• 如何使服务器前端维护页面重新启动后台服务

    How to enable a maintenance page on the frontend server while you are restarting the backend service?


  • 为了简化维护页面任务需要使用不同模板信息标记需要注意页面

    In order to simplify the task of maintaining the pages, various Template Messages are used to "tag" pages requiring attention.


  • 更为复杂场景中仅仅使用单个维护页面以及页面转换上下文传递相结合并不能够满足需求。

    In a more complicated scenario, simply maintaining context with a single item and requiring page transitions to be coupled with context transmission may not be sufficient.


  • 一种技术要求专门服务接收XML请求维护页面不同版本虽然PHP代码编写这样服务器扩展

    The latter technique requires a specialized server to receive your XML requests and maintain different versions of pages, though you can easily write such a server extension in a few lines of PHP.


  • 博客建立起来其他找到博客列出你地址并且维护页面使得你的名字信息保持在搜索结果的前端。

    Once your blog is up and running, address the points you found on other blogs and maintain pages that get your name and message up on top of the search results.


  • Capistrano部署gem包含任务capdeploywebdisable站点放置一个维护页面通知用户站点关闭以进行维护

    The Capistrano deployment gem includes a task, cap deploy: web: disable, that puts a maintenance page on the site informing users that the site is down for maintenance.


  • 用户界面(UI)、业务逻辑和配置缺少其中一些元素,将它们混合一起,而考虑维护或扩展具有功能页面

    The user interface (UI), business logic, and configuration, or lack thereof, are mixed together with no thought to maintaining or extending the page with new features.


  • XM构建静态站点使用软件自动创建维护大多数令人厌烦页面

    XM builds static sites but USES software to automate the creation and maintenance of the most boring pages.


  • 这样无论用户处于脱机还是联机可以使用这个页面维护用户数据

    That way, the page is available and the user's data is maintained whether the user is online or offline.


  • 执行维护页面应该口令保护

    The pages to perform the maintenance should be password protected.


  • 为了减少维护工作量业务分析员不会终端用户有任何页面配置权限

    In order to reduce the maintenance effort, the business analyst will not give end-users the configuration access to any page.


  • 维护这样混乱页面十分费力。

    Maintaining such a raveled page is strenuous.


  • 因为脚本编制元素可能引起jsp页面维护问题主要原因,所以JSTL的主要优点就在于提供了这样简单(标准)的替代方法

    Because scripting elements can be a significant source of maintenance problems in JSP pages, providing simple (and standard) alternatives to their use is a major advantage of JSTL.


  • 组织负责维护有关所制订规范页面,这其中包括下载XMI规范页面

    The group maintains a page for each of its specs, including a page for downloading the XMI specification.


  • 使得可以选择需要任何页面大小并且在整个数据库仍然维护缓冲统一页面大小。

    This gives you the ability to choose any page size you want, and still maintain a single buffer pool and uniform page size across the database.


  • 对于维护下载页面目录方便。

    This will be handy for maintaining download pages and tables of contents.


  • 例如减少页面包含文件数量会造成产品维护性变差。

    Cutting down on the number of included files for example impedes maintainability of the product.


  • 坎宁安他们只是引用个叫作“维基维护目录”的页面

    Ward Cunningham: They just make a reference to a page named WikiMaintenanceCategory.


  • JSTL 1.2一个维护版本它支持统一el解决了同一个jsp页面中混用JSF标记JSTL迭代标记时遇到的问题

    JSTL 1.2 is a maintenance release that supports the unified el and resolves issues that used to arise from trying to mix JSF tags and JSTL iteration tags in the same JSP page.


  • 对于下载部分Web管理员不仅必须选择准备文件而且必须创建和维护一个多个带有实际文件链接页面

    For a download section, the webmaster must not only select and prepare the files but must also create and maintain one or more pages with links to the actual files.


  • 注意,具有良好设计Web站点每个页面应当维护一个一致的外观,而buildbuf函数就是定义整体外观的位置

    Note that every page of a well-designed Web site should maintain a common look, and the buildbuf function is where this overall look is defined.


  • 指明所有页面下列四个div元素之一维护内容个div用于个用于页脚,一个用于导航,一个用于内容。

    Dictate that all pages maintain their content in one of four div elements: a div for the header, one for the footer, one for navigation, and one for content.


  • 列出产品允许它们进行维护web页面

    The Web pages to list the products and allow maintenance of them.


  • 一个文件中维护Web站点页面基本布局有好处但是如果希望标识Web站点的不同部分,该怎么办?

    Maintaining the basic layout of your Web site page from one file is useful, but what happens when you want to identify different sections of your Web site?


  • 一个重要维护领域web页面布局

    One key maintenance area is the layout of the Web pages.


  • 因为Klingon团体英语字母维护自己页面,所以他们可以提供klingon语内容不需要解决任何技术问题

    Since the Klingon guild is maintaining its own set of pages in an English alphabet, they can provide the content in Klingon without any technical concerns on your part.


  • 维护XMI参考大全页面

    Maintains an XMI reference page.


  • 3使用IBMRationalRapidDeveloper一个美工设计人员能够创建可以使多个团队成员能够维护设计网站页面商标一致性样式存储库

    Figure 3: With IBM Rational Rapid Developer, a graphic designer can create a style repository that enables multiple contributors to maintain design and branding consistency on Web site pages.


  • Chin女士Facebook现在已经认识到问题重要性,正在寻找一个恰当的办法维护那些页面,并把它们当作可以网上分享悲伤、悼念死者的地方

    Ms. Chin says Facebook now recognizes the importance of finding an appropriate way to preserve those pages as a place where the mourning process can be shared online.


  • Chin女士Facebook现在已经认识到问题重要性,正在寻找一个恰当的办法维护那些页面,并把它们当作可以网上分享悲伤、悼念死者的地方

    Ms. Chin says Facebook now recognizes the importance of finding an appropriate way to preserve those pages as a place where the mourning process can be shared online.


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