• 许多公司具有网站样式外观公司内部标准

    Many companies have corporate standards for Web site style and the look and feel.


  • 如果注册设计师婚纱礼服头脑采取婚礼杂志网站可用样式外观设计

    If you have made up your mind on going for designer wedding gowns, take a look at wedding magazines or Websites on available styles and designers.


  • 比如布局一致性排版色彩样式之类元素都会影响到用户网站理解以及项目形象

    Elements such as layout, consistency, typography, color and style all affect how users perceive your website and what kind of image you project.


  • 通过修改按钮样式可以快速地改变网站外观感觉

    Changing button styles can quickly alter the look and feel of the site.


  • 去调研数以百计网站时,你看到一些可能错过的流行样式

    And when you survey hundreds of websites, you often see patterns that you would otherwise miss.


  • 19显示网站上述样式改变带来演示按钮效果。

    Figure 19 shows the demo buttons resulting from the above stylesheet changes within the site.


  • 网站需要创建许多样式时,可能应用这个技巧

    You will want to apply this tip when your Web site requires the creation of many style sheets.


  • 基本:递归地目录此过程中将样式应用每个XML文件产生html格式网站

    It does only the most basic thing: it recursively walks through a source directory, applying a style sheet on every XML file along the way to produce the Web site in HTML.


  • 如果可以验证模型并用它来显示网站基本上也就是在运行XHTML的增加了少量样式版本

    If you can validate your model and display your sites with that, you're essentially running a slightly stylized version of XHTML.


  • CSS使得网站维护更加简便因为网页的结构样式相互分离的。

    CSS also makes it easier to maintain sites, as the content and design elements are separated.


  • 好的样式网站骨架——尤其是层叠样式表(CSS)。

    Great stylesheets are the backbone of great Web sitesCascading stylesheets (CSS) in particular.


  • HTMLcss开发网站第一知道事情就是HTML(网页就是由它组成的)和CSS(一种外观更好看的样式标记)。

    HTML and CSS: the first thing you need to know to build any web site is HTML (the page markup that makes up web pages) and CSS (the style information that makes that markup look pretty).


  • 适合上班手提包,在许多网站搜集信息包括手提包的样式、销售商价格等。

    I've been gathering a lot of information from various Web sites to find a special new handbag for work, including which bag is sold where, how much it costs and what it looks like.


  • 主题决定横幅图像选项卡图像图标门户网站颜色方案(使用级联样式实现),皮肤则指定每个页面每个portlet外观感觉

    Themes determine the banner image, TAB images, icon, and color scheme (implemented using Cascade Style Sheets) of the Portal site, while Skins dictate the look and feel of each portlet on every page.


  • 大多数网站使用一种称之为“Web安全”的字体帮助(他们)保证所有用户访问页面看到相同的(页面)样式

    Most websites used so-called 'web-safe' fonts to help ensure all users' see 'the same style when visiting a page.


  • 如图4所示,看到使用相关用户id登录网站导致分配样式使用

    As illustrated in Figure 4, you see that logging into the site using the relevant user id results in the assigned styles being used.


  • 3使用IBMRationalRapidDeveloper一个美工设计人员能够创建可以使多个团队成员能够维护设计网站页面商标一致性样式存储库

    Figure 3: With IBM Rational Rapid Developer, a graphic designer can create a style repository that enables multiple contributors to maintain design and branding consistency on Web site pages.


  • 用户身份登录指定样式然后查看网站是否默认Mozart样式网站

    Log in as the user to which the new style was assigned, and check that the site looks like the default Mozart style site.


  • 现在可以开始修改样式属性文件实现网站个性化

    You can now start modifying the new stylesheet and properties files to personalize the site.


  • 如果网站用户每个会话多个视图,您的页面许多重复使用相同脚本样式缓存外部文件更大潜在好处

    If users on your site have multiple page views per session and many of your pages re-use the same scripts and stylesheets, there is a greater potential benefit from cached external files.


  • 一观点比较重要的。css搭建网站时,使用兼容样式是不可避免的。

    This issue is an important one as hacks are a necessary evil when itcomes to building a site with CSS.


  • 充斥css样式画廊展示网站世界里什么网站看起来似乎都是一样

    In a world filled with CSS galleries and showcase websites, everything starts to look the same.


  • 事实上所有页面都有各自不同的导航——不论样式还是内容上。主页的导航条几乎是微软网站各个部分的网站地图。

    Actually, all of the sub-pages tend to use their own navigation bar, in style and in content.


  • 网站支持移动设备一步就是引入一个专门移动设备而调整特定样式

    The first step to adding mobile support to a website is including a special stylesheet to adjust the CSS for mobile devices


  • 也是值得gzip脚本样式很多网站错过这个机会

    It's also worthwhile to gzip your scripts and stylesheets, but many web sites miss this opportunity.


  • 开始调查所有同类网站联盟他们价格多少广告尺寸样式推广渠道等等,是些什么样网站他们的广告。

    First go to start my investigation website for all kind of league, look how much they cost, size of the style of ads to promote the channel and so on, are what kind of web ads linked to them.


  • 通过优先CSS样式网站,在大大减少CSS文件OOCSS结果,再利用,稍大HTML文件。

    By prioritizing the reuse of CSS styles across your site, OOCSS results in considerably smaller CSS files, but slightly larger HTML files.


  • 当初音乐联盟广告尺寸样式只有10多个,而且不是网站常用尺寸导致很多联盟网站因为尺寸问题,放弃投放音乐联盟广告。

    Alliance was the music style of the AD sizes over 10 only, and are not commonly used in web size, cause a lot of problem size because Alliance website, the Alliance to give up running ads music.


  • 使用标准样式时,门户网站管理员通过更改样式立即更改所有portlet外观样式

    When you use the standard style sheet classes, portal administrators can change the look and style of all of their portlets at once by changing the style sheet.


  • 使用标准样式时,门户网站管理员通过更改样式立即更改所有portlet外观样式

    When you use the standard style sheet classes, portal administrators can change the look and style of all of their portlets at once by changing the style sheet.


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