• 因此初次修理不足并不是因为技工缺乏能力更确切地说明显复杂的修理需要一种高度集中的能力。

    When initial repairs are inadequate, therefore, it is not because the mechanics lack competence; rather, there is clearly a level of focused concentration that complex repairs require.


  • 这种方式不足之处缺乏明确指挥

    The downside of this approach is a lack of clear leadership.


  • 好奇心缺乏导致相应知识不足知识的缺乏即便可以弥补,但真正做到也是很难的。

    That lack of curiosity produces a relative lack of knowledge, and the lack of knowledge is difficult if not impossible to compensate for later on.


  • 几乎接受本期特别报道采访人都表示目前最大问题不是需求不足而是缺乏可供销售的作品

    Almost everyone who was interviewed for this special report said that the biggest problem at the moment is not a lack of demand but a lack of good work to sell.


  • 一些缺乏同情心孩子可能会通过经历更多的内疚来弥补不足,这可以抑制他们更恶劣冲动

    Some kids who are low in sympathy may make up for that shorfall by experiencing more guilt, which can rein in their nastier impulses.


  • 如果这一趋势预测的那样继续下去他们发现大多数关键医院护理上任的、缺乏经验的以及训练不足护士提供

    If trends continue as predicted, they will find that most critical hospital care will be provided by new, inexperienced and sometimes inadequately-trained nurses.


  • 一些缺乏同情心孩子可能会通过体验更多内疚感来弥补不足,这可以抑制他们更恶劣冲动

    Some kids who are low in sympathy may make up for that shorfall by experiencing more guilt, which can rein in their nastier impulses.


  • 尽管医疗队一直在给工人们输送膳食补充剂,他们还是很可能缺乏维生素D(人体一般通过阳光制造维生素D),时间一长可能导致骨头肌肉衰弱但是个月的时间似乎不足以造成长期损伤

    (Your body normally manufactures Vitamin D with the help of sunlight.) Prolonged deficiency can cause bone and muscle weakness, but two months probably isn't enough to do long-term damage.


  • 一方面,我们不该存在这样推断,认为我们目前的社会智慧乐园唯一的障碍,只是意志力量缺乏公共资助不足

    On the other hand, we cannot suppose that the only thing standing between us and an intellectual's paradise is a lack of will power or a dearth of public grants.


  • 青少年可能人群容易因为日常饮食中的蔬菜水果摄入量不足而导致维生素矿物质缺乏的群体。

    Teenagers are probably the least likely among us to eat enough fruits and vegetables or to get adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals from their diet.


  • 这种指南缺乏一个主要不足之处

    This lack of guidance is a major deficiency.


  • 对此提供理由包括检测不足负担不起,缺乏基础设施以及培训工作人员短缺

    Reasons given for this include scarcity or unaffordability of test kits, lack of infrastructure and shortage of trained staff.


  • 卫生部的反应及时效率也很高,某些必要设备物资缺乏以及诊断能力不足使之受到妨碍

    The response of the Ministry of Health has been prompt and efficient, but hampered by the lack of some essential equipment and supplies and inadequate diagnostic capacity.


  • 指出信贷不足经济增长很大障碍银行系统资本金缺乏又是增加信贷最大约束

    He identified a shortage of credit as a big obstacle to growth and a shortage of capital in the banking system as the biggest constraint to increasing credit.


  • 报告这应该归咎于水资源缺乏管理失败以及长期投资不足

    It said failings in water resource and management and chronic underinvestment were to blame.


  • 不足处在于对网络延迟基于云开发平台风险(如云故障)管理缺乏控制

    Disadvantages include lack of control over network latency and managing the risks of a cloud-based development platform such as cloud outages.


  • 不幸资金不足人手不够,而且缺乏权威制定一些每个人都必须遵守规定

    Unfortunately, it is underfunded, undermanned and lacks the authority to make rules that everyone must follow.


  • 伊拉克阿富汗战争直升机飞行员的需要很迫切,而飞行员的不足使得海外指挥官变得沮丧,他们拥有足够飞机完成任务缺乏相应的机组人员驾驶它们。

    With high demand for helicopters in Iraq and Afghanistan, this shortage is frustrating commanders abroad who have enough airframes to accomplish their missions, but lack the crews to fly them.


  • 早期研究表明,对于那些缺乏吸引力、困难或者花费高任务人们行动迟缓不足为奇

    Earlier research has shown that people defer tasks that are unappealing, difficult or expensive, which is no great surprise.


  • 如果觉得余力不足,觉得缺乏前进动力,有时候需要改变思维的角度

    If your life feels like it is lacking the power that you want and the motivation that you need, sometimes all you have to do is shift your point of view.


  • 确实有些明显不足包括原始数据类型化缺乏字符编码支持(这XML使用来说是个令人吃惊的缺陷)。

    It does have some notable weaknesses, including primitive data typing and lack of support for character encodings (an astonishing flaw given its use of XML).


  • 接受外伤治疗患者出现维生素d缺乏几率最高其中66%患者维生素d不足,52%维生素d缺乏

    The highest levels of deficiency were seen in patients in the trauma service, where 66 percent of patients had insufficient levels and 52 percent had deficient levels.


  • 这个全世界最伟大国家自己年轻人投入战场时,却面临兵力不足缺乏训练、装备不良、补给不力的困境。

    The greatest nation on the face of the earth had committed its youth to battle, under-strength, under-trained, ill-equipped, and ill-supplied.


  • 根据美国图书馆协会统计数据,美国60%的图书馆存在宽带网络网速不足的问题,而且目前这些图书馆普遍缺乏足够的资金来对自己的网络设施进行改善升级。

    According to the American Library Association, 60% of U.S. libraries report having "insufficient" broadband speeds, but libraries are currently being underfunded.


  • 根据美国图书馆协会统计数据,美国60%的图书馆存在宽带网络网速不足的问题,而且目前这些图书馆普遍缺乏足够的资金来对自己的网络设施进行改善升级。

    According to the American Library Association, 60% of U.S. libraries report having "insufficient" broadband speeds, but libraries are currently being underfunded.


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