• 综合分析表明,采用布置方案较为合理。

    The calculations show that the plan of two transversal and one longitudinal secondary beam planning is more reasonable.


  • 综合分析表明三峡大坝坝址所在地的地质构造地壳稳定的。

    Integrated analysis imply that the geological structure and crustal activity at the Three Gorges Dam Area is stable.


  • 常温拉曼光谱综合分析表明包裹体流体为含甲烷盐水溶液

    The type of fluid inclusions was identified by Raman spectroscopy at room temperature. The Raman spectra show that the inclusions contain methane-bearing brine aqueous liquids.


  • 综合分析表明拉杆材料焊接性能冷却速度过快,以致焊接应力过大

    Comprehensive analysis shows that the welding rod material has poor welding performance, if the cooling rate after welding is too rapid, then the welding stress can be too large.


  • 综合分析表明筋锈蚀疲劳循环次数影响钢筋混凝土静力力学性能

    The analysis on all aspects showed that the mechanics property of the corroded reinforcement concrete beams was affected by main bar corrosion rate and the number of fatigue circles.


  • 组构沉积特征物源区综合分析表明,横丹浊积岩系为弧前盆地充填物

    An integrated analysis of the facies sequence, fabrics, sedimentary characteristics and provenance indi-cates that the Hengdan turbidite sequence is turbidity sediments fillings.


  • 综合分析表明双抗基因741节肢动物群落垂直结构具有一定正面效应

    So, transgenic insect-resistance hybrid poplar 741 showed positive effect on vertical structure of arthropod community.


  • 综合分析表明我国西北地区目前优选饲养蛋鸡品种为罗曼、海兰W- 36。

    An overall assessment result showed:Lohmann and Hy-line W-36 were leading white shell layer strains in Northwest China.


  • 综合分析表明胶州湾沉积速率低,属于缓慢淤积海湾典型潮汐汊道系统

    It is shown from the analysis results that the Jiaozhou bay has a low sedimentation rate, belongs to the slowly silted bay, and is a typical tidal inlet system.


  • 流线分布压力响应特征曲线的综合分析表明部分压力导数曲线出现两条水平直线段。

    Pressure response characteristics for partially perforated wells were obtained by analyzing synthetically the streamline distribution and the pressure response characteristic curves.


  • 油藏综合分析表明,搞清二叠系油藏油气赋存状态裂缝分布规律决定勘探是否取得成效关键

    Comprehensive reservoir study shows that it is the key of exploration success to understand the oil existent state and fracture distribution regularity.


  • 综合分析表明有机硒肥平菇栽培特性具有明显影响,总体表现为普遍提高产量、缩短转潮期;

    The comprehensive analysis shows that there is an evident effect of spraying organic se on the growth of Pleurotusostreatus.


  • 通过综合分析表明,本区大致承受北北西—南南东方向挤压作用,即菲律宾板块欧亚 板块碰撞挤压结果

    By synthetic analysis of data concerned this region is determined to be compressed from NNW-SSE direction, due to the collision between the Phillippine Sea plate and the Eurasian plate.


  • 但是海德博士美国心理学家》杂志发表文章研究了过去20年中进行46综合分析结果表明男人女人大多数方面非常相似

    But Dr Hyde, writing in American Psychologist, says her review of 46 meta-analyses conducted over the last 20 years, shows men and women are alike in the majority of areas.


  • 但是Findley强调说,任何病毒性疾病都引发综合症,“我们没有证据表明流感其他病毒性疾病更为严重具体情况具体分析。”

    But Findley stresses that any viral illness can trigger it, "and we have no evidence that swine flu will be any worse, so you have to keep it in context".


  • 综合性能分析表明模型提供位置感知服务传统模型有效

    An overall performance analysis shows that the system provides more efficient location-awareness service than traditional models.


  • 赤水河航道整治工程实例进行了计算综合分析工程实践表明提出计算方法有效的。

    And the methods are used to calculate and analysis Chishui River channel regulation project. The practical construction shows that the proposed calculation method is effectiveness.


  • 文献分析表明惯性测量姿态参考系统理论应用研究主要集中传感器信息综合方面

    Many references show that the theoretic and practical researches on inertial surveying and attitude reference systems are predominantly in the field of sensor data integration.


  • 特定年龄生命分析表明拥挤对白飞虱综合影响程度比对电光叶蝉小。

    Age specific life table analysis showed that the integrated effect of crowding on ZLH is stronger than on WBPH.


  • 分析表明综合智能控制系统选择分级递阶控制结构

    Analysis results showed that comprehensive intelligent control system of naval gun should choose stepped hierarchical control structure.


  • 综合分析结果表明火电厂锅炉烟气净化采用袋式除尘器综合效益除尘器显著

    The comprehensive analysis shows that the combined benefit of bag filter is obviously better than electric precipitator in thermal power plants boiler gas purification.


  • 文章通过对城市滨水区概念阐释综合价值分析表明了滨水区对于改善城市环境、塑造城市山水的重要作用

    The writer analysises the conception and comprehensive value and indicates that Binshui Area has important function to improve urban environments.


  • 进一步分析系统参数衰减影响分析表明可以定义一个新的综合去除系数

    The impact of system parameters on the minimum decay rate is analyzed in detail, which suggests that a new parameter, named the integrated loss-rate coefficient can be defined.


  • 综合分析实验结果表明单个喷嘴进气形成—熔界面形状环状环状团状,其中最常见的团状。

    From synthetically analyzing experimental results, it is indicated that when injecting gas by a single nozzle, gas-melt interface formed showed three kinds of shapes: ring, round-ring, and round.


  • 结果表明综合生物信息分析可以大部分基因提供有价值功能提示

    Our results showed that bioinformatics analysis could suggest possible functions of many different novel genes.


  • 综合分析气溶胶资料,结果表明北京周边地区气溶胶粒子分布对于不同天气背景较大的差别

    The results show that duo to different atmospheric conditions, the distribution of aerosol particle concentration over Beijing and its surrounding areas is rather different.


  • 结果表明模糊聚类分析品种客观分类综合评价亲本、F_1方法

    The results indicated that fuzzy cluster analysis is a useful method of objective classification and multifactorical evaluation of parents and F_1 hybrids.


  • 本文还给出了一个分析,算例表明文中提出综合连通度测度合理的。

    A numerical example for illustration and analysis is given, and the synthetic connectivity measure presented by this paper is proved to be rational and satisfactory.


  • 综合分析结果表明中生代早中期贺兰山地区鄂尔多斯盆地一部分

    The comprehensive analysis indicated that Helanshan area was a part of Ordos Basin in the Early-Middle Triassic period.


  • 综合分析结果表明中生代早中期贺兰山地区鄂尔多斯盆地一部分

    The comprehensive analysis indicated that Helanshan area was a part of Ordos Basin in the Early-Middle Triassic period.


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