• 青春小鸟充份展现了郭维国艺术技巧表现能力

    My Little Bird of Youth also showcases the artistic technique and representation skills of Kuo Wei Kuo.


  • 2005年成立上海市教育高地项目——《导演艺术工作室》,聘请了熊源伟、维国位客座教授

    In 2005, the "Directors' Art Studio" was established as a Shanghai Education Highland Project, and two guest professors were invited in the project – Xiong Yuanwei and Jiang Weiguo.


  • 马拉世界最大烟草出口,晾干后的烟草被用于混合型烟草。

    Malawi is the world’s biggest exporter of burley, an air-dried tobacco used in cigarette blends.


  • 过去几年我们看到一些非洲报告儿童死亡率降低25- 30%,例如马达加斯加马拉莫桑比克坦桑尼亚联合共和

    In the last few years we have seen several African countries report reductions in child mortality of 25-30%, for example Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique and the United Republic of Tanzania.


  • 梅德杰夫谈到改善合作前景即使一些领域存在分歧,仍然可以讨论很多共同关心的问题。

    Speaking in Russian, he talked about the prospects for improving cooperation, saying there are many concerns the two countries can address together, even though they have differences in other areas.


  • 卫生部长迈克尔·宣布了一项计划允许互相对方食品药物医疗器械生产厂商进行安全检查

    Michael Leavitt, America's health secretary, unveiled a plan to allow both countries to make surprise safety inspections of each other's factories producing food, medical devices and drugs.


  • 麻省理工奥利亚·布兰切特将西班牙看作所谓欧元区衰退轮值表”中下一个可能的受害

    Olivier Blanchard, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, sees Spain as a plausible next victim of what he calls "the rotating slumps under the euro".


  • 至于伊拉克作类比即使人也不能说卡·什世界的安全造成威胁。

    As for the Iraqi parallel, not even the Russians pretend that Mr Saakashvili has ever been a threat to his neighbours and to the world.


  • 作为斯亚半岛挪威西海岸粗旷崎岖峡湾围成。冰河时期后所遗留下来的座又一座巍巍雄耸立于峡湾侧旁。

    The most northerly of the three Scandinavian countries, Norway's western coast is made up of a series of rugged fjords flanked by majestic mountains carved out by the Ice Age.


  • 林一案说明了各成员对欧盟重要性

    The Severin case shows how important EU membership is.


  • 世行支持孟加拉尼加拉瓜塞内加尔、布基拉法肯尼亚牙买加马拉实施天气指数保险项目

    The World Bank also supports weather index insurance initiatives in Bangladesh, Nicaragua, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Jamaica, and Malawi.


  • 这些包括很多比如基茨岛,还包括了一些人口稠密,比如孟加拉还有一些中等经济实力家,沙特阿拉伯。

    The list includes some minnows like St Kitts and Nevis, some populous countries like Bangladesh and some middle-ranking economic powers like Saudi Arabia.


  • 斯科考虑跟随其他公司的脚步,将公司转移工资水平更低的缅甸孟加拉或是越南相反的我们回来了,回到乔治亚

    Scovill considered following other foreign multinationals to lower-wage Myanmar, Bangladesh or Vietnam, but decided instead to come home to Georgia.


  • 之后,萨奥尔一行前往距海利根达姆45公里斯玛,来自的74位青年代表将讨论目前世界所面临主要问题主会场遥相呼应

    Later the group will go to Wismar, about 45 kilometers from Heiligendamm, where 74 youths from the G8 countries are debating the main problems facing the world, in parallel to the main summit.


  • 它们送到参展真的很难得,要知道关系在2006年因移居伦敦的前克格勃成员亚历山大·利特年科被毒死一案而进入冷淡期。

    That they should be sent to Britain is impressive, given the frosty state of relations between the two countries since the 2006 assassination of Alexander Litvinenko, an ex-KGB man, in London.


  • 经纪人已经阿森纳利物浦热刺埃弗顿切尔西桑德兰以及利亚尤文等接触过。

    My agent has been contacted by Arsenal, Liverpool, Tottenham, Everton, Chelsea and Sunderland in the Premier League along with other clubs like Sevilla, Inter and Juventus.


  • 新闻官加诺接受意大利电视台采访时说,莫拉蒂没有媒体透露任何关于耶里转会之事。

    Inter press officer Paolo Vigano told an Italian television station that Moratti had not spoken to English media sources about Vieri.


  • 不过联合粮农组织阿里·诺说,对于这些家庭来说牲口就是他们的一切

    But Luca Alinovi of the U. N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) says, to these families the animals are everything.


  • 马奇亚·偏好这类极端情势表述出相信重大危机的当头,存亡面临考验之时,人类本性才会真正显现出来。

    Machiavelli's preference for these extreme situations expresses his belief that only in moments of great crisis, where the very existence of a state is at risk, does human nature truly reveal itself.


  • 之所以我们世界平面不是因为我们就是这么称呼的,而是为了清晰你们描述自然状态的朋友们,你们多么幸福可以生活空间

    I call our world Flatland, not because we call it so, but to make its nature clearer to you, my happy readers, who are privileged to live in Space.


  • 之所以我们世界平面不是因为我们就是这么称呼的,而是为了清晰你们描述自然状态的朋友们,你们多么幸福可以生活空间

    I call our world Flatland, not because we call it so, but to make its nature clearer to you, my happy readers, who are privileged to live in Space.


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