• 候选人的评定缺乏客观

    There was a lack of objectivity in the way the candidates were judged.


  • 同时不能认为历史缺乏客观标准而导致历史虚无主义。

    At the same time, also cannot think that the history lacks the objective test to cause the history nihilism.


  • 当然熟悉亲近可以如同滋生轻视一样容易滋生满足导致的总是缺乏客观

    Familiarity can, of course, breed content just as easily as contempt but what it always creates is a lack of objectivity.


  • 抗组药为治疗此类疾病首选药物部分患者疗效十分肯定,如何评价药物的有效性缺乏客观指标

    Antihistamines are the drugs of first choice, however, some patients show indefinite responses to them. There is still no objective index to assess the efficacy of antihistamines.


  • 目前我国铁路建设工程项目绩效评价仍然建立传统的以经验判断主体的评价手段基础缺乏客观标准

    At present, performance evaluation of railway construction project in China is based on the tradition of experience as the main means of evaluation, which lack the objective criteria.


  • 但是每一种产品作用可能令人疑惑这表明联合治疗可能会是种简单阻碍特别是缺乏客观科学数据时。

    While the actions of each product can be confusing, suggested combination therapy can be simply baffling, especially when there are few objective scientific data.


  • 分析网站提供好的用户体验方面效果如何往往变成一项很主观事情仅停留观点层面,缺乏客观依据

    Analyzing how effectively a Website provides for a net positive user experience can often turn into a subjective affair, rife with opinion and short on objectivity.


  • 现今评估方法多数网络安全事件进行定性的评估,不能给出网络安全风险定量说明,评估结果缺乏客观动态性可信性

    Most risk assessment methods only give a qualitative account of the network threat events without the quantitative value, and the evaluation results lack objectivity, dynamics and credibility.


  • 她聪明好奇,喜欢解决难题,像(星球迷航的)斯波克博士,客观现实总体缺乏敏感

    Smart, inquisitive, problem-solving, Spock-like in objectivity and with a total lack of squeamishness.


  • Yourdon所述,美国程序员过去40年中,一直缺乏衡量成本生产率质量客观可信方法

    As Yourdon points out, American programmers have gone forty years without an objective, credible way to measure cost, productivity, and quality.


  • 这种客观阐述缺乏业务系统必须快速地新的更新需求做出反应情况严重地削弱通用实践能力。

    This lack of objective interpretation severely weakens the common practice in cases where the business system must quickly react to new or updated requirements.


  • 答案很简单,由于缺乏视觉方案产生前因后果了解大部分与会者只能凭着自己的主观直觉而不是客观分析来评估它们

    The short answer is that in the absence of clear context about what they are evaluating, most people don't know how to objectively evaluate visual design, so they rely instead on subjective intuition.


  • 然而一备受争议理论也存在着极大理论障碍难题缺乏衡量客观标准结论的妥当性受质疑。

    However there is theory obstacle and unsolved difficult problem in the theory disputed by others: lack of the objective standard of weighing and the appropriate of conclusion is queried.


  • 由此可见六西格玛精确性人力资源这些认为缺乏战略客观领域,也突显了不一般的价值

    Thus, the rigor of Six Sigma can be of great value in areas such as human resources, which otherwise are perceived to be lacking in strategy and objectivity.


  • 但是主观评价透明性、可再现性差,客观方法缺乏理论基础客观结合赋权法也往往注重理论

    But subjective evaluation has poor transparency and reappearance, objective method lacks of theoretical foundation, subjective and objective Weight tends to pay no attention to theory.


  • 叙利亚这些照片缺乏客观”。

    Syria said the photographs lacked "objectiveness".


  • 长期以来,人们对滩羊肉质评定只是感觉印象定性描述缺乏表征其肉品质的客观科学数据

    But for a long time, these are only a kind of feeling impression and qualitative description when meat quality of Tan-sheep were evaluated, and lacking the objective science data to describe them.


  • 原因既有客观晕轮效应调色板效应”,也有主观精品意识缺乏

    The reasons are not only the objective "halo effect" and "palette effect", but also the subjective lack of competitive products consciousness and so on.


  • 传统CAD技术缺乏映射客观现实环境能力限制人机协作环境一体化。

    Traditional CAD lacks capability for mapping objective world, confining human-computer collaboration.


  • 缺乏完善人力资本交易市场也是造成问题一个重要客观因素

    And the lack of perfect human capital market is an important objective factors of the problem.


  • 但是由于缺乏能够客观量化指标,使得心音信号检测诊断评估心功能方面仍然只是一种辅助手段。

    However, the heart sound detection is still only an accessorial tool to diagnose or evaluate cardiac function, because it lacks objective and quantitative indices.


  • 虽然气味一些疾病仍然用作次要诊断手段,但是由于缺乏可靠客观分析工具,影响在现代医学中的广泛应用

    While smell is still used as a secondary diagnostic tool in some illnesses, the lack of a reliable and objective analytical tool has prevented its wide spread usage in modern medicine.


  • 缺乏这种基本科学调查研究情况下显然孟山都公司的证据没有进行能够确定孟山都公司抗除草剂转基因大豆安全性任何客观评估

    In the absence of such basic scientific investigations, it is clear that no objective assessment of Monsanto's evidence could conclude that the safety of RR soya has been determined.


  • 会计信息失真扰乱市场秩序,主观上源于各利益主体利益驱动,客观上因缺乏有效的制度约束

    Accounting information infidelity disturbs the market, which subjectively stems from the interest-driven of the main body, and objectively lacks the restriction of the effective system.


  • 主观上意志品质问题客观高考应试结果身体素质方面是心肺功能缺乏锻炼

    Subjectively, it's the problem of volition. Objectively, it results from entrance examination physical quality which is lack of exercise.


  • 蠕形感染面部皮脂分泌多少一定的关系,缺乏一种对油脂分泌量客观评估方法

    Facial excessive sebum secretion is the predisposing factor of infection demodex, but lack of means objective assessment of the oil secretion.


  • 第三基础教育发生客观变化缺乏敏感性应对措施

    Third, on the basis of objective changes in education Lack of sensitivity and response measures;


  • 第三基础教育发生客观变化缺乏敏感性应对措施

    Third, on the basis of objective changes in education Lack of sensitivity and response measures;


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