• 关于缺席原因已经多种传闻。

    There has been much gossip about the possible reasons for his absence.


  • 已经通过缺席投票的方式投了票

    He has already voted by absentee ballot.


  • 他们有意缺席了那场新闻发布会

    They were pointedly absent from the news conference.


  • 外籍嫌疑犯缺席审判

    Two foreign suspects will be tried in absentia.


  • 想不缺席任何理由

    I can't think of any possible explanation for his absence.


  • 根据我们记录已经缺席了。

    You've been absent six times according to our records.


  • 没有提到母亲缺席

    She did not mention her mother's absence.


  • 安排他人顶替缺席员工经理工作

    It's the manager's job to organize cover for staff who are absent.


  • 上星期缺席打印了上课要点

    I have typed out some lecture notes for the benefit of those people who were absent last week.


  • 世界冠军缺席使这场比赛变得胜负难定。

    The competition has been thrown wide open by the absence of the world champion.


  • 一连缺席

    She was absent for nine consecutive days.


  • 缺席使这支球队实力削弱。

    The team was crippled by his absence.


  • 议会点名时有17议员缺席

    Seventeen congressmen were absent at the Congressional roll call.


  • 认为就是最近缺席原因吗?

    Do you think that's why he's been absent recently?


  • 大卫上周四上周四都缺席

    David was absent on Thursday last week and the week before.


  • 知道为什么缺席会议

    I don't know the reason why you were absent from the meeting.


  • 名守门员缺席所有操练

    The goalkeeper missed all the practices.


  • 为什么经常星期四缺席

    Why is he so often absent on Thursdays?


  • 知道缺席是否这些课程中的某一课有关。

    I wonder if his absence has anything to do with one of these lessons.


  • 老师也认为大卫经常缺席体育课这件事看起来很奇怪

    Mr. Long agreed that it seemed strange for David to be absent so often on gym days.


  • 约翰逊德尔斯堡德第三上场对阵曼城之后将会缺席本周末对阵斯托克城的足总杯赛。

    Johnson will miss this weekend's FA Cup tie with Stoke City after playing against Manchester City in Middlesbrough in the third round.


  • 去年秋天佛罗伦萨飓风迈克尔飓风之后,美国邮政地方选举委员会合作,确保缺席选票的有效性和及时性。

    After Hurricane Florence and Hurricane Michae last fall,USPS worked with state and local election boards to make sure that absentee ballots were available and received on time.


  • 去年秋天佛罗伦萨飓风迈克尔飓风之后,美国邮政地方选举委员会合作确保人们能及时拿到缺席选票

    After Hurricane Florence and Hurricane Michael last fall, USPS worked with state and local election boards to make sure that absentee ballots were available and received on time.


  • 紧随其后威尔士王子(Princeof Wales)约克公爵(Duke ofYork),他们的分居妻子唯一显而易见缺席者。

    The Prince of Wales and the Duke of York followed, their estranged wives the only noticeable absentees.


  • 他因缺席而被取消理事会资格。

    He was disqualified from the council for non-attendance.


  • 昨天十个孩子缺席

    There were ten children away yesterday.


  • 其他三个缺席至少个人合理缺席理由

    At least two of the three other absentees also had justifiable reasons for being away.


  • 个学生因为感冒缺席了。

    Two students are absent because they have a cold.


  • 确实来晚了,非常晚。当然,我已经给她记了缺席

    She did come late, very late. I had marked her absent, of course.


  • 德农·汤普森由于绳肌受伤缺席比赛

    Deonte Thompson missed the game because of a hamstring injury.


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