• 研究人员他们的方法为“绿色处理”,因为它仅仅需要加热晶格纤维素金属

    The researchers called this method a "green process, " requiring only heat, the crystalline cellulose and the metal salts.


  • 所以英国绿色处理计划力求更低供热费用减少家用二氧化碳排放物房主们也许会启动恒温设备来回应

    So while Britain's Green Deal aims to reduce household CO2 emissions with the carrot of lower heating costs, homeowners may respond by cranking up the thermostat.


  • 羊毛结构特性入手,探讨酶制剂毛纺织加工过程中的机理应用纺织品绿色处理简要综述

    Beginning with the structural characteristics of wool, the application and mechanism of enzyme in wool fabric finishing are studied, giving a brief overview of green treatment of wool fabric.


  • 所以这种绿色蔬菜汁一样需要投下十分谨慎处理茶匙或者少的量,你也可以发现包含浓缩量的。

    Therefore, this green vegetable juice is one thing you have to pay a lot of attention, one teaspoon only not more, you have to consider its high concentrate, too.


  • 除了赞同诸如绿色科技家庭照护外,该党似乎对于促进经济增长更合理地分配资源以及处理顽固通货紧缩等问题均未给与认真的关注。

    Beyond a nod towards things like green technologies and nursing homes, the party appears to give little thought to increasing growth, allocating resources better or dealing with stubborn deflation.


  • 绿色“非金属添加工具(metalfreetool)”标志意味着硅晶圆必须得经过台机器处理以后,才能去添加铜质电路

    The green "metal free tool" sign indicates that this machine is used in a part of the process prior to the addition of copper circuits.


  • 如图3所示绿色线性扩展线每当解决方案添加一个处理时,得到X吞吐量

    As the green linear scaling line in Figure 3 shows, each time you add a processor to your solution, you get X more throughput.


  • 清单5给出蓝色样式化所需样式,清单6给出了红色处理所需的样式表,清单7则给出了绿色样式处理所需的样式表。

    Listing 5 shows the style sheet for the blue styling, Listing 6 shows the style sheet for the red treatment, and Listing 7 shows the style sheet for the green.


  • 无论是使用本地资源回收中心理事会提供的绿色垃圾箱家居处理的废物还原有用原料从未如此的容易

    Whether it's using a local recycle centre or a council-provided green bin, it's never been easier to get your household waste processed back into useful raw materials.


  • 近年来利用绿色化学过程处理难生物降解有机物一个非常活跃研究课题

    Treatment of non biodegradable toxic organic pollutants by green chemical process is a very active field in recent years.


  • 本文ARIMA理论及其绿色农产品市场价格数据处理中的应用作了尝试性研究

    In this paper, tentative research on the fact of ARIMA theory and its application in the aspect of green farm produce market price data processing.


  • 如果测试装置运行弹出任何处理异常并且所有断言通过而没有问题,测试结果窗口显示绿色信号

    If the test fixture runs without throwing any unhandled exceptions, and all of the Assert statements pass without problems, the test Results window shows a green light.


  • 根据视频处理通道中的直流电平恢复电路性能部分全部同步脉冲不会绿色通道中移除

    Depending on the performance characteristics of the DC restoration circuitry within the video processing channel, some or all of the sync pulse may not be removed from the green channel.


  • 带有尼龙涂上绿色乙烯树脂一起处理

    Comes with sturdy green vinyl coated nylon carrying case with convenient carrying handles.


  • 绿色晶体用作染料着色剂杀菌剂、杀真菌剂、驱虫剂用于烧伤处理

    A green crystal used as a dye or stain or bactericide or fungicide or anthelmintic or burn treatment.


  • 好的处理凉爽夏季温暖冬季真正绿色环境友好型优良条件

    It is very good handling, cool in summer and warm in winter, and really green and environment-friendly fine condition.


  • 立足产品绿色设计构建了产品再回收设计的经济性分析模型保证产品回收处理阶段的成本收益之间均衡

    Based on product green design, this paper proposes the product recycling design economic analysis model to assure the equilibrium of costs and benefits at the recycling stage.


  • 例如蓝色表示手套靛蓝色表示大号手套这样的方法区分大小。用蓝色手套接触家禽、绿色手套处理蔬菜方法(区分用途)。

    For example, there are blue gloves for size medium and indigo gloves for size large to differentiate sizing or blue gloves for poultry and green gloves for vegetables.


  • 咨询建筑师后,我们这样处理可以方便调整绿色色彩

    We did this to be able to adapt the green and the colors more easily in consultation with the architects.


  • 我们奉行绿色原则,处理只有一半消耗

    We engineer "Green". Only half of the water processed goes to the drain.


  • 介绍了等级粉煤灰进行活化处理开发绿色新型胶凝材料意义技术路线试验结果分析

    The significance, technical ways, experimental result and analysis of developing new green cementing material with activated low grade fly ash is introduced herein.


  • 甜味剂处理绿色处理奶牛体重作用效果都有较好改善趋势,各组间体重和体况评分差异显著P>0.05)。

    The sweet flavor and green flavor had good effect on dairy cow weight and body condition, but the weight and body condition scoring of each group had not significant difference(P>0.05).


  • 解决室内环境污染方法选择依次为:通风换气绿色植物、空气净化器专业机构净化处理

    The optional methods resolving indoor environmental pollution were in sequence: ventilation, green plants, air-cleaner, cleaning from special service agencies.


  • 增加上海电信绿色通道21个交易中心可靠性并发处理能力处理速度得到了充分保证

    Shanghai Telecom has increased the green channel. 21 Trading Center, reliability, concurrent processing speed and processing power have been fully guaranteed.


  • 指出剂多能绿色开发新型处理化学品研究重点主要方向

    It indicates that multifunction and green revolution are the research keystone and major direction of developing new type water treatment chemicals.


  • 介绍了我国绿色处理使用现状论述了绿色处理剂的发展趋势

    Application status of domestic green water treatment chemicals was introduced, and development tendency of the chemicals was discussed.


  • 介绍了我国绿色处理使用现状论述了绿色处理剂的发展趋势

    Application status of domestic green water treatment chemicals was introduced, and development tendency of the chemicals was discussed.


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