• 尼科莉特和哈里结婚获得绿卡

    Nicollette married Harry so she could get a green card.


  • 技能工人建议经常伴随着这样的口号:“将绿卡钉在文凭。”

    A frequent proposal for highly skilled workers comes with the slogan, "Staple a green card to the diploma."


  • 技能工人建议经常伴随着这样的口号:“将绿卡钉在文凭。”

    A frequent proposal for highly skilled workers comes with the slogan, "Staple a green card to the diploma."


  • 认为德国绿卡命名错的,因为从来没有任何情况被翻译成德国公民身份

    The German Green Card was misnamed, I argued, because it never, under any circumstances, translated into German citizenship.


  • 因为绿卡就是一张完成美国的通行证。

    The green card was a passport to the American Dream.


  • 刘莉莉绿卡持有者享受中国公民相同权利义务

    Liu said that Green card holders have the same rights and responsibilities as Chinese citizens.


  • :依照旨在缓解目前信息技术专家缺乏状况的“绿卡计划,什么样的可以获准赴工作?

    Question: Who will be allowed to come to Germany under the "Green Card" program aimed at alleviating the current shortage of IT specialists?


  • 在昨天晚上申请到了份美国职位爱尔兰公民需要绿卡或者赞助者才能去工作希望这些问题解决

    Only last night she applied for a position in the United States but Irish citizens require a green-card or sponsor to work there, so hopefully things will work out for her.


  • 那儿工作直到拿到绿卡

    I worked there for two years, until I received my green card.


  • 你们统计数据迄今签发多少份“绿卡”?

    Question: According to your statistics, how manyGreen Cardhave you issued till now?


  • 留在当地的大部分拉丁美洲双城居民或者绿卡持有者边境来往相对容易

    The Latinos who remain are mostly dual citizens or green-card holders, who go back and forth across the border with relative ease.


  • 期间,只能持当初进ibm时的H - 1 B签证不得已留在IBM做之前相同的职位,只为了能申请绿卡

    In the meantime, he remains on an H-1B visa tied to IBM, where he must keep the same position to remain in the green card queue.


  • 一些专业工作可能允许获得绿卡基于你过去现在工作

    There are a number of specialized jobs that may allow you to get a green card based on a past or current job.


  • 许多通过亲属成为永久性居民(得到绿卡)。

    Many people become permanent residents (get a green card) through family members.


  • 可能通过美国公民永久居民亲属符合获得绿卡的条件,或通过下面描述特殊类别得到绿卡

    You may be eligible to get a green card through a family member who is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, or through the special categories described below.


  • 可能通过美国公民永久居民亲属符合获得绿卡的条件,或通过下面描述特殊类别得到绿卡

    You may be eligible to get a green card through a family member who is a U. S. citizen or permanent resident, or through the special categories described below.


  • 2009年是近几年工作绿卡H - 1 B签证最少的一年(图示)。

    In 2009 the number of employment-based green CARDS and H-1B visas was the lowest in years (see chart).


  • 如果美国公民或者取得了绿卡,请考虑一条内容,否则简历的读者可能会产生其它想法。

    If you are a US citizen or hold a permanent resident visa, include this if readers might have reason to think otherwise.


  • 申请成为美国公民一步就是申请绿卡费用930美元增至965美元,外加85美元的电子指纹采集费用,只增长5美元。

    The fee for processing an application for the first step toward citizenship, a green card, would increase to $965 from $930, plus $85 for required electronic fingerprints, an increase of $5.


  • 绿卡许多建议个人的拯救地球的方法,其中重要一条就是吃肉

    The card has recommendations on how individuals can help to save the planet, the most important one being to eat less meat.


  • 对于持有绿卡工作签证的人,如果能够适当安排考试的话,这种方法非常适合他们

    This often works for those on green CARDS or work visas if they can schedule their testing appropriately.


  • 那些怀疑美国”还能持续多久人们只需看看等待”绿卡长龙一样,所以那些对南方各州嗤之以鼻的只需看看美国内部迁移

    Just as those who doubt the vitality of the American Dream need only look at the queues for green cards, so those who scoff at Dixie should watch America's internal migration.


  • 举家移居海外取得绿卡面对法律政策突变时候很管用。法律政策突变或是社会不安情绪达到顶点这些都对企业家很不利

    Moving a family abroad and obtaining foreign residency CARDS could also prove useful in case of sudden legal or policy shifts that hurt entrepreneurs, or if social unrest reaches a boiling point.


  • 案件审理时,行政部门可以通过批准绿卡申请使他们继续留在美国帮助那些美国公民注册的配偶亲属

    And the administration should help the undocumented spouses and relatives of U. S. citizens by allowing those who have applied for green CARDS to remain in the U. S. while their cases are reviewed.


  • 那个……能表演的时间不多,因为绿卡马上要过期了。

    So I don't have too much time up here, before my green card expires.


  • 如今一些经济学建议允许更多外国人进入美国(比如,用买房换取绿卡)实际上将有助于启动美国经济

    Now, some economists have suggested that allowing more foreigners into the U.S. — say, an immigrant who buys a house in exchange for a green card — would actually help jump-start the economy.


  • 如今一些经济学建议允许更多外国人进入美国比如,用买房换取绿卡实际上将有助于启动美国经济

    Now, some economists have suggested that allowing more foreigners into the U. S. -- say, an immigrant who buys a house in exchange for a green card -- would actually help jump-start the economy.


  • 如今一些经济学建议允许更多外国人进入美国比如,用买房换取绿卡实际上将有助于启动美国经济

    Now, some economists have suggested that allowing more foreigners into the U. S. -- say, an immigrant who buys a house in exchange for a green card -- would actually help jump-start the economy.


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