• 管理城市绿化树木种植中占有重要地位

    Management has an important position in gardening trees planting.


  • 天牛鞘翅目为害林木园林绿化树木果树一类重要钻蛀性害虫

    Longicorn beetles are a group of important pests of forest, ornamental and fruit trees.


  • 本文介绍了城市园林绿化树木种类多角度阐述城市园林绿化树木养护管理

    This paper introduces types of trees planted for urban greening and makes a description of the maintenance and management of trees in gardens for urban greening from different angles.


  • 上海普陀区甘泉社区居民签署协议自行车代替汽车出行还有社区通过认领树木扩大绿化

    Residents of Putuo district's Ganquan community have signed an agreement to use bicycles instead of automobiles, while other groups are adopting plants to develop more greenbelts in the city.


  • 这座城市绿色树木覆盖着,一个绿化放的城市。

    The city was coverd by the green trees, which made it a green city.


  • 藤本树木作为垂直绿化主要材料具有生长快、易于造型的特点

    The vine trees featured with fast-growing and easy-making can be the main materials for vertical greening.


  • 顺便提醒一下着手绿化家庭:到当地图书馆去查阅一下,或者农业服务部门或育种所咨询一下,看那些树种适合区域以及如何养护这些树木

    A hint to the beginning home forester: check with your local library, agricultural service or nursery about best kinds of trees for your area and how to care for them.


  • 楼前社区绿化一楼各户小花,里边各样花草树木,这个季节树儿争先绿,花儿争芳斗艳。

    Front of a community green floor and the first flowers of all households column, there are all sorts of flowers and trees planted inside, the children rushed out remarkable season the tree green,.


  • 近年来,我国城市园林绿化事业蓬勃发展园林树木养护管理工作,城市园林建设中占有十分重要地位

    In recent years, with the vigorous development of the urban greening career. Maintenance and management of trees in gardens play a very important role in urban greening construction.


  • 构成园林绿化主要材料园林植物主体树木

    The chief materials used in land- scaping are garden plants and the major part of which is tree.


  • 屋顶绿化减少雨水流失帮助原先就在此处树木植物重新找到种植点。

    The green roof reduces rainwater runoff and also helps to offset the loss of plants and trees which previously inhabited these greenfield sites.


  • 但是园林树木栽植需要良好养护管理才能保证树木成活健康地成长发育达到绿化规划设计效果

    But after the garden is planted trees, it is necessary for good conservation management to ensure survival and healthy tree growth and development to achieve the effect of green planning and design.


  • 苹果满足只是现有景观绿化面积增大了,该公司还斯坦福聘请树木栽培专家,本土树木加入其中,包括

    Jobs outlined. Not content merely to add four times more landscaping than the space current has, Apple hired an arborist from Stanford to put in indigenous trees, including apricot orchards, he said.


  • 树木管理办事处总监掌管树木管理办事处,直属上司是绿化、园境树木管理组主管

    Reporting to the Head of Greening, Landscape and Tree Management Section, the Head of Tree Management Office (H/TMO) heads the TMO.


  • 几乎每一个家庭商务场所种植盆栽植物灌木以及绿化树木有的甚至是水果蔬菜果园

    Almost every home or business has potted plants, shrubs, and trees in the landscape, and sometimes fruit and vegetable gardens.


  • 职责树木管理办事处隶属发展局工务科绿化树木管理

    Duties: the Tree Management Office (TMO) is under the Greening, Landscape and Tree Management Section in Works Branch of the Development Bureau.


  • 此外,还用来浇灌绿化花草树木提高工程用水以及熄灭火灾作用悬挂雪梨在冬季进行扫雪

    In addition, for watering the plants and trees used for afforestation, improve water works, and put out the role of fire in its sweep brush hanging in Sydney and can be snow in the winter.


  • 最近几年绿化我们城市方面许多事情已经完成取得很大进展的,许多树木种植许多树木已经妥善照顾

    Many things have been done and great progress has been made in the greenization of our cities in recent years. Many trees have been planted and much care has been taken of the planted trees.


  • 植树节不是中国独有的,在全球50多个国家都有节日,只不过名字不同。 如日本 称其树木”和“绿化周”; 以色列称“树木的新年日”;

    Not only China has a Tree Planting Day, according to statistcs, more than 50 countries have the world's Abor Day, but a different name for.


  • 植树节不是中国独有的,在全球50多个国家都有节日,只不过名字不同。 如日本 称其树木”和“绿化周”; 以色列称“树木的新年日”;

    Not only China has a Tree Planting Day, according to statistcs, more than 50 countries have the world's Abor Day, but a different name for.


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