• 药物缓解病情然而只能持续数月

    They slow the disease, but only for a few months.


  • 然后才能考虑关爱自我缓解病情甚至是最终康复

    Then they can look ahead to taking care of themselves and to remission and recovery.


  • 即使是轻型患者可能短期迅速改善症状缓解病情

    Even light patients also can't be in short-term inside quickly improve symptoms and alleviate the illness.


  • 即使是轻型患者也不可能短期迅速改善症状缓解病情

    Even light can not in the short term in patients with rapidly improving symptoms and alleviate the condition.


  • 采用本装置治疗病人加上外敷中草药可以缓解病情甚至治愈病患。

    The therapy with the said apparatus together with Chinese medicine dressing can remit patient's condition or even cure pneumoconiosis.


  • 如果一个厌倦打针吃药病人,你可以尝试通过学习缓解病情

    If you are a patient who is fed up with pills and injections, you can take up learning to alleviate your conditions.


  • 瑜珈能够通过刺激脑神经一种名叫GABA的神经递质来缓解病情

    But yoga might be able to help, in part by stimulating the cranial nerve and an important neurotransmitter called GABA.


  • 因此复制不可预测的,这些药物问题只能缓解病情不能达到治愈。

    So we have unpredictable replication but the problems with this drug is that this is only remission and not a cure.


  • 但是近年来,技术得到很大提高能为对其他治疗无明显反应重度抑郁患者缓解病情

    But in recent years, it has greatly improved and can provide relief for people with severe depression who have not been able to feel better with other treatments.


  • 情志舒展、气血和畅则缓解病情加速痊愈甚至药物治疗所不及的效果。

    And the comfortable emotions and the harmony of qi and blood can ease illness, speed up recovery, even surpass the drug treatment.


  • 药物虽然该病主要治疗方法但是患者可以通过合理的饮食调节缓解病情

    Drugs, although the main treatment for the disease, but patients can also be adjusted by proper diet to alleviate the condition.


  • 结论HVHF可以改善严重脓毒血症患者呼吸功能生命体征,缓解病情

    CONCLUSION: HVHF can improve both the respiratory function and vital signs of severe sepsis patients and relieve the severity of the illness.


  • 虽然不能完全治愈但是可以缓解病情加重,也许慢慢孩子们好起来走出孤独

    Although the way couldn't completely cured, however, can ease the condition, perhaps , one day the children could become well and out of loneliness.


  • 结果:幼年类风湿关节炎早期诊断主要依据临床表现有效药物治疗缓解病情

    It is indicated that early diagnosis of JRA mainly depends on the clinical manifestations and that effective drug therapy may relieve symptoms.


  • 结论常规治疗基础加用消旋卡多曲颗粒治疗婴幼儿腹泻较快缓解病情值得临床推广使用

    Conclusion on the basis of routine treatment, adding Racecadotril to treat infantile diarrhea can relatively quickly stave off illness. It is worthy to recommend its clinical use.


  • 银屑病治疗遵循针对病因明确诊断这样才能真正达到控制病情长期缓解病情目的

    Psoriasis treatment should follow the "for cause, diagnosis, in order to really control the disease and the purpose of long-term remission."


  • 公司销售各类药品帮助患者有效缓解病情走出疾病阴影早日回到正常生活当中去。

    The company sells various types of drugs are helping patients to effectively alleviate the illness, out of the shadow of the disease, early return to normal life upon them.


  • 利用细菌治疗癌症方法要回溯19世纪那时侯的医生发现感染了细菌的癌症患者往往会缓解病情

    The idea of treating cancer with bacteria goes back to the 19th century, when physicians noticed that cancer patients who became infected sometimes enjoyed a remission.


  • 项研究表明因为日照过短而患上冬季抑郁症患者,可以借助一个模拟日出床边装置缓解病情

    For people who suffer from winter depression 4 triggered largely by reduced sunlight, a bedside device that simulates the rising of the sun may provide relief, a study shows.


  • 如果症状依然明显的话,就要采取外科手术缓解病情了:切开一个小口并打开肘管以便神经获得更多的喘息空间

    If they're still symptomatic, then there is a surgical procedure to alleviate the problem: Make a slit and open the tunnel so the nerve has more breathing space.


  • 结论拉米夫治疗慢性乙型重型肝炎,缓解病情改善肝功能抑制HBV复制病死率显著影响

    ConclusionPreliminary data indicate that lamivudine therapy can significantly improve liver function and effectively inhibit HBV replication, but not to effect the fatality rates.


  • 结论HVHF可以改善全身感染合并MODS病人呼吸循环功能缓解病情提高危重症病人生存率

    Conclusion: HVHF can improve respiratory and circulation function of patients with sepsis and MODS, relieve the illness, and enhance the survival rate of critical patients.


  • 问题关键在于增强免疫力而不是通过简单地消除症状缓解病情因为这些症状痊愈过程的必然环节

    The key is to help strengthen your immune system and modify symptoms without taking them away because they are part of the recovery process.


  • 结论经皮激光椎间盘减压联合神经阻滞可以较好的缓解病情提高患者生活质量值得临床应用推广

    Conclusion PLDD combined with subarachnoid root block can effectively release the disease and enhance life quality of patients, so it deserved promotion and application in clinical work.


  • 格林老大夫每周都来看他开一些药品其中包括硝酸甘油感到犯病时放在下以缓解病情

    Old Doc Green saw him weekly and gave him medication, including nitroglycerin8 tablets to put under his tongue should he feel an attack coming on.


  • 结论对于禁忌证SAH患者来说,腰椎穿刺置换脑脊液可以迅速缓解病情改善预后,是值得考虑治疗方案之一

    Conclusion for the SAH patients without contraindication, lumbar puncture for replacement of cerebrospinal fluid can improve the disease quickly, so it is one of the desirable treatment types.


  • 过去个月中病人病情已经有所缓解

    The patient has been in remission for the past six months.


  • 那个男孩的病情得到缓解危急为重症。

    The boy's condition has been downgraded from critical to serious.


  • 直到去年夏天,韦比克医生告诉他他病情有所缓解

    By last summer, Wiebicke's doctor told him that he was in remission.


  • 到2002年秋天经过个月化疗肯兹尤斯病情有所缓解

    In fall 2002, after six months of chemo, Kanzius was in remission.


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