• 科学家们称之为暗物质未知物体组成万物聚集在一起的看不见,在大型对撞机证实另为他物之前也被认为是天使的功劳。

    And the web of unseen, unknown material that scientists call dark matter, holding everything together, might as well have been spun by the angels until the Large Hadron Collider proves otherwise.


  • 进入半决赛郑洁,下一场将要迎战的是莫里克,莫里克是以6-0,6-2战胜英国入围选手巴堤查而挤入16的。

    Australian Open semifinalist Zheng next faces Alicia Molik, who cruised into the round of 16 with a 6-0, 6-2 victory over British qualifier Elena Baltacha.


  • 这个计算使得成千上万的科学家访问大型子对撞机数据史无前例的方式共同工作成为可能。

    The grid also makes it possible for thousands of scientists to access LHC data and work together in unprecedented ways.


  • 2011赛季大满贯最佳战绩:

    Best Grand Slam result in 2011: Wimbledon SFS.


  • 2011赛季大满贯最佳战绩:

    Best Grand Slam result in 2011: Australian Open SFS.


  • 2011赛季大满贯最佳战绩:

    Best Grand Slam result in 2011: Australian Open QFS.


  • 澳大利亚悉尼发现雄性漏斗蜘蛛世界的蜘蛛,虽然不如雌性那样攻击性毒液能致死。

    The male Funnelweb spider found around Sydney , Australia , is the worlds most venomous spider , though less aggressive than the female its venom is capable of killing humans.


  • 澳洲的观众去年时候给了很多支持,也打进但是比赛之前我感觉肩上的压力很大。

    The Australian people had helped me so much last year getting to the quarter-finals, but before the match I felt all this weight on my shoulders.


  • 民谣音乐缺乏恰当的包装宣传,”卢中接受界面采访时表示。

    "Folk music lacks proper packaging and publicity," Lu said in an interview with Jiemian. com.


  • 这些组成有效影响

    Together, they form an often effective web of influence.


  • 西安市西北大酒店二层客房增加五层,对地基结构墙体加固采用预压托换及钢筋片夹板墙

    Precompressed pile foundation under pinning technique is used to reinforce the foundation and structural wall for adding the building named Xibei hotel from two floors to seven floors in Xian city.


  • 这样,系统不但扩充能力使接入综合指挥经过许可的计算机任意时间任意地点通过浏览器接受指挥

    The system not only are highly expandable, but also make the permitted computers accept direction by browser in any time and at any place where can connect to the synthesis command network.


  • 三种方法通用性广泛应用于电路交换分析设计

    These methods can be applied universally, such as the analysis and design of circuit switching networks.


  • 造纸机加压控制系统中,通常会出现耦合非线性特性系统控制带来困难

    In the pressurized head box control system of paper machine, the characteristic of nonlinear and strong coupling always appears, and makes the system control difficult.


  • 采用反馈控制技术电流输出稳定压波动能力

    Using feedback control technology to stabilize output current, high adaptability for electricity network.


  • 证明采用了微分条件函数相结合应用随机选择系统极限定理研究一种途径。

    In the proof, the tools of the conditional moment generating function and the differentiation on a net for the study on strong limit theorems in the random selection system are applied.


  • 最后本文基于SOPC技术设计实现了一块安全以太芯片,从根本上保证安全性可控性

    Finally, the design and implementation of security Ethernet chip based on SOPC are described in detail, which ensures the higher security and better control of networks.


  • 深入研究主动认证方法基础上,提出并设计了一个主动认证模型

    Presenting a strong authentication model for ANs after deeply researching the various authentication methods of ANs.


  • 根据地面大跨度原理设计出结构结构稳定性承受较大变形地压冲击荷载

    Based on the mechanical principle, shell structures are designed such that improved stability and capacity under deformation earth pressure and impulse load can be achieved.


  • 模型通用性可以应用动态路由管理设计分析领域

    This analytic model is a powerful tool. It can be applied to many fields such as dynamic routing management, designation and analysis of nonhiearachical network.


  • 然后将无冲突可重复极小标识配置化为连通-T极小活标识的配置。

    The second, the assignment of minimal live marking for choice-free repetitive Petri net is transformed into the assignment of minimal live marking for the strong connective T graph.


  • 烫带内采用玻璃纤维织成带,高温柔韧性,不易裂开

    The fiberglass crim in the center of the tapes is woven to dense net, resistant to high temperature, strong flexibility, will not split.


  • 这种建模方法适应性简洁列写模型参数矩阵快速准确直观

    The method is applicable and brief, it is fast, accurate and audio-visual to write the parameter matrices of the model.


  • 比赛5艰难的拿下了比赛,你终于在征战澳9年后首次闯进男单8

    The match was a stalemate. After 5 difficult sets, you finally won and entered the top 8 of men's singles after playing for 9 years in Australia.


  • 程序适用三角边角混合平差计算,适应性,运算方便

    The new method, which is both adaptable and convenient, may be used in triangulation adjustment, and triangulateration adjustment as well.


  • 以太商用事实标准具有技术成熟开放性兼容性成本的特点,非常有希望成为这种数字接口标准,存在大量问题有待解决。

    With its mature technique, good opening, compatibility and low cost, the Ethernet is likely to become the standard of such digital interface. But still there is a great deal of problems to be solved.


  • 不喜欢离婚出租车上流社会、纽约上州、吉他断弦、过气、40福克斯新闻声带痛。

    Dislikes: Divorce, taxis, high society, upstate NY, broken guitar strings, selling out, Top 40, Fox News, swollen vocal chords.


  • 玻璃凹蒙冰雕通过印刷不干胶制作各种立体、剔透的精美图案立体感,有冰凌花纹

    WM-glass fovea-meng Ice Sculpture liquid produce a variety of three-dimensional, carved exquisite designs by screen printing or sticker, has strong dimensional sense and ice pattern.


  • 玻璃凹蒙冰雕通过印刷不干胶制作各种立体、剔透的精美图案立体感,有冰凌花纹

    WM-glass fovea-meng Ice Sculpture liquid produce a variety of three-dimensional, carved exquisite designs by screen printing or sticker, has strong dimensional sense and ice pattern.


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