• 什么时候骨头可以用作缓冲组织了?

    Since when are bones meant to be used as cushioning tissues?


  • 预定义ROT功能组织缓冲数据库空间SQL活动集群中

    The predefined ROT functions are organized in a buffer pool, database, table space and SQL activity cluster.


  • 我们已经知道空间缓冲什么,以及如何创建它们1显示一个关于如何数据库可视化地组织表空间和缓冲池的例子

    Now that you know what a table space and buffer pool are and how to create them, Figure 1 shows an example of how they are visually organized within a database.


  • 医学科学组织不无严肃地提及脚后跟着地缓冲

    Medical and science community seriously talk about "cushioning" by landing on the heel.


  • 但是如果肯把你的想法分享,那作为一个缓冲桥梁可以更好的将大家组织起来。

    But share your thoughts with me and I will act as a buffer. All disciplines are needed to make a good organization.


  • 所有缓冲组织一个长的最近最少使用(least - recently - used,LRU)缓冲队列中通过最近最少使用(LRU)机制进行管理

    All buffers are organized into a long least-recently-used (LRU) buffer queues and are managed by least-recently-used (LRU) mechanism.


  • 消息管道内部也是组织一个环形缓冲

    A message pipe is internally organized as a ring buffer, too.


  • 多年来,一些专家始终认为跑步关节造成连续撞击可能会诱发骨性关节炎——关节处缓冲作用软骨海绵组织损伤导致的疾病。

    For years, experts indicted that the constant pounding of joints associated with running might cause Osteoarthritis, which occurs when the spongy cartilage tissue cushioning the joints breaks down.


  • RIPA缓冲用于裂解细胞组织

    RIPA buffer is used to lyse cells and tissues.


  • 目的通过研究牙周周围组织微循环构筑的形态特征,探讨牙周膜微血管网缓冲机制

    Objective To investigate the buffer mechanism of periodontal ligament (PDL) 's vasculature by studying the microvascular architecture of PDL and its surrounding tissue.


  • 如果资金有了着落粮农组织从多布莱开始划定缓冲地区人民得以留在索马里,让这场风暴平息。

    If granted, the FAO could begin the program in Dobley, creating a buffer zone that would help people remain in Somalia and weather the storm.


  • 结论枸橼缓冲液(PH6.0)微波抗原修复组织样本PV检测法是CD 117免疫组化表达较为理想检测方法

    Conclusions it is the ideal method of detection of CD117 antigen that CD117 antigen was retrieved by citric acid buffer (PH6.0) microwave antigen retrieval and detected by PV staining.


  • 随着牙槽吸收程度增加,基支持组织应力增加缓冲套筒义齿降低其增加幅度

    With the increasing absorption of the alveolar bone, the stress on the supporting tissue of the abutments and denture bases increased, but the resilient telescopic denture could deduce the magnitude.


  • 标准相同浓度组织PBS样品稀释缓冲SDB)悬液用试剂盒进行检测;

    PBS suspension and sample dilution buffer (SDB) suspension of bovine brain tissue with the same concentration of the standard were detected.


  • 实验结果表明组织模糊控制器不同工况有较强适应性实现可变缓冲行程

    Experiments show that the adaptability of the self-organized fuzzy controller works very well in different work condition, and can realize variable cushioning strake.


  • 搜集裸鼠脏器组织,10%缓冲福尔·马林固定常规石蜡包埋,HE染色镜下观察形态学改变

    Gathered viscus tissues of nude mouse, fixed with 10% dampen formaldehyde solution, paraffin embed, routine he stained and morphology observed by microscope.


  • 进行天然牙种植体联合支持固定修复时,种植体端设计套筒位体,缓冲种植体周围组织应力水平防止减轻种植体支持组织损伤

    In designing the fixed bridge supported by tooth-implant, we can design telescope retainer on implant to reduce the stress of bone tissues around the implant and to prevent damages to bone tissues.


  • 与非缓冲套筒义齿相比,缓冲型套筒冠义齿垂直向加载时支持组织及基托支持组织应力较小而且应力在基牙基托下支持组织分布更为均匀

    The result indicated that the resilient telescopic denture made the stress on the supporting tissue of the abutments and denture bases under vertical forces lower and its distribution more even.


  • 作焙制品、糕点膨松面包、饼干的助酵剂、果胶固化剂(凝胶作用),酵母食料,肉类制品组织改进剂等

    Usage: In food industry, it is used as leavening agent, dough regulator, buffer, modifier, solidification agent, nutritional supplement, chelate agent, flulty agent for bakery.


  • 结论25%蔗糖磷酸缓冲液固定oct包埋的冰冻时间较长的组织标本中提取组织rna用于进行RT - PCR扩增

    Conclusion RNA can be extracted from the OCT-embedded long-stored tissues treated in 25% sucrose in PBS. And all the extracted RNA can be used to RT-PCR amplification.


  • 视频信号采集模块采用ADV7183芯片实现了视频数据的采集输入设计乒乓缓冲数据组织结构实现了视频数据的输入和访问提高数据访问效率

    In the video CODEC module, the design based on ADV7183 was proposed. To improve the data access efficiency, a data structure called ping-pong buffer was presented for the input video data.


  • 前言:目的:比较分析应用塑料与瓷牙对全下颌种植覆盖总义齿及其支持组织能量缓冲作用

    Objective: To study the energy relieving effect of using artificial plastic or ceramic teeth in mandibular implant-supported overdenture.


  • 针对液压机械手油缸缓冲定位之间存在的矛盾,提出一种新型组织模糊控制缓冲定位方案。 设计实现了单片机控制比例阀—缸缓冲定位系统

    This paper puts forward a new self-organizing fuzzy control buffering-positioning scheme, and achieves proportional valve-cylinder buffering-posioning system controlled by one chip microcomputer.


  • 搜集裸鼠脏器组织,0%缓冲福尔·马林固定常规石蜡包埋,HE染色镜下观察形态学改变

    Gathered viscus tissues of nude mouse, fixed with 0% dampen formaldehyde solution, paraffin embed, routine he stained and morphology observed by microscope.


  • 搜集裸鼠脏器组织,0%缓冲福尔·马林固定常规石蜡包埋,HE染色镜下观察形态学改变

    Gathered viscus tissues of nude mouse, fixed with 0% dampen formaldehyde solution, paraffin embed, routine he stained and morphology observed by microscope.


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