flickr photo service and from Twitter, if a user decides to turn on those services.


  • 一组视觉错觉照片网络上出现证明我们大脑工作方式了解的之又少。

    Yet another optical illusion has popped up on the Internet proving how little we know about how our brains work.


  • 亲人以为死了直到他们网络看到这些照片

    His relatives thought he was dead until they saw the images on the Internet.


  • (小编:多看看韩剧台剧网络小说……)一位当地的店主得知事件后评价说:“难道玛利亚都看出来照片,刀插在那个女人腋下吗!?”

    While a local shopkeeper remarked: 'Could Maria not see that the knife was in the woman's armpit?'


  • 最近网络上动物们各式各样自拍照空前火爆——要选出最佳照片竞争也更为激烈

    Thee Internet craze, which sees snaps of animals pulling their best poses, is more popular than ever - with tough competition for the best photos.


  • 篇说明:“之前国内网络军事论坛连续发布了中国大连造船厂开工的“瓦良格号”航空母舰的照片。”

    "One caption said:" a few days ago, domestic online military forums consecutively published photographs of the Varyag aircraft carrier being reconstructed at China's Dalian shipyard.


  • 天后基于网络发布名字照片他们逮捕了嫌疑人。

    Three days later, based purely on names and photos posted online, they have made two arrests.


  • 一些被“丢掉被当做废弃品处理的照片网络迅速流传开来,有些评论写道个别乘客干脆无视,直接坐在了书

    Picturess of discarded books have already gone viral online, and there were comments saying passengers have ignored the books by sitting on top of them.


  • 某人难看照片放在网络上。这下成了全校的笑柄了!

    Someone put my ugly pictures on the Internet. I'm now the laughing stock of the whole school.


  • 网络上一个留几手的人,喜欢一些男孩女孩照片评论使用言语苛刻

    A man whose name on the Internet called Liu Jishou, he likes to make some comment on the picture which there is a girl or boy, then he uses the mean words.


  • 网络上一个留几手的人,喜欢一些男孩女孩照片评论使用言语苛刻

    A man whose name on the Internet called Liu Jishou, he likes to make some comment on the picture which there is a girl or boy, then he uses the mean words.


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