• 科克&维尔克斯公司1867年起就一直是世界范围内蒸汽生产技术设备领头企业。

    Since 1867, The Babcock &Wilcox Company (B&W) has been the leading worldwide producer ofsteam generation technology and equipment.


  • 克斯维尔田纳西大学就是处于这种困境一个例子

    The University of Tennessee in Knoxville offers one example of this dilemma.


  • x现年75丹顿已经退休,住田纳西州的诺克斯维尔市。除了事故原因不同,他还一口气给我们列出了好几条其他不同之处。

    Now 75 and retired in Knoxville, Tennessee, Denton reels off the other differences.


  • 虽然休斯敦并未像加尔维斯顿那样受到风暴正面袭击,但“克”仍旧摧毁该市抽水系统,其破坏程度足以整个卫生保健系统造成威胁。

    While Houston did not take the brunt of the storm the way Galveston did, Ike did knock out the city's water pumping systems, and that was sufficient to threaten the whole health-care system.


  • 居民返回德州海岸加尔维斯顿亲眼目睹飓风艾克造成毁坏惨状

    Residents returned to Galveston , on the Texas coast, and saw for themselves the devastation wreaked by Hurricane Ike.


  • 地处“艾克”飓风中心加尔维斯顿,至今没有恢复供电,污水排水系统瘫痪,医院也没有接收病患。

    And in Galveston - which was in the eye of the storm - there is still no power, no operating sewage system and no functioning hospital.


  • 的下一本书行动蓝图值得创建未来》,同时也在《风尚》田纳西周诺克斯维尔卫报》专栏

    His follow-up book is Blueprint for Action: a Future Worth Creating, and he writes regular columns for Esquire and the Knoxville News Sentinel.


  • 照片上,刚刚穿上企鹅“埃尔维斯”居住新西兰赖斯特彻奇“国际南极中心18只企鹅中的只。

    The newly shod bird, seen here, is one of 18 "second chance" little penguins now living at the International Antarctic Centre in Christchurch, New Zealand.


  • 因此贝克博士华盛顿大学电脑科学家邹兰•波波维克,研究生赛斯·安德瑞恩•特瑞尔着手编制一个引人入胜的游戏

    So Dr Baker, Zoran Popovic, a computer scientist at the University of Washington, and graduate students Seth Cooper and Adrien Treuille set about creating a compelling computer game.


  • 这个研究表明,“在明白决定已作出,其实的意识已作出了决定。”来自夏洛特·维尔弗吉尼亚大学社会心理学雷恩·诺斯克

    The study shows that "your mind may decide before you know that it did," says Brian Nosek, a social psychologist at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville.


  • 与此同时到了尼克松助理克罗手中,很巧的,克罗是艾尔维斯粉丝

    Meanwhile, his letter was delivered to Nixon aide Egil "Bud" Krogh, who happened to be an Elvis fan.


  • 增长好事见得足以改善营养”,作者:奥利维尔·埃克克莱门斯·布雷·辛格,卡尔·波夫。

    Growth is good, but not enough to improve nutrition ", by Olivier Ecker, Clemens Breisinger and Karl Pauw."


  • 斯坦福警官瑞奇·康克林上尉,现年55纳什朋友,现年70岁的桑德拉埃罗尔德家里,这个名叫特拉维斯黑猩猩跳到她身上,并且开始她、捶击她。

    Nash, 55, had just arrived at the home of her friend, Sandra Herold, 70, when the chimp, named Travis, jumped on her and began biting and mauling her, said Stamford Police Capt. Rich Conklin.


  • 当然,巴塞名出色的前锋佩德罗大卫.维拉中场哈维.埃尔南德斯伊涅斯塔塞尔吉奥.布斯克兹和阿尔维斯能轻易比赛出色表现。

    In Pedro and David Villa, Barcelona has two top strikers, and midfielders Xavi Hernandez, Andres Iniesta, Sergio Busquets and Dani Alves are easily the top midfield in the game.


