• 微波辐射辅助可以缩短反应时间提高反应效率,减少溶剂使用。

    Microwave irradiation is able to shorten the reaction time, increase the yield of the Pechmann reaction, and decrease the amount of solvent.


  • 加成反应封闭内进行,可提高反应温度缩短反应时间和提高产品得率。

    Addition reaction is implemented in a closed cauldron, thus raising its reaction temp.


  • 实验基础上,考察缩短反应时间催化裂化产品分布和产品质量影响

    Based on experiments, the effect of shortening reaction time on the quality of FCC products were investigated.


  • 单一溶剂相比在混合溶剂中反应提高果糖溶解度增加活,缩短反应时间

    Compared with single solvent, suitable mixed solvent could improve solubility of fructose, increase enzyme activity and shorten reaction time.


  • 结果结论所用方法缩短反应时间提高反应选择性收率,可用于工业化生产

    RESULTS and CONCLUSION The new approach could significantly shorten the reaction time, improve the reaction selectivity and the yield, and it is also suitable for industrial production.


  • 结果结论所用方法缩短反应时间提高反应选择性收率,可用于工业化生产

    RESULTS and CONCLUSION The new approach could significantly shorten the reaction time, improve the reaction selectivity and the yield, arid it is also suitable fur industrial production.


  • 采用溶液聚合法制备高性能丙烯酸树脂,饥饿态”进料法聚合缩短反应时间提高单体转化率

    The experimental results showed that using the so-called starved feeding mode was able to shorten the reaction time and raise the conversion ratio of monomers.


  • 选用N,N -二甲基乙酰胺作为反应溶剂缩短反应时间同时,得到盖草能收率光学纯度

    The n, N-dimethyl acetamide is used as the reaction solvent, therefore, the reaction time is shortened, and simultaneously, the obtained Gallant-Super has high yield rate and good optical purity.


  • 例如国家可能开发出快速运载弹头的武器系统,需要一个国家缩短反应时间,制造更多的武器来进行报复

    For instance, one country might develop weapons that could deliver warheads more rapidly, which would require the other to shorten its response time and build redundant, retaliatory weapons.


  • 采用新的工艺方法可以收率得到纯度目的产物,减少焦油的生成量缩短反应时间因而可大大提高经济效益

    By using this new process the end product can he obtained with high yield and excellent purity. Tar formation and reaction time can he also reduced thus increasing the economic, results greatly.


  • 研究结果表明微波法制备有机脱土常规方法制备有机蒙脱土相比,不仅操作方法简单方便易行,并且可以大大加快反应速率,显著缩短反应时间

    The result shows that the treatment by microwave is superior to the traditional method not only in predigesting process but also in shortening the reaction time apparently.


  • 这句话我的理解和你稍有不同:得克萨斯运输研究所提出了一些有助于舒缓拥堵的简单措施缩短事故处理反应时间等。

    p5:TTI points to simple steps that could help, such as shortening the response time to accidents.


  • 牛磺酸合成方法进行了改进缩短反应时间减少了氢溴酸的用量

    The synthetic method of taurine was improved by shortening the reaction time and decreasing the amount of hydrobromic acid.


  • 结果表明,微波辐射能使反应时间大大缩短

    The results show that the reaction time was shortened.


  • 结论工艺简化操作、提高了收率、缩短反应时间、减少了试剂用量

    Conclusion the operation is simplified, the yield is raised, the reaction time is shortened and the usage of the reagent is reduced.


  • 为了保证射击精度缩短作战反应时间舰炮对远程岸上目标实施攻击需要实时获取炸点相对于目标的偏差情况。

    In order to ensure the accuracy of firing and to shorten the operational reaction time, while performing ship-to-shore gun fire, naval gun needs to obtain the real-tine bias data of burst points.


  • 传统方法相比反应时间大大缩短,降低了生产成本

    Compared with the traditional methods, the reaction time is reduced greatly and the cost of production is Lowered.


  • 传统方法相比反应时间极大缩短

    The reaction time was drastically reduced as compared to conventional methods.


  • 结论新工艺提高了收率缩短反应时间消除了毒性溶剂适合工业化生产

    CONCLUSION the yield is raised, and the reaction time is shortened and the toxic solvent is removed. The procedure developed is suitable for industrial production.


  • 微波辐射下,选择不同的阴离子引发剂使环氧乙烷开环聚合缩短反应时间

    Ethylene oxide was polymerized under microwave irradiation using some anionic as a initiator. The reaction time was shortened.


  • 吡啶催化剂,目标产物产率传统加热的61.6%提高微波辐射下的81.6%,反应时间缩短传统的1/100;

    With pyridine as catalyst, the yield was raised from 61.6%(under traditional calefaction) to 81.6%(under microwave irradiation), and the reaction time was decreased to 1/100 times.


  • 同时,缩短反应时间,保证了产品产量质量

    Thus we can reduce the time of the reaction and provide the quality of the products.


  • 现有技术相比,本发明技术方案总的反应时间有效缩短产品收率纯度现有技术最佳

    Comparing to exist technology, reaction time is shortened efficiently, product yield and purity are better than the best value of the exist technology in this invention.


  • 通过合成技术改进,使合成反应时间大大缩短,合成技术更为安全可靠。

    The time of synthetic reaction is greatly shorten by the improvement of synthetic technology and the technology is safe.


  • 反应时间大大缩短收率提高85%。

    The reaction time is greatly saved and the yield is raised to 85%.


  • 带 有孔洞有利于料球高温真空还原蒸气快速扩散缩短反应时间

    When the pellets are reduced in high-temperature vacuum, the charging barrel with holes is beneficial to quickly dispersing steam of magnesium, calcium and strontium and shortening the reaction time.


  • 传统方法比较,反应时间缩短产品收率提高

    Higher yield of products resulted and shorter reaction time give this route the obvious advantages over conventional method.


  • 化合物合成过程中我们采用了微波合成的方法,减少反应产物的生成同时极大缩短反应时间推广工业化生产提供了有力的证明

    In the synthesis process, we adopt microwave synthesis to reduce the generation of by-products and hugely shorten the reactive time, which provides potent proof for industrial production.


  • 化合物合成过程中我们采用了微波合成的方法,减少反应产物的生成同时极大缩短反应时间推广工业化生产提供了有力的证明

    In the synthesis process, we adopt microwave synthesis to reduce the generation of by-products and hugely shorten the reactive time, which provides potent proof for industrial production.


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