• 周围使一天

    Let the webs flow around you and make your day.


  • 系统经济社会中具有举足轻重的作用

    Net-flow systems play an important role in economic society.


  • 理论框架包括时空理论、理论、智能理论。

    The theory architecture consists of Spatio-Temporal, Net-Flow and Intelligence theory.


  • 从理论上提出可靠性评估随机模型

    The paper proposes a probabilistic network-flow model in evaluating reliability of electric power transmission systems.


  • 网流适用于计算机在线控制计算一种简便计算法。

    The direct current method is a simple and convenient method for calculating power system load flow which is applicable for on line control and calculation by computer.


  • 目前系统进行建模方法很多大多数建模方法系统进行一些静态描述

    At present, there are many methods of modelling net-flow systems. However, most of these modelling methods only describe the static characteristics of system.


  • 然后,给出网流调度周期时段采用边际机组边际成本概念优化运行方式算法。

    Then, optimization-based scheduling of pumped storage units with the concept of marginal unit and marginal cost is described across time intervals in the dispatch period.


  • 实现思路上,先通过确定联络开关切换范围,再前述的计算系统可靠性

    Before reliability calculation with the network flow method, the affective area of tie switch is knew through computation of the AC load flow.


  • 但是如果公司电影电视节目压缩成视频它就必须制作公司签订一个单独协议

    But if Netflix wants to stream a film or a TV show it must do a separate deal with the company that produced it.


  • 如果说转向视频举动使飞公司更难偷偷接近HBO这类媒体公司但是更加有能力直接挑战它们

    If the move to streaming makes it harder for Netflix to sneak around media firms like HBO, though, it will be increasingly capable of challenging them head-on.


  • 3显示双向可伸缩性测试吞吐量系统cpu利用率分别使用SUT中124个节点系统载以太适配器

    Figure 3 shows the network stream throughput and CPU utilization for the bidirectional scalability test runs while using the system board Ethernet adapters on 1, 2, and 4 nodes of the SUT.


  • 6显示双向可伸缩性测试吞吐量系统cpu利用率分别使用SUT中124个节点系统载以太适配器

    Figure 6 shows the network stream throughput and CPU utilization for the bidirectional scalability test runs while using the system board Ethernet adapters on 1, 2, and 4 nodes of the SUT.


  • 12显示测试吞吐量系统cpu利用率分别使用SUT中124个节点系统载以太适配器

    Figure 12 shows the network stream throughput and CPU utilization for the test runs while using the system board Ethernet adapters on 1, 2, and 4 nodes of the SUT.


  • 改进提供SIP全程通信度量日志记录,提供新的通信协议解析器实用程序

    Networking enhancements: the ability to provide SIP end-to-end traffic measurements and logging, and new communication protocol parser utilities.


  • 这些工具使得用户能够合并多个数据内部范围内数据源执行联机内容编辑(可能还包括外部)。

    These tools let users incorporate multiple streams of data and perform online content editing from a range of Intranet (and possibly external) data sources.


  • 所有这些基础设施迅速改善使得电信公司智能成了一个明显选择

    All these infrastructure improvements are rapidly making the telcos' Intelligent Network a distinctly second-rate choice.


  • 增长极限模型一张用各种“库存编结而成、给人深刻印象

    The Limits to Growth model is woven out of an impressive web of "stocks" and "flows."


  • 4显示netserver可伸缩性测试吞吐量系统cpu利用率分别使用SUT中12和4个节点系统载以太适配器

    Figure 4 shows the network stream throughput and CPU utilization for the netserver scalability test runs while utilizing the system board Ethernet adapters on 1, 2, and 4 nodes of the SUT.


  • 10显示netserver可伸缩性测试吞吐量系统cpu利用率分别使用SUT中124个节点系统载以太适配器

    Figure 10 shows the network stream throughput and CPU utilization for the netserver scalability test runs while utilizing the system board Ethernet adapters on 1, 2, and 4 nodes of the SUT.


  • 1显示netserver可伸缩性测试吞吐量系统cpu利用率分别使用SUT中1、24个节点系统载以太适配器

    Figure 1 shows the network stream throughput and CPU utilization for the netserver scalability test runs while using the system board Ethernet adapters on 1, 2, and 4 nodes of the SUT.


  • 11显示netperf可伸缩性测试吞吐量系统cpu利用率分别使用SUT中124个节点系统载以太适配器

    Figure 11 shows the network stream throughput and CPU utilization for the netperf scalability test runs while utilizing the system board Ethernet adapters on 1, 2, and 4 nodes of the SUT.


  • 8显示netperf可伸缩性测试吞吐量系统cpu利用率分别使用SUT中124个节点系统载以太适配器

    Figure 8 shows the network stream throughput and CPU utilization for the netperf scalability test runs while utilizing the system board Ethernet adapters on 1, 2, and 4 nodes of the SUT.


  • 5显示netperf可伸缩性测试吞吐量系统cpu利用率分别使用SUT中124个节点系统载以太适配器

    Figure 5 shows the network stream throughput and CPU utilization for the netperf scalability test runs while using the system board Ethernet adapters on 1, 2, and 4 nodes of the SUT.


  • 7显示netserver可伸缩性测试吞吐量系统cpu利用率分别使用SUT中124个节点系统载以太适配器

    Figure 7 shows the network stream throughput and CPU utilization for the netserver scalability test runs while using the system board Ethernet adapters on 1, 2, and 4 nodes of the SUT.


  • 2显示netperf可伸缩性测试吞吐量系统cpu利用率分别使用SUT中1、2和4个节点系统载以太适配器

    Figure 2 shows the network stream throughput and CPU utilization for the netperf scalability test runs while utilizing the system board Ethernet adapters on 1, 2, and 4 nodes of the SUT.


  • 本文假设熟悉I/O,这两方面知识将分别用于socket连接读取

    This article assumes familiarity with the networking and I/O libraries for making socket connections and reading streams, respectively.


  • 每个netserver实例监听一个专用端口IP地址;每个以太适配器IP地址属于单独的确保专用的通信

    Each instance of netserver listened on a dedicated port and IP address; each Ethernet adapter's IP address was on a separate subnet to ensure dedicated traffic.


  • 对应netperfnetserver远程实例自己的以太适配器上运行,确保尽可能完整地测试SUT之间通信

    Each corresponding remote instance of netperf or netserver ran on its own Ethernet adapter to ensure the fullest possible traffic to and from the SUT.


  • 发布版本驱动程序使用而且以太Jumbo配置好更好地支持这项散装情况

    Released versions of network drivers were used, and Ethernet jumbo frames were configured to better support this bulk streaming scenario.


  • 发布版本驱动程序使用而且以太Jumbo配置好更好地支持这项散装情况

    Released versions of network drivers were used, and Ethernet jumbo frames were configured to better support this bulk streaming scenario.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定