  • 报道曼城今夏需要切尔西争夺阿贾克斯后卫格里高利·范德·维尔

    According to reports Manchester City will face a battle with Chelsea FC in the summer to land Ajax defender Gregory van der Wiel.


  • 关系到德斯提妮·维勒爱丽丝·约翰逊问题,关系到凯瑟琳·狄克逊孩子们和法泊尔的家庭企业的问题。

    This is about Destiny Wheeler and Alice Johnson. It's about Cathleen Dixon's children, and the Fabers' family business.


  • 夏洛特地处于华盛顿亚特兰大州之间看上去不过是一个怡人中等大小城市,就克斯维尔里士满诺福克这几个城市一样。

    It seems just one of several pleasant, medium-sized cities—such as Knoxville, Richmond and Norfolkbetween Washington, DC, and Atlanta.


  • 2008年,飓风艾克(Hurricane Ike)摧毁了加尔维斯顿所拥有2400名雇员其中120人为教学人员)的大学,邹博士同年11月失业

    He left in November 2008, one of 2,400 employees, including 120 faculty members, who were laid off after Hurricane Ike devastated the city and the university.


  • 痛失亲人家属克斯维尔(93号航班坠毁地)的居民结成深厚友谊

    Shanksville is the scene of friendships forged between residents of that town, and families who lost loved ones there.


  • 美国马里兰州罗克·维尔市ShadyGroveFertility中心生殖内分泌学家罗伯特·斯蒂尔曼说:“以前报道年龄要早流失比例大。”

    That's a greater percentage of loss at an earlier age than had previously been reported, "says reproductive endocrinologist Robert Stillman, of Shady Grove Fertility in Rockville, Md."


  • 巴黎同学,后来的小说家让-奥利维尔·泰德斯克(Jean-OlivierTedesco)认为不必地铁说:“不会追赶列车。”

    My classmate in Paris, the novelist-to-be Jean-Olivier Tedesco, pronounced, as he prevented me from running to catch a subway, "I don't run for trains."


  • 1975年新年除夕之夜,埃尔维斯·普莱斯利(ElvisPresley)带到密歇根州,参加在底特律附近的庞蒂亚克银蛋球场举办的音乐会,球场可容纳八万人。

    For New Year's Eve 1975, I took Elvis Presley to Pontiac, Mich., for a concert at the Silverdome, which is the 80,000-seat stadium right outside Detroit.


  • 来自爱沙尼亚拉•弗苟克丽斯提•维尔特洛普夫妇障碍绊倒,以5之差屈居第二

    Estonia's Alar Voogle and Kristi Viltrop tripped in the water obstacle and were second some five seconds behind the winners.


  • 亚历克西斯•托克维尔盎格鲁-撒逊世界探险没有美国

    ALEXIS DE TOCQUEVILLE's Chronicles of the Anglo-Saxon world did not stop with America.


  • 据《克拉克·斯维尔叶子纪事报》(Clarksville Leaf Chronicle)报道已经通过官方合法程序改变塔基州的出生证明田纳西州驾驶执照性别

    The Clarksville Leaf Chronicle reported that she had officials legally change the gender on her Kentucky birth certificate and Tennessee driver's license.


  • 6月9日迪丹吉查理斯·约翰逊兄弟爱德华·约翰逊,杰拉尔丁·约翰逊,格伦·约翰逊,奥克·塔维娅埃尔南德朱厄妮塔·门德斯一起下来告诉他们他们哥哥英雄故事

    Dingee sat down with Charles Johnson's siblings Edward Johnson, Geraldine Johnson, Glenn Johnson, Octavia Hernandez and Juanita Mendez on June 9 to tell them the story of their brother's heroism.


  • 6月9日迪丹吉查理斯·约翰逊兄弟爱德华·约翰逊,杰拉尔丁·约翰逊,格伦·约翰逊,奥克·塔维娅埃尔南德朱厄妮塔·门德斯一起下来告诉他们他们哥哥英雄故事

    Dingee sat down with Charles Johnson's siblings Edward Johnson, Geraldine Johnson, Glenn Johnson, Octavia Hernandez and Juanita Mendez on June 9 to tell them the story of their brother's heroism.


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