• 虽然近年来,我国居住区景观设计水平一定程度上有所提高,进行一些有意义尝试但是处于一种缺乏深度设计。

    Although in recent years, Chinas landscape design in residential district level is improved to a certain degree, and has carried on some significant attempt, but is still a lack of depth design.


  • 缺乏深度分析精确性

    He lacked profundity and analytical precision.


  • 想法缺乏深度

    His ideas lack depth.


  • 基夫用来代表所有的金色冒险号乘客名叫陈肖恩青少年本书中也只有区区不到的笔墨,而且人物塑造得同样缺乏深度

    The one passenger whom Keefe presents as the Golden Venture's everyman, a teenager named Sean Chen, receives not much more than a dozen pages through the entire book, and the portrayal lacks depth.


  • 偶尔休息不好没什么担心的,但是长期缺乏深度睡眠妨碍免疫系统正常作用。

    An occasional restless night is nothing to worry about, but a continuous lack of ZZZ's can hamper your immune system's ability to function.


  • 抵制学校传统惯例因为它们矫揉造作缺乏深度温情

    He rejects the traditions of school because they are artificial, lacking depth and warmth.


  • 其中一些产品缺乏深度——我们可以9月份篇文章注意到其中的一些问题。

    Some of its products show a lack of depth as a result - we focused on some of those issues in a post in September.


  • 另外嘴唇缺乏深度也是嘴唇扁平一个因素。

    In addition, we think that the lips lack depth and this is adding to that sense of flatness.


  • 我们全面考虑之后认为:金属两面缺乏深度对比性

    Overall we think that both sides of the metal lack depth and contrast.


  • 演员孙海英再三批评作品缺乏深度

    Actor Sun Haiying time and again lambasted his work for being crass.


  • 这种错觉来自固有因为缺乏深度视觉线索而导致的模棱两可。

    There are other optical illusions that originate from the same or similar kind of visual ambiguity, such as the Necker cube.


  • 长期以来,图书馆服务工作停留简单的图书层面上,缺乏深度读者服务工作理念。

    For a long time, library service work lacks of service idea for readers just keeping on borrowing and returning books.


  • 但是由于文化历史作家们缺乏一定思想深度所以无法创作史诗

    But the authors of the cultural historical novel lack in certain thinking depth, so they can't create the epic works.


  • 当然科幻动作片面临的通病缺乏深度

    Of course, a common problem with action-packed sci-fi movies is their short on intellectual weight.


  • 赖在鼎盛时期使用语言独特方式,促使人们把戏剧黄金时期的剧作家们相提并论,但是的戏剧缺乏深度

    When he was most popular, Fry was compared with the dramatists of the Golden age because of his use of language. But his plays are not deep.


  • 目前,我国科学素质教育研究广度深度十分有限尤其学科教育领域中的研究则更为缺乏有待深入研究

    At present, the width and depth of study in scientific quality-oriented education are quite limited, especially in that of subject education that deserves further research.


  • 研究存在问题主要表现缺乏理论深度社会调查范围不广、提出一些对策缺乏实践操作性

    The present problems mainly lie in lack of theoretical depth, the narrow scope of social investigation and lack of practical feasibility of tactics put forward by the researchers.


  • 导致分歧原因不仅仅价值选择不同主要是分析视野较为狭窄缺乏理论深度所造成的认识偏颇,所以,对沉默权问题有作进一步探讨的必要。

    In the author's opinion, the reason of the dispute is not only the different choice of values, but also the narrow vision field and absence of theoretical depth as well.


  • 这本探讨大部主题内容可能某些领域缺乏深度

    This book will treat most of the topics, though it may lack depth in some areas.


  • 可以相当稳定打出中等速度的球,对各式的击球无法自如运用,并且方向深度力量缺乏控制性。

    You are fairly consistent when hitting medium-paced shorts, but are not comfortable with all strokes and lack execution when trying for directional control, depth, or power.


  • 环境整体意识薄弱容易就事论,“设计”,使创作室内设计缺乏深度没有内涵

    "Overall awareness of the environment is weak, on the easy things," behind closed doors to do a design "so that the lack of creative depth of the interior design, there is no connotation."


  • 报告写的不错不过缺乏深度特别是有关实际风险因素方面

    He said the report was "nicely presented but lacking in depth, especially as it related to real-world risk factors."


  • 需要虽然赛季开头十分神奇,但是霍罗威球队缺乏深度并且需要一些有经验后卫的加盟。

    What they need: Despite their superb start to the season, Ian Holloway's squad needs more depth and some experienced defenders would help in that regard.


  • 批评者这部要表达内容太多结果情节却浮于表面缺乏深度。 。

    Critics said that the movie istrying to do too much, and that none of the plotlines are developed in enough depth, which leadsto superficial storytelling.


  • 缺乏实际管理经验的专业教师教学,科研实践相脱节,对相关学科知识缺乏了解,影响了课堂教学深度广度

    Lacking of practice in the health administration as well as lacking of knowledge of the relevant disciplines influenced the teaching efficiency and effectiveness.


  • 目前关于流域侵蚀输移过程流域尺度复杂变化的研究,缺乏应有的广度深度

    Now researches about soil erosion and sediment transport course with varying watershed scales lacks certain extent and depth.


  • 保险公司经营由于缺乏明确战略产品贪大求全,难以集中使用资源,产品销售未能实现专业化等因素,影响产品销售的广度、客户服务的满意度以及管理的深度

    Due to the lack of clear strategy and an inappropriately broad product range, insurance companies are unable to centralize their resources in operation and are far from being specialized in sales.


  • 保险公司经营由于缺乏明确战略产品贪大求全,难以集中使用资源,产品销售未能实现专业化等因素,影响产品销售的广度、客户服务的满意度以及管理的深度

    Due to the lack of clear strategy and an inappropriately broad product range, insurance companies are unable to centralize their resources in operation and are far from being specialized in sales.


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